Diet borscht and chicken soufflé. Menu and recipes for treatment table No. 2

Cooking methods

  • Article on the topic Dietary table No. 2. How to eat with gastritis, colitis and after infections? cooking in water and steaming
  • baking
  • frying without breading and without crust


  • Butter (including ghee), refined vegetable oils.
  • Berry, fruit, vegetable juices diluted with water.
  • Milk, cooked cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk. No more than a dessert spoon of sour cream per dish. Cheese.
  • Steam omelet, unfried scrambled eggs, soft-boiled eggs.
  • Yesterday's bread, dry biscuit.
  • Porridge mashed in water (can be done with milk), small pasta (chopped or vermicelli).
  • Soups on a weak, low-fat broth with pureed cereals and vegetables.
  • Vegetables: cauliflower, carrots, beets, zucchini, pumpkin, potatoes. Possible tomatoes, white cabbage, green peas.
  • Coffee, cocoa, tea with the addition of cream, milk or lemon if desired.
  • Candies, jam, honey, sugar, marshmallows, marshmallows.

It is forbidden:

  • Flour products from puff pastry and butter dough, fresh bread.
  • Bean, pea, milk soup, okroshka, millet soup.
  • Fatty meat, poultry, smoked meats, goose, duck. Limit lamb and pork.
  • Snack food canned fish, smoked and salted fish.
  • Hard-boiled eggs.
  • Limit barley, pearl barley, and corn grits.
  • Excessively fatty and spicy snacks, canned food, smoked foods.
  • Spicy and fatty sauces, horseradish, pepper, mustard.
  • Kvass, grape juice.
  • Pork lard, lamb, beef and cooking fats.

Authorized Products

  • Fish, steamed, boiled or baked.
  • Lean meats and poultry prepared in the same way.
  • Rye and wheat bread, flour products. These foods are limited when losing weight.
  • Soups made from weak (secondary) broths or vegetable broths. To keep the diet varied, alternately include borscht, cabbage soup with fresh cabbage, rassolnik, various vegetable soups, beetroot soup (indicated for those prone to constipation ), and mushroom cereals. It is better to limit the consumption of the latter due to their higher calorie content.
  • Any low-fat fermented milk drinks - yogurt, acidophilus, kefir, ayran, yogurt.
  • Milk and sour cream for adding to dishes, cottage cheese 100-150 g per day, cheese 30 g.
  • Boiled eggs or in the form of steamed, baked omelettes.
  • Various cereals and pasta. They should be limited if you want to lose weight.
  • Butter no more than 20 g, vegetable oils for seasoning dishes in the amount of 1-2 tbsp. l.
  • Any vegetables according to tolerance. It's best to limit radishes, radishes, sorrel and spinach.
  • Fresh fruits and berries in dishes (purees, mousses, jellies), compotes, juices, jelly and fruit drinks.
  • Cocoa with water and milk, tea, coffee, rosehip infusion. According to the basic diet, sugar is allowed in the amount of 35 g per day. When losing weight, it is limited or eliminated.

Table of permitted products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal

Vegetables and greens





sea ​​​​buckthorn1,25,45,782
rose hip1,60,014,051



Nuts and dried fruits


Cereals and porridges

buckwheat (kernel)12,63,362,1313
corn grits8,31,275,0337
pearl barley9,31,173,7320
millet cereal11,53,369,3348
barley grits10,41,366,3324

Bakery products

wheat bread8,11,048,8242
rye-wheat bread8,13,442,2222
Rye bread6,61,234,2165

Raw materials and seasonings



sour cream2,820,03,2206
curdled milk2,92,54,153

Cheeses and cottage cheese

cottage cheese17,25,01,8121

Meat products





chicken eggs12,710,90,7157

Oils and fats

corn oil0,099,90,0899
olive oil0,099,80,0898
sunflower oil0,099,90,0899

Non-alcoholic drinks

mineral water0,00,00,0
lingonberry juice0,10,010,741
green tea0,00,00,0
black tea20,05,16,9152

Juices and compotes

apricot juice0,90,19,038
carrot juice1,10,16,428
tomato juice1,10,23,821
pumpkin juice0,00,09,038
rose hip juice0,10,017,670
* data is per 100 g of product

Omelette with cauliflower

Omelette with cauliflower Photo: Million menu
3 protein

100 g cauliflower

1 tbsp. sour cream

4-5 tbsp. milk

1 tsp ghee


Step 1. Boil the cauliflower and place in a greased form.

Step 2. Beat the egg whites with milk and pour the mixture over the cabbage. Bake in the oven for 7 minutes.

Step 3. Serve with sour cream and melted butter.

