Favorite diet for losing weight from 3 to 15 kg in three weeks. What do you eat to lose weight on the “Favorite” diet?

Why they call it that is a mystery without an answer, but perhaps because it is short-lived and incredibly effective, and the menu has food for every taste.

And to understand whether the Favorite diet is suitable, you need to know the most important thing about it.

Secrets of effectiveness and real benefits of the Favorite diet for weight loss

Favorite is one of the most unusual and popular weight loss methods, which is a kind of assortment of diverse fasting days.

According to scientific data, when the body is constantly forced to rearrange its metabolism to process brightly different foods, its energy costs increase significantly, and it is more inclined to function in a somewhat non-standard way.

And in the Favorite diet for weight loss, the products are varied (and at the same time similar, if you compare those that can be consumed on the same day).

And food is also divided into two non-overlapping categories - solid food and drinking food.

The accelerated breakdown of subcutaneous fat deposits is also affected by a deficiency of fats and carbohydrates (especially simple ones) and a general low caloric intake of the diet.

Plus, weight loss occurs due to the removal of excess fluid from the body, which is caused by the diuretic effect of certain foods and the depletion of glycogen reserves, a product of glucose processing.

The number of kilograms lost greatly depends on the initial body weight.

The more it exceeds the norm in a given individual case, the more significant the numbers on the scales will be.

Approximately, this value varies:

• from 3 to 6 kg in one week;

• from 5 to 10 kg in two weeks;

• from 7 to 15 kg in three weeks.

But the latter option is unsafe in terms of stress on the body, weakening the normal state of health, and is not recommended by many doctors.

Therefore, it is better to limit yourself to one diet cycle or two without a break.

You can return to your favorite diet no earlier than after 3-4 months.

How to lose weight by 7 kg in 3 weeks. Does it exist - the “minus 5 kg per week” diet?

In order for losing weight for a week to make sense, you need to choose a diet that is most effective for you, and the effect indicator in this case is compiled not only from the “plumb line” indicator, but also from the ability to maintain the result and not harm your health and quality of life. It’s clear that the request “How to lose 10 kg in a week” is ultimately implemented by only a few lucky people, which is why it makes sense to set yourself specific and obviously achievable weight loss goals.

Under time constraints, the success of losing weight rests entirely on the shoulders of your daily diet. Any other good intentions (changing your daily routine, increasing the amount of physical activity, having a positive attitude) simply will not have time to manifest themselves in such a short period of time.

The result of the “week” diet is achieved in three main ways:

  • through the use of one “miracle product” (mono-diets or fad diets. Their monotony has a dual effect on the psychology of losing weight - for some it is not difficult to take buckwheat or kefir as a medicine for excess weight, for others, on the contrary, monotony is burdened);
  • thanks to a sharp restriction of calorie intake (“starvation” diets that “wear and tear” the body);

    due to chemical processes (diets with predominantly protein nutrition, making adjustments to metabolism. They are famous for maintaining the results for the longest time due to the relative reduction in the risk of muscle loss, characteristic of express diets).

It can be assumed that the more monotonous and meager the diet, the greater success can be achieved in the weight loss field. However, this is not entirely true: seven days is a fairly long period of time for nutrition with significant restrictions. And the health consequences will be more serious, and the risk of failure increases many times over. In addition, there is a tendency to plateau, which is sadly characteristic of strict diets: the excess weight loss that began vigorously in the first couple of days freezes due to the fact that the body, limited in nutrition, turns on emergency mode and “freezes” energy consumption. This means not only a fiasco in losing weight, but also a lethargic state of health and loss of strength.

Therefore, even if you have a powerful motivation to lose as much weight as possible in the shortest possible time, try to choose the lesser evil from the existing ones and evaluate both the limits of your willpower and the risks. A short, effective diet that allows you to lose weight in a week can be a good impetus for subsequent weight loss activities, but do not forget that all “starvation” diets are fraught with the rapid return of lost weight. Therefore, it is extremely important, having survived a week-long diet with restrictions, to refrain from a “gluttonous binge” after the difficult seven days of fasting in the name of beauty and slimness.

It is also important to sensibly assess the state of your health. Do not lose weight on your own if your excess weight exceeds 30 kg - in this case you need multifaceted medical support. And be sure to consult your doctor before significantly reducing the daily energy value of your menu or switching to increased consumption of any one product (or type of food).

Features of the Favorite diet for weight loss

The Favorite Diet is not an easy diet. It is often accompanied by increased emotional fatigue, decreased physical endurance and periodic acute attacks of thirst to eat something outside the planned menu (which, of course, should not be succumbed to).

While following the diet, it is recommended to avoid heavy work and other stress, and not to travel (adaptation to a new climate and even time zone will be difficult).

Taking a vitamin-mineral complex will be helpful.

It is also important to take into account that this method of losing weight creates a large burden on the body and is unacceptable if you have any serious health problems.

In particular, the Favorite diet for weight loss is contraindicated in the following cases:

• exacerbation of a chronic disease;

• diabetes;

• rehabilitation period after surgery;

• elevated blood cholesterol levels;

• current autumn-winter viral or infectious disease (for example, influenza, sore throat);

• gastritis;

• disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine (hormonal) system;

• tendency to faint;

• liver diseases;

• hypotension (low blood pressure);

• phlebeurysm.

The exit from the Favorite diet for weight loss, like many others, should be smooth, that is, with gradual:

• increasing the calorie content of the daily diet;

• increase in consumed fats and carbohydrates (first complex, then simple);

• removal of main diet products from the diet;

• adding sweets, sausages, pastries and the like to the menu;

• reducing the amount of liquid you drink (to the usual volumes).

