Soup for weight loss “Bonn soup”. Diet by day: menu, recipes, doctors' reviews

Bonn soup helps you lose weight without feeling hungry or doing hard workouts. It is easy to prepare from available ingredients. Choose a weight loss soup recipe to suit your taste and lose up to 2 kg in a week!

Author: Kristina Lobanovskaya, doctor, practicing nutritionist Article updated: 11/10/2020

Regular consumption of liquid meals helps normalize the functioning of the whole body and the stomach in particular. Diets based on them are also a good chance to gain a chiseled figure. The world-famous Bonn Soup (BS), which is the basis of the food system of the same name, is a healthy and nutritious dish. It is used with equal success for constant weight control, including it in the usual diet and for express weight loss. The food is perfectly digestible, gives a feeling of satiety and has a fat-burning effect. The duration of a diet based on it is only 7 days, during which it is possible to lose weight and become at least 2 kg lighter.

According to one version, the Bonn Soup nutrition system was developed by Belgian doctors and was first tested in the preoperative period on obese patients. The results were encouraging, and soon the recipe for the liquid dish spread all over the world. Today, the Bonn nutrition system is one of the TOP 10 most popular for burning fat.


Low-calorie express diets are a favorite hobby of people constantly striving to lose weight. Promising the loss of a significant number of kilograms in a short period of time, but they all have a serious drawback - a meager range of products. The Bonn Soup diet does not require such sacrifices: the liquid dish is allowed to be consumed 3 times a day. The menu also includes other dishes allowed on certain days. Thanks to the variety of products, the food system is very easy to carry.

The diet is designed for a week. For each day there is a special list of permitted foods. Taking into account the balance of the diet, the “unloading” can be repeated. In this case, at the end of the seventh day, the cycle begins again.

The order of the days of the diet and the diet cannot be changed. Otherwise, the result will worsen or not exist at all. If “therapy” was interrupted on any of the seven days, you will have to resume it from the very beginning. Under no circumstances should you change the order of days or replace one day with another.

Alcohol is prohibited for the entire period. Sugar and its substitutes, confectionery and flour products fall under the taboo. Sugary carbonated drinks and juices from the store are excluded. You can drink tea and coffee without sugar.

Are there any disadvantages?

In addition to the advantages, the diet on the famous Bonn soup also has disadvantages. The main disadvantages include an unbalanced diet. The body will need fats and proteins. But this issue can be resolved if you introduce a few tablespoons of flaxseed oil or fish oil, omega capsules, into your diet. When it comes to proteins, there are several options.

The first way is to cook a dish with eggs, such a recipe is below. The second option is to eat chicken breast, boiled egg whites or steamed fish once a day. But it is important to understand that adding other foods reduces the effectiveness of the diet.

What other disadvantages are there:

  • too low calorie content. It’s impossible to go overboard; shortages on this diet are common. Eating less than 800 kcal per day may cause health problems;
  • sometimes too little weight loss. If initially the body weight is small or the body is already exhausted by diets, then the result may be disappointing;
  • You cannot actively engage in sports. This is due to the lack of proteins. Moderate physical activity is recommended during the diet.

Despite the variety of recipes, not all people can consume only soup from morning to evening and every day. For some, this fact is a disadvantage.

How it works for weight loss

The Bonn Soup Diet effectively reduces weight based on three qualities of the main dish:

  • low calorie content;
  • fat burning effect;
  • diuretic properties.

The ingredients included in the dish are vegetables with various directed effects: some contribute to the destruction of fat reserves, others prevent the formation of new ones, others are responsible for water-salt metabolism, and others satisfy the body’s minimum daily need for carbohydrates, fats, proteins and fiber.

Several ingredients in the Bonn dish have pronounced diuretic properties. Due to the increased removal of water from the body, weight decreases very quickly. To prevent problems with well-being, the appearance of age spots and dry skin, you need a proper drinking regime - at least 1.5 liters of water per day.

Rules and recommendations

  1. A mandatory requirement is to eat this vegetable soup every day.
  2. The main condition for using the diet is that the menu must contain a lot of liquid. It is recommended to drink ordinary non-carbonated water - at least 1.5 liters per 24 hours.
  3. You can also additionally drink tea (without sugar or sweeteners), unsweetened coffee, and cranberry juice.
  4. You cannot consume all of the listed products on one day. You must adhere to the established order and eat only what is allowed on a certain day.
  5. Drinking alcohol (even in the smallest quantities) is strictly prohibited.
  6. As with any other diet for weight loss, flour products, sweets, and spicy foods are prohibited.

