Black radish: benefits and harm to the body, recipes

Black radish - composition and calorie content

Ascorbic and nicotinic acids, retinol are the main vitamins that radishes are rich in. It also contains a whole group of B vitamins. The chemical composition of black radish is balanced and completely absorbed by our body.

Black radish contains proteins, carbohydrates in the form of sucrose and fructose, fats, provitamin A (carotene), retinol (vitamin A), vitamins B9, K, C, microelements: iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, zinc.

Black radish benefits for the body

The vegetable improves metabolism, immunity, digestion, is a natural analogue of a broad-spectrum antibiotic, and removes excess fluid from the body.

Black radish helps dissolve toxins in the bile ducts and gallbladder, mineral salts in blood vessels, renal pelvis and bladder.

Radishes are a universal vegetable for the human body. The medicinal properties of the product are limitless and are explained by the balanced content of useful components.

Radish has a great effect on the human body. This statement has been repeatedly confirmed by medical experts. Black radish is an excellent antispasmodic and pain reliever. Therefore, the black root of this vegetable is also used to alleviate the patient’s condition during illness.

Black radish benefits for men

Root vegetables have a diuretic effect. Radish infusion facilitates urination, has an anti-infectious effect, and eliminates inflammatory foci in the genitourinary organs. The black vegetable helps cleanse the blood channels of cholesterol. This property of black radish is used as a prevention of prostatitis; not only the pulp, but also radish juice and leaves (tops) are used for treatment.

Black radish benefits for women

The fair half of humanity most often uses this product for cosmetic purposes. The substances contained in the vegetable whiten the skin, eliminating age spots . A black radish mask makes the skin smooth and velvety. Black radish is crushed to a paste and applied to the face. The use of radish-based decoctions is recommended during menstruation; they effectively relieve pain.

Benefits of radish for children

Radishes are indicated not only for adults, but also for children. It strengthens the immune system and relieves early cold symptoms. To cure a child, the juice of the black root vegetable is mixed with honey. A simple but effective remedy will alleviate the condition of a small patient.

Radishes should not be given to children under one year of age. Against colds and for prevention, children can be given no more than 45 grams. vegetable, divided into 3 doses.

Also, do not forget about contraindications associated with the individual characteristics of the body. In adolescence, a mask and lotion with radish juice helps get rid of pimples and acne.

Useful properties of the ingredient

Among herbal remedies like honey, garlic or ginger, black radish stands out. Its disinfecting and bactericidal properties come to the fore. Pieces of vegetables, after getting inside, literally cleanse surfaces and mucous membranes of harmful microflora. The antibacterial effect is provided by the essential oils that make up the vegetable.

100 grams of dried black radish contains 50 milligrams of essential oils.

Another important component is glycosides. These substances block poisons, stimulate cardiac activity and are responsible for the specific bitter taste and spicy aroma of radish.

The vegetable concentrates vegetable protein, carbohydrates, fructose, fat, vitamins and nutrients. Due to them, radish accelerates metabolic processes, strengthens the protective functions of the immune system, and removes excess fluid from the body (additional prevention of urolithiasis). Agronomists call black radish a “local antibiotic.” The vegetable really affects most body systems and has a special medicinal and preventive effect.

Scientists have identified lysozyme in the cabbage plant. The component dissolves the walls of harmful cells. Even whooping cough, mycobacteria, Staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus, and diphtheria bacillus cannot resist the indestructible power of lysozyme.

Plant enzymes dissolve toxins and other pathogenic elements in the bile ducts and gallbladder. The pulp creates a special barrier for germs and harmful microorganisms, which protects mucous membranes and prevents disease.

