Diet for losing weight by 15 kg: how long can you lose excess weight

There’s a birthday coming up, a friend’s wedding, or just a party coming up, and you want to wear a stunning outfit, but you can’t do it, because to do this you need to lose excess weight, and a lot of it? We will help you do it!

Now we will tell you in detail how to lose 15 kg in a week, and also help you maintain a slim figure for a long time!

First of all, it must be said that you can lose this amount of kilograms only if your excess weight exceeds 10 kilograms. After all, the more you weigh, the easier it is to lose a large number of kilograms.

Of course, in order to lose such a large number of kilograms in a week, you need to work very hard and, naturally, stock up on willpower. Otherwise, your wish will not come true even in two weeks. Let's talk in more detail about how to effectively lose 15 kilograms in a week.

Where is the danger

Excess weight of 15 kg already puts additional stress on joints, blood vessels, and liver. Imagine that every morning a fifteen-kilogram weight is placed on your shoulders, and you have to walk with it all day.

What if the weight is already 20 kg? In this case, the kidneys and liver suffer, there is an increased load on the heart and lungs, and the gallbladder literally works to its limits.

Such completeness in the future threatens the following diseases:

  • diabetes;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • cardiovascular (including increased risk of stroke at an early age);
  • the appearance of tumors;
  • hormonal disruptions and subsequent premature menopause;
  • infertility;
  • a greater tendency to inflammatory diseases against the background of constantly reduced immunity.

Cause of high weight

The main one is eating habits instilled in childhood, which are difficult to get rid of. If the whole family for three generations in a row ate mainly pasta, buns, pies and fried potatoes with meat, then switching to vegetarianism or a protein-plant diet is very difficult.

Sedentary work with access to junk food is another common cause of obesity. A bowl of candy on the table? A chip machine in the business center lobby? For many, such temptations are irresistible, followed by 2 or 3 times the standard caloric intake each day.

The consequences of overeating are a rapidly growing layer of fat on the waist, sides, hips, and a huge hanging belly.

Long winters with short daylight hours also contribute to weight gain. In cold and dark times, you don’t want to go outside, much less to get to the sports club.

But losing weight is necessary to prevent the development of chronic diseases. This must be done competently and carefully so as not to cause yourself more harm than good.

Weight Loss Supplement

Also, to quickly lose weight, you can take special diet pills that will speed up the process significantly! However, to start taking them, you must consult a doctor so as not to cause harm to the body!

In general, this method of losing weight is quite dangerous. Qualified nutritionists will not call losing 7 kg in a week safe, let alone 15 kg. Therefore, consultation with a doctor before losing weight is mandatory, and while losing weight you should take vitamins!

If you strictly follow all the recommendations written in this article, you will definitely be able to lose 15 kg in a week! Be sure to follow all the tips, and you are guaranteed an amazing figure, dear readers of the portal!

What is the best time to lose weight?

Any doctor, for promising on the Internet to lose 15 kg in a week, would prescribe 10 castor oil enemas to his advisors without anesthesia. Because it may be possible to lose weight, and there are similar diets, and the reviews are enthusiastic. But the health problems that a person who has rapidly gained weight will get are unlikely to be compensated by the pleasant emotions from the new look.

Such a sharp weight loss in a short period of time threatens:

  • nervous exhaustion, which will have to be treated with antidepressants and tranquilizers;
  • severe problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • the beginning of the movement of stones and sand in the gall bladder and kidneys (in this case, the girl who has suddenly lost weight will be taken away by ambulance);
  • severe diarrhea with the opening of ulcers in the intestines;
  • intolerable odor of acetone from the mouth and tooth decay in a very short time;
  • lack of menstruation, including amenorrhea;
  • at best, depression and loss of strength.

Moreover, the kilograms lost in a week can come back literally in a month, since hormonal imbalances will lead to metabolic failure, and then every piece of lettuce or piece of chicken eaten will go into fat reserves.

The minimum period for which you can try to lose a lot of weight is a month.


You can get rid of 15 kg in 30 days by combining diet, proper nutrition with physical activity.

  1. Remove all flour from your diet, including bread.
  2. Eat every 2 hours in tiny portions - 150-200 grams per meal (fractional meals).
  3. The basis of the diet is boiled vegetables and dietary meat without salt.
  4. Drink at least 2-2.5 liters of warm water per day.
  5. Start going to the gym, jogging for an hour a day or doing an active sport: dancing, rowing, water aerobics.
  6. Take vitamins.

You will need to monitor your health very carefully and take blood and urine tests every week.

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2 months

Almost any strict diet, if strictly followed, can give a similar effect - minus 7 kg per month, 14-15 kg in 2 months.

Physical activity also needs to be increased - exercising for an hour 3 times a week will help tighten the body and prevent the skin from sagging.

Weekly trips to the bathhouse and sauna, baths with algae will increase metabolism and allow the body to shed extra pounds without stress.

3 months

According to nutritionists, this is the ideal time to lose excess weight.