Rushing after a diet (if you don’t stay in such a careful style for at least a week) always leads to one thing - the return of weight, and often to a greater extent than it was before the start of the weight loss program.

Lose weight deliciously! Minus 15 kg in 3 weeks with the incredible French diet! bookmark 5

The French Diet (Protein Diet) is a very popular diet that is primarily designed to help you lose more kilos (15 or more) and because it is a ketogenic diet, actual results will be visible after 7 days.
After two weeks, you can lose up to 8-10 kg, and within three weeks, which is the maximum time to follow this diet, you can lose up to 15 kg. Exactly how many pounds you lose is still individual and depends on factors such as age, gender, type of fat (visceral or subcutaneous), where the most fat is located (such as the stomach or thighs), etc.

The French diet is known as the chops and wines diet because it is mainly based on these two foods. Therefore, this diet is suitable for the colder months of the year, when you naturally eat more meat and drink red wine.

Meal Plan:
Breakfast: a glass of fresh orange juice, two hard-boiled eggs, coffee or tea without sugar

Lunch: a cup of fresh orange juice, 200 g chop. grilled, served on lettuce leaves and a glass of dry red wine

Dinner: same as lunch.

During the diet, bread and pastries are prohibited. You can only drink red wine, other alcoholic drinks are prohibited. If you are a red wine fan, this diet is made for you. You can use different types of meat, you just are not allowed to increase the quantity. Between meals you can drink mineral water as you wish, as well as coffee and tea without sugar.

In the second week of the diet, vegetables are presented - cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, onions, eggplant, peppers, leeks, zucchini and mushrooms. For breakfast, you can sauté vegetables with a few drops of olive oil with two eggs. For lunch, as an alternative, you can make a salad of vegetables such as cabbage, tomatoes and cucumbers with olive oil.

If within two weeks you reach your desired weight, you should quit the diet, and if you want to lose more weight, you should continue for another week.

It is recommended to take a multivitamin supplement while on a diet because the diet does not contain all the vitamins and minerals the body needs. After 2-3 days, you may feel weak, tired, headache, etc. But don't worry because they are temporary phenomena and unless they are extreme, they will go away in a few days.

The diet is based on eliminating carbohydrates from our diet, as well as being low in calories, which means that it combines two of the most well-known weight loss principles that are used in most diets. This combination is very effective and gives excellent results, but is not good for health. In the first week of the diet, exercise and high physical activity are not recommended.

Some people have trouble sleeping when they are on low-fat diets, so you should avoid drinking coffee or drinking coffee after 7pm. If you feel very hungry between meals, you can eat a boiled egg, which will make you feel full, but be persistent and don't give up. Weigh yourself every morning and evening, and when you see that the scale shows less weight each day, you will be even more motivated to stick with your diet.

The French diet is not recommended for people in poor health, chronic diseases or over 45 years of age. Before starting a diet, it is better to consult your doctor.

Drinking table

Everything that can be drunk is consumed, which means we are talking about the first, hot dishes.

Usually these are vegetable or meat broths, but if you cook puree soup, the proportion of pureed vegetables should be minimal.

And fruit and vegetable juices must be without pulp.

It is not forbidden to drink jelly - starch will protect the digestive tract from disruptions.

The menu may also include tea, herbal infusions, black coffee, kefir, yogurt, whey and skim milk. Mineral water without gas is required.

Diet for 3 weeks for weight loss and health

One day a moment comes when a person realizes that he is overweight and this is bothering him. As a rule, the reason to follow a diet for 3 weeks or another period of time appears due to a loss of aesthetic appeal - the figure is blurred, favorite clothes fit poorly or do not fit at all, and so on. Many people rely on nutrition that will allow them to lose 10 or more kilograms in a week. But that doesn't happen.

It is worth noting that the biggest problem in this context is that fatness is perceived as an aesthetic problem. But in fact, first of all, this is a psychological and physiological problem.

Secondly, it is important to understand that you need to get rid of not just extra pounds, but excess fat, usually subcutaneous (less often visceral). That is, removing fat accumulated over the years for a week is not realistic, at least not with a safe diet.

Therefore, if you are looking for a truly
effective diet for 3 weeks to get in shape, focus not on sky-high promises of weight loss of 15 kg or more, but on changing eating habits and behavior, improving your health and improving your appearance.
Important! Sudden changes in weight negatively affect the condition of the skin and the functioning of internal organs.

Protein table

In this case, eggs, or more precisely, their whites, are valued. All meat should be lean - poultry, fish, squid and shrimp, veal and rabbit. The presence of low-fat cheeses is also required, preferably from goat's milk. And low-fat fermented milk products - cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir.

You can add soy products (milk, meat and tofu), mushrooms and a small amount of nuts. They prepare everything in the same variety as vegetables, without giving up seasonings, oil and lemon juice for marinating before baking.

Proper diet for 3 weeks minus 6 kg

Your first step to losing weight is a true desire to become slimmer. Not because it’s fashionable or because someone important to you wanted it that way, but because you want it that way. Believe me, this is the basis and key to successful weight loss.

Secondly, remember that by succumbing to a bad mood, apathy, laziness, you yourself are cutting off your own path to success, to a new personality with a slender body and a healthy body.

Third, it is important to focus not on limitations, but on opportunities. There is no need to suffer and feel sorry for yourself by refusing the next portion of cake or bun. Look forward to the joy of your new figure, which you will soon see in the reflection. Give yourself guidelines: instead of “I have to” - “I wanted this myself.” Skeptics will say that these are just words, but nevertheless they work. In a word, always focus on the fact that your body can do more and better.

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