Doctors recommend introducing black radish into the diet of patients with high salt concentrations and problems with the gallbladder.
It is necessary to extract juice from the vegetable, which is used as a choleretic agent. Moreover, due to Potassium (K), the vegetable stabilizes the water-salt balance. Such a herbal replacement for classical medications is only permissible if the patient does not feel pain. If pain is present, then you need to abandon untested methods and strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations. Chemical composition of the ingredient

Nutritional value (per 100 grams of unprocessed vegetable)
Calorie content36 kcal
Squirrels1.9 g
Fats0.2 g
Carbohydrates6.7 g
Alimentary fiber2.1 g
Water88 g
Ash1 g
Vitamin composition (in milligrams per 100 grams of unprocessed vegetable)
Retinol (A)0,003
Beta-carotene (A)0,002
Thiamine (B1)0,003
Riboflavin (B2)0,003
Niacin (B3)0,003
Pantothenic acid (B5)0,18
Pyridoxine (B6)0,06
Ascorbic acid (C)29
Tocopherol (E)0,1
Nicotinic acid (PP)0,6
Nutrient balance (macro and microelements in milligrams per 100 grams of unprocessed vegetable)
Potassium (K)357
Calcium (Ca)35
Magnesium (Mg)22
Sodium (Na)13
Phosphorus (P)26
Iron (Fe)1,2

Black radish juice

A drink obtained from a vegetable eliminates the inflammatory process in internal organs. It removes harmful compounds from the oral cavity. The action of antioxidants makes the skin beautiful and rejuvenates the entire body. The person feels more energetic and healthy.

Radish pulp juice is beneficial for people suffering from slow metabolism, as a result of which they gain weight. When drinking radish juice, the secretion of gastric juice accelerates. A person gains a full appetite, which leads to normalization of the digestion process.

Who should use black radish juice?

First of all, radish juice should be consumed by people with liver cirrhosis, cough or bronchitis. An indication for the use of black root vegetables is also chronic hepatitis. Regular consumption of the drink eliminates the symptoms of the disease. To achieve maximum effect, it is recommended to consume only fresh juice.

Traditional medicine recipes with black radish

There are more than a hundred recipes from black radish for various diseases in the folk medicine; we have chosen the simplest and most effective.

For sinusitis

  • 200 g fresh radishes, grated.
  • 200 g flour.
  • 80 g of warmed honey.

Mix the ingredients, form the resulting mixture into tortillas and apply to the sinus area for 10 minutes. If the burning sensation is strong, the procedure time can be reduced to five minutes.

For cough treatment

  • 1 black radish fruit.
  • 2 tablespoons of honey.

Cut off the top of the fruit and scoop out some of the pulp, pour honey into the center and cover with the cut top. Leave for six hours, drink a teaspoon with water before meals. After the honey is scooped out, new honey is added to the root crop.

The tincture effectively strengthens the body and increases its resistance to various colds, and also facilitates the discharge of phlegm.

Black radish for hair

To combat brittle and weak hair and give it a healthy shine, you can prepare an effective mask.

Take a large black radish, peel it and grind it in a blender or meat grinder. Strain the pulp through a cloth to obtain the juice. This concentrate is rubbed into the hair roots an hour before water treatments.

After some time, a burning sensation will appear. But you don't have to worry, it's normal. If you feel discomfort, the mask can be washed off with warm water. Conduct the session for a month.

In case of bruises, sprains

Compresses with radish juice or radish cake are good for injuries. You can apply pure radish pulp or soak a clean cloth in a juice-based infusion. To prepare it you will need:

  • half a cup of black radish juice;
  • a glass of honey;
  • half a glass of vodka and a tablespoon of salt.

Store this mixture in a cool place, preferably in the refrigerator.

For constipation

Warm radish juice is an excellent remedy for constipation. The product should be taken after meals, exactly 3 times a day. One tablespoon is enough. The duration of treatment can be up to 30 days.

From parasites

If you do not suffer from diseases of the digestive system, it will be easy to get rid of parasites with the help of the juice of this root vegetable. 1 teaspoon before meals twice a day will cleanse the body of uninvited tenants. Treatment should be continued for a month.

Black radish for the liver

200-300 g of black radish should be ground or passed through a meat grinder. Squeeze the juice, take 30 ml three times a day, gradually increasing the dose to 60-100 ml.

Treatment is carried out for two months. After some time, the course can be repeated.