To do this you need:

  • switch to proper nutrition;
  • increase water consumption and reduce caffeinated drinks;
  • completely remove white carbohydrates and sugar from the diet;
  • walk in the fresh air at least 1 hour a day;
  • perform physical exercises: yoga, dancing, aerobics are ideal;
  • increase fiber consumption: fruits, vegetables, herbs;
  • eat fractionally, at least 5 times a day in small portions.

These options, in the absence of serious illnesses, will be enough to return to slimness, and for a long time.

Nutrition for losing weight by 15 kg in a week

If you want to really effectively lose weight, you simply cannot do without dietary restrictions!

This week you should completely exclude from your diet:

  • Sweets (sweets, chocolate, marmalade, etc.)
  • Flour products (buns, pastries, cakes, bread, etc.)
  • Salt (that is, you can’t even eat foods containing salt)
  • Fried (you should avoid all fried foods, as fried foods are always high in calories)
  • Butter (you can’t add vegetable oil to foods during cooking, and you should also avoid sandwiches with butter)
  • Fast food (forget about pizza, hamburgers and similar products)
  • Semi-finished products (your diet menu this week should not include dumplings, dumplings, manti and other instant foods)
  • Sauces (this means not only sauces for seasoning dishes, but also ketchups, mayonnaise)
  • Fatty foods (for this week, forget about 6% milk, glazed curds, cheeses, 9% and 18% cottage cheese and other non-dietary products)

Yes, you will have to limit yourself in many ways, but beauty requires sacrifice! So let's go on a diet!

Your diet should consist of several simple rules that you must strictly follow.

Rules for fast weight loss:

  1. You need to eat three times a day (breakfast, lunch and dinner)
  2. All snacks between meals are canceled
  3. You can only eat low-calorie foods
  4. We drink a lot of water a day (at least 2 liters)
  5. We include vitamin-rich and at the same time low-calorie foods in our diet, for example: eggs, lean meat, salads, low-fat dairy products and the like!
  6. Between meals, you can only drink unsweetened tea, preferably green tea.
  7. Every morning you need to drink a glass of clean water 20 minutes before breakfast.
  8. In the morning, you can eat porridge prepared by yourself, for example: oatmeal or rice. Just remember that you need to cook them only with water without adding sugar or salt.
  9. Try to eat at least a few fruits every day or drink at least one glass of freshly squeezed juice.

It may not be easy to stick to these rules, but I think you can hold out for at least a week for a slim body. Perhaps you want to quickly lose weight for the summer. Then you should definitely read this article!

Ways to lose weight

You can try to lose weight in different ways - using popular diets, switching to a healthy diet, grueling workouts, body wraps, or taking advertised pills. All methods have their pros and cons.

At home

In the absence of diseases (diabetes, cardiovascular problems, tachycardia, hormonal imbalances), you can lose weight at home on your own, without the supervision of a nutritionist.

No diets

The ideal way to regain your slim figure is to give up junk food and switch to a proper, healthy diet. The basis of the diet should be:

  • vegetables: both raw and baked or boiled;
  • fresh fruits: the brighter the better;
  • lean meat (chicken, rabbit, turkey, veal);
  • low-fat dairy products, excluding very salty ones;
  • fiber: both small and in the form of balls (sold in supermarkets in the departments for diabetics);
  • dried fruits and nuts;
  • seeds;
  • linseed oil;
  • whole grain bread in small quantities, no more than 20 grams per day.

Eating healthy is much healthier than counting calories. The list of products contains all the proteins and microelements necessary for the body, and when counting calories, you can lose weight even by eating buns, albeit in small quantities, but the body will be exhausted at the end of the road and the weight can quickly return.

With the help of diets

You can try to limit yourself in food, then weight loss will go faster.

The two most popular diets are vegetarian and Dukan. They are opposites on the list of permitted and prohibited foods and should be chosen depending on food preferences.

Ducan's diet

For meat lovers who cannot tolerate hunger, the Dukan diet is ideal. It implies a complete rejection of carbohydrates for the entire duration of the diet, and even green salad is prohibited in the first few days.

  1. Plus - there is no feeling of hunger, the weight comes off quickly (up to 8 kg per month).
  2. The downside is a large load on the liver, gall bladder and gastrointestinal tract, possible constipation and the smell of acetone from the mouth.

Vegetarian diet

Complete abstinence from animal products for several months (or forever).

You can eat any fruits and vegetables, legumes, cereals, seeds, nuts and vegetable oils.

  1. The plus of the diet is excellent health, fresh complexion, tightened skin, long-term weight loss.
  2. Minus - it may be difficult for those who are accustomed to eggs and meat in their daily diet. The feeling of hunger can be difficult to overcome even with tofu or falafel bread - the body requires animal protein. And digestive upset may also appear due to the large amount of fiber, diarrhea, and increased gas formation.

There are many diets with which you can lose excess weight of 15 kg - you need to choose the type of food based on personal preferences and the individual characteristics of the body.

Vegetarian diet for weight loss

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Physical exercise

You can reduce your calorie intake to start losing weight, or you can increase your energy level, then fat will “burn” in the furnace of physical activity.

