Paleo diet: menu for the week, recipes, diet, reviews from doctors


The Paleolithic diet (Paleo diet) is based on the supposed diet of people who lived in the Stone Age. The menu for such a diet does not include dairy products, grains, sugar and any other food that has undergone any processing and contains unnatural ingredients.

This type of nutrition is aimed at consuming high-quality protein foods (meat, fish, seafood, eggs), as well as fiber-rich vegetables, fruits, nuts and berries. In other words, the diet involves eating only those foods that were available to the hunter-gatherer caveman.

The Paleo diet is controversial. And although the athletes who have tested it themselves are very pleased with the results, the new type of nutrition also has plenty of critics and opponents.

Paleo diet - what is it?

This is the name of the modern approach to nutrition, which consists of consuming high-protein foods of animal and plant origin. The hunter-gatherer diet, as it is also called, is based on assumptions about how people ate during the Paleolithic period, which ended 10,000 years ago. It involves eating fish, meat, poultry, nuts, vegetables, fruits, avoiding dairy products, processed oils, sugar, and legumes. The Paleolithic diet is aimed at reducing appetite and speeding up metabolism.

History of origin

Walter Vogtlin, an American nutritionist, proposed reviving the nutritional system of primitive people. In 1975, he published his book The Stone Age Diet. His work went unnoticed by society. It was only in 2002 that nutritionist Lauren Cordain decided to return to his colleague’s idea and published the book “The Paleo Diet,” which was a success. Now the philosophy of Paleolithic nutrition is popular among cross-fit fans. The proposed diet helps them more easily withstand physical activity, training, and gain muscle mass.

Who is the creator of the Paleo diet?

Adherents of the Paleolithic diet claim that the healthiest type of human nutrition is that which existed before the era of agriculture - during the times of hunting and gathering:

  • For the first time, such a diet was discussed back in 1975 by gastroenterologist Walter Vogtlin in his book, the title of which can be abbreviated as “The Stone Age Diet.” He associated gastrointestinal dysfunction and weight problems with an excess of carbohydrates in the diet to the detriment of protein products of animal origin.
  • The same conclusions were made in the 80s of the last century by researchers M. Conner and S. B. Eaton. These scientists argued that at the genetic level, modern man has not changed since the Stone Age, which means that his nutritional needs are the same - meat and wild herbs, vegetables and fruits. True, their version of the diet was still slightly adapted to modern realities - they allowed the consumption of low-fat dairy products, brown rice, potatoes, baked or boiled in their jackets, and whole grain bread.
  • Ten years after Conner and Eaton, Loren Cordain, now considered the leading researcher and theorist of the Stone Age diet, published his book The Paleo Diet. Followers of this original food system also rely on the work of Robb Wolf entitled “Paleo Diet - Living Nutrition for Health.”

Why was the diet of primitive man, whose life was both difficult and short, chosen as a guideline for healthy nutrition? Scientists claim that it was during that period that human genetics was formed, that is, information about available food and the optimal mechanisms for its digestion was recorded in the genome. Millennia have passed since then, food diversity has increased significantly, but the human digestive system still copes best with the food that our DNA “remembered” in the Paleolithic era.

Principles and rules of paleo nutrition

The Paleo system involves eating the most natural products possible. You should create your diet based on the following principles:

  • there are no limits on the number of calories in the daily menu;
  • you need to eat natural foods that grow in the wild;
  • you need to choose foods low in sodium and high in potassium;
  • semi-finished products and food with flavor enhancers should be abandoned;
  • choose products with an alkaline load;
  • the basis of the menu is fibrous vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts;
  • You should avoid white sugar and any foods or sweet drinks containing it;
  • Drinking coffee is prohibited;
  • It’s also better not to drink tea;
  • It is best to give up absolutely all drinks in favor of clean still water;
  • You need to eat in small portions, only when you feel hungry;
  • Before each meal, drink a glass of water at room temperature;
  • It is important to lead an active lifestyle.

Useful videos

To delve into the generally accepted canons of the paleo system in more detail, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the video materials. From them you will learn about the main intricacies of the diet proposed by experts, and also receive direct recommendations on how to create an effective and healthy daily diet while systematically following the general rules of the diet.


The author of the video shares his own experience of losing weight using the paleo diet. Why did he choose this particular food system and what to expect from the diet.


Don't neglect the opportunity to be healthy here now. Start your path to a happy and carefree existence today. Use promising power systems that have already proven themselves to be the best in the international arena. The Paleo diet is a program that can show extraordinary results in the first week.