Standard hospital diets

Standard diets include options:

  1. OVD is the main one, prescribed for gastritis, stomach and intestinal ulcers, hepatitis, and infectious diseases.
  2. ShchD - gentle (excluding mechanical and chemical effects). This option is indicated for exacerbations of gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis, and after operations.

The first 2 types of hospital tables exclude spicy foods, salt and spices. Meals are divided into 5-6 meals. The only heat treatments used are cooking and steam. Products are ground before cooking (example: pureed boiled meat).

  1. VBD is a diet with a high protein content. IAP is recommended for enteritis, remission of pancreatitis, glomerulonephritis, tuberculosis, diabetes mellitus, anemia and burn disease. Stewing and baking are allowed. Easily digestible sugars are excluded from the diet, and the use of table salt is limited.
  2. NBD is a low protein diet indicated in cases of kidney dysfunction. The menu is sharply limited to proteins, table salt and liquid. Coffee, chocolate and salty snacks are completely excluded.
  3. NKD is a low-calorie diet, prescribed for obesity and diseases of the cardiovascular system. The content of carbohydrates and fats in food is reduced, animal lipids and refined glycides are excluded. The use of salt and sugar in cooking is limited or eliminated.


Vegetable stew
7 potatoes and 2 onions must first be peeled, washed and cut into cubes. Grate 2 carrots, cut half a head of cabbage into strips. Onions, carrots and cabbage are fried in a frying pan with a small amount of vegetable oil (over medium heat). Then potatoes are added to the vegetables, the mixture is poured with 1 tbsp. boiled water. Spices and salt are added to taste. The dish is stewed for 20-30 minutes.

The hospital menu for table 15 is vegetable stew.

Fish stewed in sour cream sauce

700 g of chopped fish fillet, 2 grated carrots, 2 onions cut into rings are simultaneously added to the frying pan. With a small amount of vegetable oil, vegetables and fish are fried until golden brown. At this time, prepare the sauce: 1.5 tbsp. water mixed with 4 tbsp. sour cream, spices and salt to taste. The mixture of vegetables and fish is poured into the sauce and simmered over low heat for 30 minutes.

Menu (power mode)

There are several options for OVD with strictly taken into account calorie content and prescribed BZHU content. After studying all the examples, you can choose the seven-day menu that is most suitable for you and suits your taste. You can create your own diet for the week without using foods from the prohibited list.

The seven-day menu below for the main options for standard diets has a calorie content of 1500 to 1700 kcal on different days of the week, excluding the consumption of bread, butter and sugar. If you add 150 g of rye bread, 150 g of wheat, 20 g of butter and 35 g of sugar (7 teaspoons in all dishes), the energy value will increase by 830 kcal, which is significant for a person who is trying to lose weight. This menu takes into account all the necessary nutrients, the food is very varied and is organized 6 times a day.

If eating this menu is not accompanied by weight loss, you can reduce the consumption of carbohydrates (porridge, potatoes) and replace them with vegetable dishes. This way you will reduce the energy value of your diet.

  • buckwheat milk porridge 200 g;
  • cheese 30 g;
  • tea.
  • rosehip juice.
  • borscht 250-300 g;
  • vegetable stew 200 g;
  • boiled meat 100 g;
  • compote.
Afternoon snack
  • apples.
  • oatmeal with milk 200 g;
  • curd pudding 150 g;
  • juice.
For the night
  • kefir.
  • rice porridge with milk 200 g;
  • one egg;
  • cocoa with milk.
  • rosehip juice.
  • vegetarian pickle 250 g;
  • boiled meat with pasta 200 g;
  • salad;
  • juice.
Afternoon snack
  • fruit juice or fruit.
  • fish cutlet;
  • fresh vegetable salad or vegetable stew 250 g;
  • tea.
For the night
  • kefir.
  • oatmeal porridge with milk 200 g;
  • cheese 30 g;
  • tea.
  • rosehip juice or fruit.
  • vegetarian cabbage soup 250 g;
  • boiled fish 100 g;
  • mashed potatoes 200 g
  • salad;
  • juice.
Afternoon snack
  • fruit juice or fruit.
  • meat pilaf 200 g;
  • salad;
  • tea.
For the night
  • yogurt.
  • millet porridge with milk 200 g;
  • egg;
  • cocoa.
  • rosehip infusion.
  • vegetarian pea soup 250 g;
  • boiled meat goulash 80 g;
  • buckwheat porridge 150 g;
  • dried apricot compote.
Afternoon snack
  • orange or apples.
  • fish, stewed 100 g;
  • cabbage, stewed 200 g;
  • tea.
For the night
  • kefir.
  • corn porridge with milk 200 g;
  • cottage cheese 100 g;
  • tea.
  • fruits.
  • vermicelli soup with chicken broth 250 g;
  • boiled chicken 100 g;
  • mashed potatoes 200 g;
  • juice.
Afternoon snack
  • fruit juice or fruit.
  • fish stew;
  • fresh vegetable salad 250 g;
  • tea.
For the night
  • Ryazhenka
  • rolled oats porridge with milk 200 g;
  • cottage cheese casserole 100 g;
  • coffee drink.
  • juice.
  • cauliflower soup with chicken broth 250 g;
  • boiled chicken 100 g;
  • buckwheat porridge 150 g;
  • beet salad;
  • juice.
Afternoon snack
  • fruits.
  • meat cutlet 100 g;
  • cabbage stewed with tomato 250 g;
  • tea.
For the night
  • kefir.
  • corn porridge with milk 200 g;
  • cottage cheese with kefir 150 g.
  • coffee drink.
  • fish soup with potatoes and carrots 250 g;
  • meat cutlet 100 g
  • pasta 165 g;
  • salad;
  • jelly.
Afternoon snack
  • fruit juice or fruit.
  • fish balls 100 g;
  • green beans with tomato sauce 180 g;
  • tea.
For the night
  • Ryazhenka