It is not recommended to use this recipe for weight loss for longer than 7 days. Even if you still need to lose weight, take a break of 30 days and prepare the soup again.

Benefits and harms

Bonn soup (BS) contains products of plant origin, and this is a source of dietary fiber that helps cleanse the intestines of toxins. The nutritional system allows you to avoid constipation, a problem that often accompanies express diets. Fiber normalizes metabolism and is involved in the health of the entire body.

Despite its cleansing properties, BS helps to quickly increase the volume of food in the stomach. It is believed that the brain reacts with a feeling of hunger precisely to an insufficient volume of food “bolus”, so people are recommended to eat about 600 g of vegetables per day. Collecting them in a hot liquid dish will make it much more familiar and tastier. Liquid food is easier to digest without straining the digestive system.

The main disadvantage of the Bonn soup diet is the ban on the consumption of fermented milk products, which are considered a source of calcium and beneficial bacteria and are seen as an important element of a healthy diet..

Many experts consider losing weight on BS to be evil. In their opinion, the crash diet causes complete harm to the body:

  • an excess of dietary fiber causes diarrhea and leads to intestinal irritation, which makes a person constantly feel discomfort and even painful attacks;
  • due to the huge amount of fluid entering the body and salt deficiency, a load on the kidneys occurs, the water-salt balance is disrupted, and swelling develops;
  • Vitamin C supplied with food is not absorbed because digestion is impaired;
  • a low-fat diet can provoke amenorrhea in women of childbearing age;
  • many who “sat” on soup for the prescribed 7 days, then suffer from overeating;
  • “solo” vegetables do not fill you up.

Opponents of the diet urge people to learn to eat modestly sized portions and choose healthy foods. According to them, a normally organized diet is much healthier for your waistline and health.

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Advantages and disadvantages

The obvious advantage of the Bonn soup diet is its low cost. Purchasing the necessary set of products costs much less to your pocket than other express weight loss methods. Ease of preparation is another plus.

Disadvantages of the diet are also inherent. Thus, some people claim that it is not easy to endure a monotonous menu. By the end of the seventh day of “therapy” it’s hard to even look at the main dish and permitted foods. And in order not to break down, you have to constantly engage in self-motivation.

Another drawback is the ban on training. The maximum allowed is gymnastics without weights and cardio on a machine. A more severe load can provoke rapid loss of muscle fibers and subsequent stress.


As you know, any diet is a serious test for the human body. By limiting ourselves, we understand that we really need it now. However, our body refuses to starve and demands even more tasty and familiar food. This case is also no exception. Among the disadvantages of this recipe are the following:

  • The active process of cleansing the body (losing weight) implies the occurrence of inconveniences such as flatulence or diarrhea.
  • In addition, this remedy has a strong diuretic effect.
  • Monotonous food when losing weight quickly gets boring. But if you have a great desire to lose weight, then you can overcome yourself.
  • The dish has a very rich, peculiar smell that not everyone likes.

Bonn soup has a diuretic and laxative effect. In order not to get into an uncomfortable situation, it is advisable to eat it and lose weight when you do not need to move away from home for an indefinite period of time. For example, you can set aside a week of vacation for this.

Bonn soup recipe

The popularity of BS annually results in improvements to the classic recipe. Residents of many countries strive to add something special to it, playing on the taste and fat-burning properties. Two recipes hold the crown in weight loss - classic and with the addition of celery root.

Classic vegetable

This recipe is considered original. He made BS famous throughout the world.



  • six medium-sized onions;
  • four medium-sized carrots;
  • three small tomatoes (the recipe allows the use of tomatoes in their own juice);
  • three green bell peppers;
  • a small head of white cabbage.


  • a bunch of parsley;
  • a bunch of green onions.

Frying requires a few tablespoons of vegetable oil. Although it is high in calories, it helps maintain normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and does not have much effect on the progress of weight loss. It is not advisable to salt food, since no more than 3 grams of salt per day is allowed. If it seems too bland, you can add a few grains directly to the plate.

The specified amount of products is enough to prepare soup, which is enough for one person for 2-3 days. You can reduce the output if desired.


  1. Fry the onion, cut into half rings, in vegetable oil until golden brown.
  2. Add some water. Simmer over medium heat for about 10-15 minutes.
  3. Add chopped carrots, tomatoes, peppers, cabbage.
  4. Fill with water just above the level of the vegetables, add herbs. From the moment of boiling, cook for 15 minutes.

You can add a tablespoon of boiled brown rice to the finished dish.

With celery root

This version of the recipe is considered more effective for weight loss. Its calorie content is even lower than average - about 27 kcal per 100 g. All thanks to celery root. It definitely works when it comes to burning fat. The only drawback is the specific smell that persists after cooking.