For the treatment of hemorrhoids

  • 200-300 grams of black radish.
  • 30 ml vegetable oil.

Grate the radishes and mix with oil. You need to take 60 g two or three times before meals for 14 days.

For gallstones

1 black radish fruit.

Grate the radish or grind in a meat grinder, squeeze the mixture through a cloth. The resulting juice should be drunk before each meal, one tablespoon per day. The treatment period is two weeks.

Radish and carrot salad recipe

Summer is the time to prepare vegetable salads rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber. Naturally, the housewife thinks about these important things, and for the household, the main thing is that the dish is tasty and beautiful. Orange juicy carrots and snow-white radishes are an excellent duet for a salad; all other vegetables and herbs play secondary roles.


  • Radish (white, black or daikon) – 400 gr.
  • Carrots – 200 gr. (1-2 pcs.).
  • Dressing – sour cream/yogurt/mayonnaise.
  • Salt.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Cooking time depends on what type of radish will be used for the salad. White and black contain a lot of essential oils, so there is a not very pleasant smell and bitter taste. This radish needs to be peeled and washed. Grind (grate or chop) and leave for a while (you can even overnight, just in a cool place).

Daikon does not contain bitterness and is suitable for cooking immediately before meals. Just like a regular radish, it needs to be washed and peeled. Grind using a grater/knife.

  1. Chop the carrots and add to the salad.
  2. You can dress this salad with mayonnaise, sour cream or yogurt. For those on a diet, the ideal option is yogurt; if you love mayonnaise, you can choose lighter types, with a lower percentage of fat content. Mayonnaise with lemon juice is good; a little sourness doesn’t hurt.

The dish will look prettier if you sprinkle it with fresh herbs - finely chopped dill and parsley.

Radishes for pregnant women and nursing mothers

Many people are interested in whether this wonderful vegetable can be consumed during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Answering this question, let's say that eating radish helps control your own weight during childbirth. Consider the fact that this vegetable relieves swelling; it is especially useful in the third trimester of pregnancy.

On the contrary, if the expectant mother takes radish as a cough remedy, it can provoke an unwanted increase in uterine tension, which threatens the woman with miscarriage. Therefore, radishes should be consumed with caution.

Black radish helps increase lactation in nursing mothers. To do this, drink the following drink twice a day, 10 minutes before feeding your baby: dilute 1/4 cup of radish juice in ¾ of water and add 1 tablespoon of honey.

Salad with radish and meat

It is interesting that in some families on the New Year's table you can see not only the traditional Olivier salad, but also vegetable dishes based on radish. Perhaps because this vegetable stores well, and by mid-winter there is less bitterness in it. Today, to the traditional white and black radishes, daikon has been added, which also goes well with meat.


  • Radish – 400 gr.
  • Boiled chicken meat – 200 gr.
  • Onions – 1 pc. (+ vegetable oil for sautéing).
  • Salt.
  • Mayonnaise.
  • Greens for decoration.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Prepare the radish for the salad in the traditional way - peel and rinse. Grate, ideally on a Korean carrot grater, then you get a beautiful thin vegetable straw.
  2. Boil the chicken fillet, adding onion, spices and salt. The broth can be used for other dishes.
  3. Also cut the cooled boiled meat into thin strips.
  4. Wash the peeled onion, cut into thin half rings. Sauté until a nice golden hue.
  5. Mix everything and season with mayonnaise.
  6. The salad should stand in a cold place for 1 hour before serving, now all that remains is to give it a beautiful look by sprinkling with fresh herbs and invite guests to the table to taste the new product.

Black radish - recipes

Black radish is a universal product; it can be baked, used for baking, fried, dried, or eaten raw. Salted or pickled radishes are stored and added as a side dish to meat dishes.

The list of radish dishes is huge. A diet containing this root vegetable enriches the human body with useful substances and delays old age. We have prepared unusually delicious recipes with vegetables that will diversify your menu.

Black radish pancakes

Rinse the root vegetables, peel, grate, fill with water, rinse, drain. Add chopped green onions. Fry finely chopped garlic in vegetable oil and add to the radish-onion mixture. Fill the pancakes with the mixture. This dish is tasty and very healthy.