Two hours of dancing 3 times a week, a swimming pool once every 2 days, daily trips to a sports club, yoga classes in the absence of buns and sugar on the menu can, even without strict diets, return your body to slimness, while giving you good health.

Under the supervision of a nutritionist

You should consult a specialist if you have any diseases, for example diabetes, gastrointestinal problems, cardiovascular, hormonal, pregnancy or breastfeeding.

After a complete diagnosis (tests, ultrasound of internal organs), the doctor will prescribe a special type of diet and recommend the level of physical activity.

In some cases, dietary restrictions may not be necessary. For example, after restoring hormonal levels with pills and herbal remedies, the weight will gradually melt off on its own.

Using tablets

Typically, drugs and powders for weight loss are designed to block appetite and act as a diuretic and diuretic (simply causing diarrhea).

A good doctor is unlikely to prescribe such medications, since disturbances in the functioning of internal organs can be quite serious.

Under the supervision of a specialist, and without chronic diseases, you can take similar medications to lose weight. But you can’t take it for a long time, especially without a doctor’s recommendation.

Cosmetic procedures

Wraps, massage, acupuncture, baths and contrast showers will help tighten the skin, stimulate metabolism, and reduce swelling. But it is impossible to lose 15 kg using cosmetic products alone.

Homemade wraps with crushed kelp leaves, baths with salt and soda will improve the condition of the skin, reduce the amount of excess fluid in the body and allow you to lose weight a little faster.

Salon procedures will enhance the effect of diets, but they will have to be done regularly.

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Menu for the week

Day 1

  • Breakfast: 200 g of lazy oatmeal with fruit (recipe can be found here)
  • Snack: green tea, apple
  • Lunch: 200 g vegetable stew, 100 g boiled chicken
  • Second snack: 125 g Greek yogurt with berries
  • Dinner: a glass of kefir.

Day 2

  • Breakfast: 120 g of buckwheat porridge in water (cooked or steamed in boiling water the night before), 1 boiled egg
  • Snack: 1 orange
  • Lunch: 2 steamed fish cutlets, 200 g vegetable salad with cabbage, carrots and vegetable oil
  • Second snack: 200 g cottage cheese
  • Dinner: a glass of fermented baked milk.

Day 3

  • Breakfast: 120 g of millet porridge with water, a slice of low-fat cheese (about 20 grams)
  • Snack: 1 grapefruit
  • Lunch: stuffed peppers, about 200 g (recipe can be found here), 2 medium cucumbers
  • Second snack: 125 g Greek yogurt with berries
  • Dinner: omelet with mushrooms.

Day 4

  • Breakfast: omelette with vegetables (recipe can be found here)
  • Snack: green tea
  • Lunch: 200 ml vegetable puree soup, fresh herbs
  • Second snack: 2 baked potatoes, 2 tomatoes
  • Dinner: cold kefir soup with cucumbers and herbs, boiled egg.

Day 5

  • Breakfast: 200 g oatmeal with honey
  • Snack: apple
  • Lunch: 120 g boiled rice, 100 g boiled chicken
  • Second snack: a glass of kefir or fermented baked milk
  • Dinner: seaweed salad, boiled egg.

Day 6

  • Breakfast: 2 cheesecakes with banana, tea
  • Snack: coffee with milk without sugar
  • Lunch: 200 g baked mackerel, beet salad with carrots
  • Second snack: 125 g Greek yogurt with honey and nuts
  • Dinner: a glass of kefir.

Day 7

  • Breakfast: omelette with chicken and vegetables, coffee
  • Snack: 2 kiwis
  • Lunch: 100 g grilled veal, steamed broccoli
  • Second snack: 1 grapefruit
  • Dinner: 200 ml chicken broth with herbs.

Then repeat all days from the first to the seventh. Additionally, you can take vitamins (preferably after a doctor’s prescription).

Nutritionist's recommendations

Most doctors do not recommend losing weight quickly, exhausting yourself with strict diets, since the effect will most often be short-lived. When you return to your usual diet, the excess will return, in some cases very quickly.

Switching to proper nutrition, moderate physical activity, taking vitamins and rare fasting days on kefir and juice is an ideal way to lose weight without harm to health. Don't wait for tomorrow - start acting today.

Before starting the marathon, in the fight for beauty and health, it is highly recommended to visit a doctor and get tested, including for hormones.

Nutritionist opinion

Nutritionists are absolutely unanimous in assessing the described methods for rapid weight loss: all of them are completely unfounded scientifically and can completely unbalance the body. As side effects you can get:

  • headache;
  • vascular spasms;
  • pressure surges;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • tachycardia;
  • renal colic;
  • pain in the right hypochondrium.

The proposed diets are almost starvation, so they may well cause hungry fainting. In any case, you should avoid driving for this period.

Such diets are contraindicated for everyone without exception, but they can cause the greatest harm to those who suffer from any chronic diseases, have a weakened immune system, or perform physical work.

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