  • onions (250 g);
  • tomato juice or tomatoes (100 g);
  • celery root (100 g);
  • cauliflower (70 g);
  • white cabbage (70 g);
  • carrots (70 g);
  • bell pepper (70 g).


  • a bunch of dill;
  • a bunch of parsley;
  • a bunch of green onions.


  • two crushed cloves of garlic;
  • allspice peas (1 g);
  • dry hot pepper (1 g);
  • two bay leaves.

The given quantity of products is calculated for a three-liter pan.


The step-by-step recipe is very simple:

  1. Grind the white cabbage and divide the cauliflower into inflorescences. Cut the celery root and pepper into cubes, cut the onion (leave a little for dressing) into half rings, grate the carrots on a coarse grater.
  2. Pour cold water over everything, put on fire and bring to a boil. Cook over high heat for 15 minutes, then reduce heat and cook for another 30 minutes.
  3. Fry the remaining onion in vegetable oil until golden brown, add the tomato. Simmer for 2 minutes.
  4. Transfer the dressing to the pan. Add chopped garlic, herbs, spices. Cook for about 10 minutes.

How to cook in a slow cooker

Along with the traditional cooking method, you can use the modern one. Cooking in a slow cooker will save time and make the dish even “easier.” At the same time, the products will retain their beneficial qualities.

The procedure is the same as when cooking over a fire. First, fry the onion in a small amount of oil. Pre-chopped vegetable ingredients from the selected recipe, prepared herbs and spices are placed in a multicooker bowl as soon as it acquires a golden hue, pour water and indicate the cooking time - 1 hour.

How to cook in the microwave

If you don’t have time to prepare traditional BS, and you can’t skip meals, you can prepare an express version of the dish. Eating it will not provide any calories.

A quick recipe calls for 400 grams of Mexican mixture and one bell pepper. Place the ingredients in a ceramic pan, add water and cover with a lid. Cook for no more than 15 minutes at 600 W.

Menu for the week

There are several options for the seven-day menu. One assumes no separation of meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner (specified only for the second day). During the day, it is permissible to have as many meals as you want. The soup can be eaten without restrictions. The second menu option assumes the presence of strictly specified meals, including a snack and an afternoon snack.

Menu No. 1 by day

You need to consume at least three plates of BS every day. Other products are also permitted.

First day: fruits (except bananas).

Second day: breakfast - soup, lunch - soup and green vegetables, dinner - soup, 1 baked potato with a little vegetable oil.

Third day: vegetables and fruits (except potatoes and bananas).

Day four: three bananas, skim milk.

Fifth day: fresh tomatoes, 0.5 kg of boiled meat without fat.

Sixth day: green vegetables, boiled beef.

Seventh day: vegetables (except potatoes), brown rice.

Menu No. 2 for every day


  • BS for breakfast and dinner.
  • An apple for a snack.
  • BS and an orange for lunch.
  • Kiwi for afternoon snack.


  • BS for breakfast and lunch.
  • Greens and cucumber salad for a snack.
  • Fresh cucumber and white cabbage for an afternoon snack.
  • BS and 1 baked potato for dinner.


  • BS and orange for breakfast.
  • Baked apples for a snack.
  • BS for lunch.
  • Fresh apple for afternoon snack.
  • BS, green vegetable salad for dinner.


  • BS and banana for breakfast.
  • BS for snack and dinner.
  • BS and a banana for lunch.
  • Banana and low-fat milk for an afternoon snack.


  • BS and fresh tomato for breakfast.
  • BS for snack and dinner.
  • BS, a piece of boiled chicken fillet and a fresh tomato for lunch.
  • Fresh tomato for an afternoon snack.


  • BS and a piece of boiled beef for breakfast.
  • BS for snack and dinner.
  • BS, a piece of boiled beef and a salad of your favorite vegetables for lunch.
  • Fresh vegetable for afternoon snack.


  • BS, a serving of boiled brown rice and a fresh cucumber for breakfast.
  • BS for snack and dinner.
  • BS and boiled brown rice with herbs for lunch.
  • Fresh tomato for an afternoon snack.

To avoid getting bored, you can alternate between eating traditional and pureed soup.

It is strictly forbidden to eat 3 hours before going to bed.

To replenish the supply of minerals during the diet, you should take vitamins.