Will you be fed up with Medfood alone?

Hearing “Medfood”, one will wince, the second will shrug, and the third will say something similar. Everyone’s attitude toward modern hospital food is different and is based either on rumors or on their own, sometimes painful, experience.

Shortly before the first city hospital became infectious in the fight against coronavirus, I spent two and a half days there. To make my treatment less sad and boring, the editors suggested writing a food review. And this is a story in pictures - what Medfood feeds patients with sinusitis and sinusitis.

The purpose of my experiment was to find out whether I could eat only food from the hospital or whether I would cut off the phones of relatives and acquaintances with pleas to bring food.

All about delicious life in the city of Chita. Restaurants Clubs Bars Cafes.

My attitude about Medfood before the hospital

I was hospitalized for the first time at a conscious age, so that’s why I ate Medfood for the first time. I heard that it is tasteless and impossible to eat. It was all the more interesting to try everything myself.

Initial data

It was allowed to bring almost everything from ordinary food to the ENT department. There was theoretically an opportunity to tearfully ask my mother to bring her signature pie or cabbage rolls.

All about delicious life in the city of Chita. Restaurants Clubs Bars Cafes.

Despite the sinusitis, my sense of smell worked well. Everyone remembers that half the taste is in the smell?

I love delicious food, but I'm not too picky. The main thing is not to give me spicy, fatty or fried foods. And nothing with mayonnaise, please!

Patient's two-day diet

The first day

I arrived at the hospital late in the evening, having previously eaten a festive dinner at home. Therefore, the next morning I was not very hungry. But everyone else waited a long time and with growling stomachs. It's no joke - dinner is at 6 pm, and breakfast is only at 10:30. I had to experience this on the second day and be angry. Because they wake everyone up at 7 am. If you don’t fall asleep again, then wait almost four hours hungry.

My first breakfast was yellow millet-type porridge and a boiled egg.

All about delicious life in the city of Chita. Restaurants Clubs Bars Cafes.

The porridge turned out to be delicious - moderately salty and sweet. I would ask the chef for the recipe. They don't give you salt separately; I'm lucky that I don't salt my eggs. But many would suffer.

There was a misunderstanding with the tea - they asked if they needed milk. But they didn’t warn that the tea was already mixed with sugar in the teapot. I drank this tea as a child when I didn’t want to make a decision. Now I didn't like it. It seemed that I was set up and deceived.

All about delicious life in the city of Chita. Restaurants Clubs Bars Cafes.

Oranges were brought for afternoon tea. But being in the last ward is not profitable - there weren’t enough of them for everyone. They gave two for three. They shared it like neighbors.

All about delicious life in the city of Chita. Restaurants Clubs Bars Cafes.

Lunch was also unexpectedly good. I even had so much of this portion that I couldn’t finish it. Soup with meatballs, buckwheat and fish cutlets. Everything was delicious.

All about delicious life in the city of Chita. Restaurants Clubs Bars Cafes.

All about delicious life in the city of Chita. Restaurants Clubs Bars Cafes.

All about delicious life in the city of Chita. Restaurants Clubs Bars Cafes.

The plus was the compote, just like homemade. I don’t know if Medfood cooks it. But thanks to someone.

All about delicious life in the city of Chita. Restaurants Clubs Bars Cafes.

Afternoon tea became a time of resentment. The last ward now completely lacked rolls. I can only guess what they were like. But it didn’t make me go hungry.

Humanity and kindness intervened in the dinner. The woman who had been delivering food to the wards all day brought us a “better dinner” as a bonus for the fact that we didn’t have enough afternoon tea. Everyone was given stewed cabbage with sausage, and we were given mashed potatoes with a cutlet. The puree is very tasty - it even tastes like it’s made with milk. Even like home. The cutlet had rice and bread, so maybe it wasn't really a cutlet. But there was definitely meat there, and I had a desire to finish it all. I don’t know where the “better dinner” comes from in one department. Maybe from another department. I suspect conspiracy and hospital intrigue here.