List of approved products

The list is very extensive, so you won't have any difficulty deciding what to cook. It includes food rich in animal and plant protein, vitamins, microelements, and other beneficial substances. A list of foods that can be eaten on a paleo diet, a detailed description of which will be given below:

  • lean meat, different types of fish, seafood;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • berries;
  • nuts;
  • seeds;
  • greenery.

Lean meat and seafood

This food should form the basis of the diet. Natural products should be consumed. Each of them has certain requirements:

  1. Meat. Must be obtained from animals raised in a natural environment that have not eaten feed, hormonal supplements, or antibiotics. Beef, lean pork, lamb, game, and poultry are suitable. Buy meat from trusted suppliers.
  2. Eggs. From birds raised in natural conditions.
  3. Fish, seafood. Contains omega fatty acids. Farmed salmon, trout, sardines, mackerel, cod, oysters, mussels, etc.

Vegetables and fruits

Products must be grown in a natural, environmentally friendly environment, as close as possible to the wild. The use of bait and chemical additives is unacceptable. Vegetables and fruits rich in fiber normalize the acid-base balance. What you can eat:

  • cabbage;
  • watercress;
  • asparagus;
  • turnip;
  • artichokes;
  • onion;
  • broccoli;
  • mushrooms;
  • cauliflower;
  • spinach;
  • Brussels sprouts;
  • garlic;
  • carrot;
  • cucumbers;
  • celery;
  • avocado;
  • melons;
  • apples;
  • grape;
  • olives;
  • pears;
  • apricots;
  • peaches;
  • coconuts;
  • citrus;
  • dates.

Healthy fats

Main dishes and sauces should only be cooked in certain oils. The use of fats of vegetable and animal origin is excluded. You need to cook with avocado, flaxseed and coconut oils (first cold pressed). Olive and walnut are suitable for sauces and salads. Spices can be used, but salt is prohibited. You can't eat saturated fats.

Berries, nuts and seeds

These products must be included in the diet, because they saturate the body with useful substances. Berries, seeds, nuts can be eaten in their pure form, added to first and main courses, and salads. What is allowed to eat:

  • almond;
  • macadamia;
  • Brazilian nut;
  • pecan;
  • Walnut;
  • hazelnut;
  • sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds;
  • chestnut;
  • flax-seed;
  • cashew nuts;
  • hazelnuts;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • any berries in pure form and as an additive to smoothies.

Greens and salads

These products should definitely be included in your daily diet. They must also be grown in natural conditions. Try to add greens in large quantities to all the dishes you cook, even if you didn't like to eat them before. What to eat:

  • basil;
  • dill;
  • parsley;
  • cilantro;
  • spinach;
  • Lollo Rossa;
  • arugula;
  • iceberg;
  • other leafy salads.

What foods should be excluded from the diet?

Some foods are categorically unsuitable for people who adhere to the Paleolithic system. Nature has designed it so that these foods do not “give up” their nutrients to the creature that eats them. This category includes:

  • sugar and products containing it (fructose, sucrose, glucose, corn syrup, candy, sweets);
  • cereals and derivatives (bread, cakes, confectionery, pasta, oats, corn, rye, millet, rice, buckwheat);
  • dairy products (butter, yoghurt, cheese, cream, whey, cottage cheese);
  • legumes (beans, peanuts, etc.);
  • drinks (absolutely everything except water is completely excluded);
  • semi-finished products;
  • dried fruits;
  • soy, everything based on it;
  • industrial trans fats;
  • vegetable oils, spreads;
  • cocktails;
  • snacks;
  • salt.

Paleolithic diet - menu for the week

The list of permitted foods is wide, so a person who has chosen the paleo system has an excellent opportunity to create a varied diet. Here is an example of a menu according to which you can eat for a whole week:

  1. Monday. For breakfast, prepare a baked two-egg omelette. Lunch – 30 grams of candied pineapple. For lunch, eat one boiled potato in its jacket, baked lean fish, and drink a glass of carrot juice. Have dinner with 100 g of vegetable salad, 200 g of steamed chicken fillet.
  2. Tuesday. In the morning, eat 100 g of cottage cheese, a little fruit salad. Lunch – 90 g raw carrots. For lunch, eat a small boiled chicken fillet with vegetable salad, 50 g of hazelnuts. Dinner – 200 g steamed fish, 100 g broccoli.
  3. Wednesday. 2 boiled eggs, fruit for breakfast. Lunch – a large apple, a few nuts. Lunch – 150 g of boiled seafood, green salad, any fruit. Dinner – 200 g of chicken, steamed with broccoli and cauliflower.
  4. Thursday. Breakfast – baked two-egg omelette, fresh berries. Lunch – a small slice of lean meat, an apple. Lunch – steamed red fish steak, vegetable salad. Dinner – 100 g of boiled chicken fillet, mixed green salad.
  5. Friday. In the morning, eat some fruits and almonds. Lunch – nuts, banana. For lunch, prepare a salad of cucumbers and Chinese cabbage, 150 g of chicken, and a boiled egg. Have dinner with a small piece of steamed fish and 3 tomatoes.
  6. Saturday. Breakfast – boiled egg, berries. Lunch – apple and avocado salad. Lunch – baked chicken fillet, fresh cucumbers, celery. Dinner – steamed red fish steak, vegetable salad.
  7. Sunday. In the morning, eat an omelet of two eggs with herbs, a handful of assorted berries. Lunch – 2 stalks of celery, a handful of nuts. Lunch with gazpacho soup and boiled chicken breast. For dinner, cook 200 g of steamed turkey, 100 g of broccoli.

Seventh day

  • Meal 1 – pancakes with almond-banana filling.
  • Meal 2 – steamed herring and vegetable salad.
  • Meal 3 – nuts or a glass of apple and celery juice.
  • Meal 4 – grilled meat, avocado and salad.

In conclusion, it must be said that the choice of diet must be agreed with your doctor. This will help avoid unwanted results.

Paleo Diet Recipes

The list of permitted foods is very large, so there will be no problems with what to cook. It is advisable to avoid long-term heat treatment of products so that the maximum useful components are retained. To make it easier for you to create a menu for the day at first, remember a few recipes for simple but very tasty dishes that meet all the requirements of the Paleolithic system.

Chicken soup with walnuts

This first dish is simple to prepare and you are sure to love it. To prepare you will need an onion, two carrots, a couple of celery stalks, 2 cloves of garlic, 1 chicken breast, 3-4 medium tomatoes, a handful of walnuts. What do we have to do:

  1. Chop and fry onion, garlic, meat.
  2. Add grated carrots, diced tomatoes, celery. Simmer for a couple of minutes.
  3. Place the ingredients in the pan. Fill with one and a half liters of water. Bring to a boil, cook over low heat for 20-25 minutes.
  4. Serve garnished with crushed walnuts.

Grilled beef steak

Take a piece of meat weighing approximately 180-200 grams. Wash it, make shallow cuts on the surface on both sides. Rub with your favorite spices. Place on a hot grill pan with a drop of olive oil and fry for 5 minutes on each side. Remove steak from heat and place on a plate. Cover with a paper towel to absorb excess fat.

Sweet Potato Casserole

The dish prepared according to the following recipe is very tasty and fully corresponds to the concept of the Paleolithic diet. To make the casserole, you need 200 grams of sweet potato, one onion, a little lemon juice, ground pepper, 100 grams of minced chicken and an egg. Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Grate the sweet potato.
  2. Peel the onion and cut into small cubes.
  3. Mix the egg with sweet potato, minced meat, onion and pepper. Place in a baking dish and sprinkle with lemon juice.
  4. Cook the dish in the oven at 200 degrees for half an hour.
  5. Serve garnished with fresh herbs.

Cold tomato soup

The dish prepared according to the following recipe is included in the menu of many diets. It should be done like this:

  1. Place 2 kg of fresh tomatoes, half an onion, 300 g of cucumbers, 2 cloves of garlic, 300 g of sweet pepper in a blender bowl.
  2. Add 30 ml wine vinegar, 125 ml olive oil.
  3. Grind the products until smooth.
  4. Place the soup in the refrigerator for a while. Serve garnished with fresh herbs.

Fruit salad

This is a very simple and delicious dessert. To prepare it, you will need a couple of apples, the juice of half a lemon, one orange and a banana, kiwi, a handful of berries, two teaspoons of honey. Cooking process:

  1. Cut the apples and add lemon juice.
  2. Grind or blend the berries. Add honey.
  3. Chop the rest of the fruits and mix with the apples. Drizzle with honey-berry dressing.

Spinach pkhali

This dish is very easy to prepare. For it you will need half a kilogram of spinach, a clove of garlic, 150 g of walnuts, 100 g of cilantro, a quarter of a small hot green pepper. Prepare according to the following instructions:

  1. Wash vegetables and herbs.
  2. Boil some water in a saucepan and cook the spinach for 10 minutes. Squeeze it out and place it in a blender container.
  3. Add all other ingredients. Beat the ingredients until you get a homogeneous mass.
  4. Serve garnished with crushed nuts and herbs.