Quitting the diet

Express diets are fraught with a rapid gain of lost kilograms. A smart way out of the fasting diet of the Bonn soup diet will help you avoid the unpleasant consequences of losing weight:

  • the first two weeks after the end of the “therapy” you need to eat restrainedly. You will have to avoid fried, fatty and smoked foods. Oatmeal is suitable for breakfast, light soup for lunch, steamed fish or boiled meat with carrots for dinner;
  • a plentiful drinking regime is required: in between meals you need to drink water or unsweetened tea;
  • physical activity is desirable. Yoga, Pilates or just a morning jog will help maintain your newfound weight;
  • Once a week you are allowed to have a fasting day using BS. Any of the seven days of the diet is taken as a basis.

Reviews about the diet

Most reviews of Bonn soup are related to the fact that it is most difficult to maintain a monotonous diet throughout the week. But the result will not take long to arrive. After seven days, you will have lost at least two to three kilograms.

Therefore, any variety immediately gives the mood, for example, a banana or a piece of meat, which are allowed on a certain day. Those who have tried Bonn soup leave positive reviews. After all, sometimes you can lose up to seven to ten kilograms in one week.

Please note that it is also important to get out of such a difficult diet correctly in order to avoid negative consequences. Therefore, try to eat restrainedly in the first two weeks after the diet. Avoid fatty, fried and smoked foods as much as possible. It is recommended to limit yourself to oatmeal for breakfast, light soup for lunch, and boiled meat or steamed fish for dinner.


A plate of BS will not harm an adult even if he has chronic diseases. Another thing is a liquid seven-day diet. It has many contraindications:

  • Episodes of eating disorders. These include anorexia in adolescence, attempts to lose weight by fasting, methods of deep cleansing of the body (enemas, aerobic exercise, teas). As a rule, unbalanced diets give impetus to the return of a dormant eating disorder. This can be dangerous for well-being and even life.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Those who have diseases that prohibit the consumption of fibrous vegetables should be especially careful.
  • Kidney diseases. Even minor inflammatory processes should cause a refusal of this nutritional system.
  • Hypothyroidism.
  • Exacerbation of any chronic diseases.
  • Allergy to certain products.

Pregnancy and lactation

Sometimes doctors recommend fasting for pregnant women, but the Bonn soup diet is not suitable for these purposes. Firstly, he will not be able to satisfy the expectant mother. Secondly, fasting days during pregnancy should contain at least 100 grams of protein per day. This is the norm for a healthy pregnancy.

During breastfeeding, a woman spends a lot of energy. To restore strength and vigor, she needs carbohydrates (5-6 grams per 1 kg of weight). BS can't do that.

Reviews and results of losing weight

By strictly adhering to the Bonn soup diet, you can become at least 5 kg lighter in 7 days. Some are luckier: within a week they lose up to 10 kg. If the weight loss results are unsatisfactory, you can repeat the course a week later. To get a complete picture of weight loss, it is recommended to weigh yourself every morning, starting from the first day of “therapy”.

A pleasant bonus for those losing weight is internal changes that occur simultaneously with external ones. Eating a large amount of plant foods will have a good effect on your well-being: unprecedented lightness will appear in the body, digestion will improve, and your mood will improve.

The Bonn nutrition system provides long-term results, since weight loss occurs by activating the fat burning mechanism.

The popular diet has many fans and quite a few opponents. Some consider it a panacea for excess weight and attribute it to the ability to quickly tighten the body and remove volumes, while others consider it an unacceptable experiment on one’s own health.

Irina, 29 years old, St. Petersburg

After the birth of my son, I decided to fight excess weight. I had as much as 8 kg in reserve! In order to lose weight, I tried many diets. But only Bonn proved to be effective. In 2 weeks I lost 3.5 kg. For me this is a small victory, but a victory. After 2 months I want to resort to using the miracle soup again, especially since its taste doesn’t seem so disgusting to me. Yes, there is a persistent onion aroma, nothing more. In any case, you don't have to starve.

Anastasia, 34 years old, Moscow

I really enjoyed eating Bonn soup. More precisely, not consumption, but the result of losing weight. Truly a fat burning product. I cooked it as follows: I took carrots, celery root, tomatoes in their own juice, onions, bell peppers, white cabbage and cauliflower. She cut something into cubes, grated something. I didn’t sauté the onions – I just poured water over everything and cooked. Almost at the end I added parsley, cilantro and dill. You can eat the soup for 7 days, but I heard that some continue to eat it even after. At first glance, the dish doesn’t taste very good, but then you get used to it. Belief in losing weight especially helps. Stay on this diet for just a week and see the results for yourself.

Irina, 40 years old, Vladivostok

For a long time I didn’t dare to try this dish, but the desire to lose weight overcame laziness. I cooked it. I liked the aroma and the taste was also good. Stood the diet all week. The scales showed the result - minus 3.5 kg. I’ll probably take note of the recipe and sometimes treat myself to such a figure-healthy dish.