All about delicious life in the city of Chita. Restaurants Clubs Bars Cafes.

All about delicious life in the city of Chita. Restaurants Clubs Bars Cafes.

No one let me try the cabbage with sausage or take a photo. And they looked strange. And they even asked understandingly: “Do you have Instagram?”

After dinner it was time without food. Long hungry time. Again from 6 pm to 10:30 am. Here everyone survives as best they can - eats what relatives bring, drinks tea. But with tea you need to dodge - there is no kettle in the room, not anywhere at all. They are saved by a boiler brought by someone and handed it over as a great treasure.

The shortage of portions was revealed the next day - the elder sister compiles the “portion lists” on Friday and does not provide anything extra for those who were admitted to the hospital over the weekend. I was admitted on Sunday, so we lacked an afternoon snack and I heard “Oh, I’ll find you a portion now.”

It was unbearable that there was no regular boiled water for the patients. No cooler, no kettle. This does not apply to Medfood, this is the delights of the hospital and caring for patients. You had to save yourself from thirst - find your two liters of water per day.

The result of the first day: I was full and didn’t ask anyone to bring me anything except water.

Second day

On the second day, breakfast was carefully disguised as food, but it wasn’t. The porridge tried to pretend that it was oatmeal. But it turned out to be some kind of wheat with bran. Gray in every sense. And somehow undercooked.

All about delicious life in the city of Chita. Restaurants Clubs Bars Cafes.

And there was a thick plastic cheese, which at first I was delighted with as if it were my own. But early - it was an impostor. Have you tried to bite off a piece of something rubber that squeaks on your teeth? It's anything but cheese. This is a mockery of cheese.

All about delicious life in the city of Chita. Restaurants Clubs Bars Cafes.

After that there was hope for lunch. He disappointed with terrible pasta. I didn't even know such tasteless pasta existed. It was impossible to eat them. But this same lunch cheered me up a little with hodgepodge. And cutlets, in which there was too much bread, but there was no resistance to finish them.

All about delicious life in the city of Chita. Restaurants Clubs Bars Cafes.

All about delicious life in the city of Chita. Restaurants Clubs Bars Cafes.

At midday I saw the bun I missed yesterday. It turned out to be nothing special. She desperately wanted jam.

All about delicious life in the city of Chita. Restaurants Clubs Bars Cafes.

And for dinner I won potatoes and chicken. I got one piece of chicken. The neighbors were also lucky. But it tasted good, homemade.

All about delicious life in the city of Chita. Restaurants Clubs Bars Cafes.

All about delicious life in the city of Chita. Restaurants Clubs Bars Cafes.

Total of the second day: I was full again. But for the sake of my soul, I asked you to bring me a chocolate bar. And yogurt, which I didn’t drink.

Morning of the third day

Breakfast was semolina porridge and a boiled egg. The porridge was without lumps and without any questions. But it did not cause gastronomic delight. There was still no salt.

All about delicious life in the city of Chita. Restaurants Clubs Bars Cafes.

What do I think about Medfood after discharge?

Medfood is different every day. You can guess and guess what it depends on. Either it’s the changes in chefs, or the purchased products and different savings on them. If the stars don’t align, then delicious food may not happen.

Being in the hospital is an ordeal. For me, getting my sinuses pierced for sinusitis was a bigger challenge than eating Medfood. This is ordinary food that you don't expect to be fancy or home-cooked (although sometimes you can get that).

You can only live on Medfood, at least in the ENT department.

But I want to end the review with a photo of the soup that my dad cooked and which I ate after being discharged. That was divine!

medical food

Daria Klivenkova10:18, April 07, 2020

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Fully or partially limited products

  • Refractory fats, margarine, mayonnaise.
  • Fatty meat broths.
  • Fatty meat, poultry.
  • Any fried food.
  • Sausage, smoked meats, any canned food.
  • Baking, sweets, jams, jams, sugar, ice cream, cakes and pastries are excluded when losing weight.

Table of prohibited products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal

Vegetables and greens

canned vegetables1,50,25,530
canned cucumbers2,80,01,316
white radish1,40,04,121
canned tomatoes1,10,13,520





Raw materials and seasonings

ground black pepper10,43,338,7251

Meat products



smoked chicken27,58,20,0184
smoked duck19,028,40,0337

Fish and seafood

smoked fish26,89,90,0196

Oils and fats

creamy margarine0,582,00,0745
animal fat0,099,70,0897
cooking fat0,099,70,0897
* data is per 100 g of product
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