Strawberry Banana Smoothie

A great dish for a snack or light breakfast that is very easy to prepare. You will need a banana, 5 large strawberries, a pinch of cinnamon, a glass of clean water. Cooking method:

  1. Peel the banana and cut into medium pieces.
  2. Place the stemless strawberries in the bowl of an immersion blender. Whisk.
  3. Add cinnamon and cold water. Beat again.

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Paleolithic Diet

Any food system has positive and negative sides. The creators of the paleo system indicate the following advantages:

  • normalizes hormonal levels;
  • reduces cholesterol and blood sugar levels;
  • prevents the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis, and the development of diabetes;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • promotes weight loss;
  • provides access to all necessary vitamins, minerals, microelements;
  • normalizes intestinal function;
  • promotes compaction of bone tissue and improvement of joint mobility;
  • increases stress resistance and improves mood.

To be fair, it is necessary to list the disadvantages that the system has:

  • fresh products of natural origin have a very high price;
  • it is difficult to give up fast food, processed foods and other junk food;
  • Paleo nutrition is contraindicated for people with kidney disease or risk of developing it;
  • the diet is low in carbohydrates;
  • food system is not for those who adhere to a vegetarian position.

General rules

You need to follow a diet taking into account the following rules:

  • You need to completely remove fast carbohydrates from your diet;
  • It is prohibited to consume refined foods;
  • it is necessary to minimize the amount of carbohydrates consumed;
  • the diet should correspond to the menu of people who lived during the Paleolithic period;
  • You need to eat simple food, weaning your body from overeating.

Experts give the following recommendations to people who decide to use the paleo diet:

  1. The diet must be supplemented with coarse foods with a fibrous structure. They have a positive effect on the functioning of the heart muscle and general condition. However, if you have gastritis, it is recommended to abstain from such dishes.
  2. You must include berries and fruits in your diet. They contain natural antioxidants.
  3. You should also eat nuts.
  4. While following the paleo diet, you need to increase your drinking regime and get enough sleep.

Paleo Diet Product Identification Chart

Paleo diet for the treatment of autoimmune diseases

In medicine, there are cases where the nutritional system put people with such ailments into a state of remission. American Sarah Ballantyne tested the diet on herself and even wrote a book on this topic. She adapted the nutritional system of our ancient ancestors, tightening it. Thanks to the paleo diet, Sarah not only lost weight, but also completely cured type 2 diabetes and lichen planus. Her technique is called the Autoimmune Protocol and has been tested on patients with:

  • arthritis;
  • skin autoimmune diseases (scleroderma, vitiligo, lupus erythematosus, Sjogren's syndrome, psoriasis);
  • primary biliary cirrhosis;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus type 1;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • autoimmune thyroiditis;
  • multiple sclerosis.


While those who choose the Paleo diet enjoy excellent results that go well beyond endurance and leanness, opponents question the principles of such nutrition.

In 2015, the prestigious British Dietetic Association recognized cave eating as the worst option for losing weight. According to members of the Association, it is unbalanced, questionable, and risky due to a lack of nutrients.

Nutritionists also believe that the scientific basis for the benefits of such a diet is only partially correct, because evolution does not stand still, which means that our genes differ from the genes of our ancestors.

Some experts emphasize the dubious results when losing weight, since large plumbs cannot be achieved here. Gastroenterologists and therapists note that the effectiveness of treating intestinal diseases and autoimmune diseases has not been proven.

Despite criticism from experts, the diet continues to gain popularity. Among her fans were such Hollywood celebrities as Miley Cyrus, Megan Fox, Jessica Biel, Jack Osbourne and even the stunning Uma Thurman.

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Reviews of those losing weight

Violetta, 28 years old

I decided to try the paleo diet after hearing about it from a gym friend. At first it was unbearably difficult for me to stick to it, although there are no strict restrictions. Then I got involved and began to enjoy this menu. In a month I lost 3 kg and overall began to feel much better.

Ksenia, 32 years old

I believe that the Paleolithic diet is not a way to lose weight, but rather a way of life. I was on it for 3 months and only lost 4 kg. The general condition of the body has improved, but my goal was to lose weight, and to improve my figure there are a huge number of other nutritional systems that are more effective than the Paleolithic one.


The paleo diet does not have such serious contraindications as other methods of losing weight. The main thing is that you diagnose your health condition in advance. Only in this case can you switch to such a diet without worrying about unpleasant consequences.

Even a diet breakfast can satisfy your hunger for a long time.
Follow the accepted rules and principles of diet to make your figure slim and attractive. You won't have to go hungry because your diet includes nutritious foods. The main thing is that they are of high quality and environmentally friendly, since this is the main secret of losing weight. diets, weight loss

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