Pros of the diet

In recent years, the Bonn diet has become incredibly popular in Western countries, and has now actively migrated to us. No, this system does not promise the loss of 10 kg in a week or five sizes in a month. Not only that, some people lose an average of 2 to 3 kg per week, but still return to this soup. What's so special about it?

Benefits of the diet:

  • the dish is cheap. Especially in the summer. But even in winter it can be prepared inexpensively by choosing the simplest vegetables. Such a diet will definitely not hurt your wallet;
  • The diet is based on a hot dish. This diet is preferable for the cold season than many systems based on raw vegetables, fruits, and kefir;
  • no feeling of hunger. You can eat soup until you are full; it satisfies hunger well and fills the stomach, despite its low calorie content;
  • no chemistry. The dish is prepared from simple and natural products, which is also a big plus;
  • Digestion is normalized. The dish improves the functioning of the stomach and intestines and is suitable for many people;
  • you can choose a recipe, change the taste. Initially, the classic version of soup was used for the diet. But now many other recipes have appeared. These dishes are also not high in calories and help you lose weight.

This system has many advantages. It is perfect for people who do not plan to completely change their lifestyle, love soups, and do not want to spend a lot of time, effort, or money on losing weight.

Reviews from doctors and specialists

Irina Viktorovna, therapist

I constantly talk to my patients about the dangers of “strict” diets, and I consider Bonn diet one of them. Can we talk about the normal functioning of the body when the diet is deprived of proteins and fats? This is a serious danger for people with chronic gastrointestinal diseases and kidney problems. People with epilepsy are also prohibited from resorting to this method of losing weight: the next plate can cause an attack. Pregnant women should completely forget about it, since the celery included in the soup can lead to contractions of the uterus, that is, it poses a threat of miscarriage.

Still dreaming of becoming lighter with the Bonn Soup Diet? In this case, do not neglect a visit to the doctor and a thorough examination of the body. Are you sure you are completely healthy? Exercise machines will become your best comrade in the fight for normal weight.

Olga Stepanovna, nutritionist

I am categorically against the Bonn Diet. An unbalanced diet at a certain stage can cause a slowdown in metabolic processes, which will lead to weight gain even if the calorie intake is low. At first, it works to accelerate metabolism, but as soon as the body gets used to it, the stimulation will be reduced to “no”. As a result, a person breaks down and overeats.

I can recommend Bonn soup as a dish for unloading. In this case, you need to have absolute confidence in the absence of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys. By consuming soup for more than one day, you will not be able to lose weight without harm to your health and well-being. It is not for nothing that gastroenterologists are ardent opponents of the Bonn nutrition system. I support their opinion entirely.

Igor Yuryevich, fitness trainer

The Bonn diet is one of the most unhelpful for those who cannot control portions. If you have still not been able to resolve the issue of limiting the amount of food consumed, soup will not help. Moreover, it is quite capable of exacerbating the scale of the problem. Overeating will be present, since you can eat at the first attack of hunger. To get enough, you will have to eat about 300 grams of soup every 2-3 hours, pouring in a decent amount of vegetables. Unpleasant consequences in the form of flatulence in this situation are unlikely to be avoided. In addition, the soup has a diuretic effect, which is also fraught with disturbances in the functioning of the body.

I am often asked whether the Bonn soup diet really helps to get rid of excess weight. I answer with a confident “yes”. The extremely low calorie content of the dish allows you to lose up to 5 kg in 7 days. Unfortunately, with such weight loss, a certain amount of muscle tissue is also lost, since the diet is poor in protein. But the main problem faces people after dieting. How not to break down and regain lost weight? How can you continue to limit portions and believe in the amazing taste of vegetables? Quitting a diet can be a real test of strength! If you are not ready, it is better not to experiment.

Diet duration and weights

The most common question is how many kilograms can you lose while dieting on low-calorie Bonn soup. There's really no exact answer. The intensity of weight loss depends not only on the caloric content of the diet and the strictness of diet. It is influenced by a person’s age, the amount of excess weight, metabolism, the presence of hormonal diseases, and the use of certain medications.

On average, in a week of the Bonn diet you can lose from 3 to 5 kg of weight. The duration is unlimited. But on average, the system is followed for 7 to 10 days. If you want to extend it, it is recommended to take an additional vitamin complex. Vegetables alone cannot cover all the body's needs.

The famous dish can be used not only for a diet, it is also suitable for a fasting day. This soup will especially come in handy after the holidays. It will not only help you regain weight, but also improve the functioning of your digestive system.

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