Fried black radish

Root vegetables are washed, peeled, cut into small pieces and fried in vegetable oil in a hot frying pan until cooked. Season with salt and seasoning to taste.

Stewed radish tops often appear in recipes, and they are added raw to summer green salads.

However, preference should be given to the raw product rather than the cooked one. Exposing vegetables to temperature reduces their nutrient content.

Black radish salads for weight loss

Salad of black radish, honey, beets and olive oil. Grate the vegetables, mix with honey and pour with olive oil. By eating this salad, you will quickly lose weight.

Black radish as the main ingredient, chicken egg and boiled meat. First, chop the radish and immediately salt it, this will make the juice and taste of the salad richer.

A salad of black radish, with the addition of beets and carrots with olive oil will help normalize the digestion process.

Vitamin salad with black radish

Salad helps saturate the body with vitamins, increase immunity and reduce the severity of edema.


  • Black radish - 1 pc.
  • Apple - 1 pc.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Beets - half the fruit.
  • Celery - 1/4 part.
  • Sour cream or vegetable oil. Use it as a salad dressing.

Vegetables are washed, peeled and grated. Instead of salt, sprinkle the salad with lemon juice, season with sour cream and stir.

Meat salad with radishes


  • Meat (chicken, pork or beef) - 300 g.
  • Black radish - 1 pc.
  • Onion.
  • Mayonnaise - 90 ml.
  • Salt and spices.
  • Greenery.

Boil the meat in salted water, cool, cut into strips. Peel the radishes and grate them. Cut the onion into rings and marinate in vinegar. Drain excess liquid from vegetables, then mix all ingredients in a large bowl, add salt, and season with mayonnaise. Decorate the salad with herbs.

Lagman with pickles


  • Beef - 0.6 kg.
  • Potatoes - 0.3 kg.
  • Radish - 0.3 kg.
  • Pickled cucumbers - 0.4 kg.
  • Tomatoes - 0.3 kg.
  • Noodles - 0.4 kg.
  • Spices to taste.

Fry the onion and meat in oil; when they are slightly browned, add potatoes, carrots, and radishes. After 5 minutes, add the tomatoes and simmer for some more time. Pour in broth or water, add salt and pepper, cover with a lid and continue cooking. Separately prepare the noodles, place them on plates and pour in the broth. Sprinkle with herbs before serving.

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Helpful Tips and Tricks

If radish grows in the garden, you can put not only the root vegetable itself, but also freshly cut tops into the salad. It also contains many vitamins.

Green radish salad is often added to lagman soup. Asian cuisine is rich in vegetables and herbs, and the root vegetable is used in most soups and appetizers. You can put chopped radish in vegetable soup or okroshka.

When using the black variety, after grating the radish, place it in a bowl and pour for 5 minutes. water. After this, the bitterness will decrease significantly.

Black radish contraindications and harm

The burning properties of this vegetable can become a real impetus for the development of many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Excessive consumption of radishes is fraught with exacerbation of pathologies that are in remission. Patients with gastrointestinal problems are usually aware of the pathology, and their eating habits are corrected using a preventative diet. In this case, the introduction of any new ingredient should be under the supervision of the attending physician.

If health problems do not bother you, and your taste buds reacted positively to radishes, then feel free to introduce this vegetable into your daily diet. Do not forget about the dosage and balance of nutrients: the daily norm for adults is 50-70 g.

Dangerous properties of black radish

The use of radish is contraindicated for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute stage, glomerulonephritis, or a recent heart attack.

Drinking black radish juice internally is contraindicated for heart disease, kidney disease, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, peptic ulcer and duodenal ulcer.

How to choose and store black radish correctly?

Product selection is quite simple.

  1. The most delicious and healthy medium-sized root vegetables. Vegetables that are too large have hard flesh with large veins.
  2. A good root vegetable should be pliable and elastic, without cracks or dents in the skin.

If you want to buy a sweet product, choose round root vegetables. Oblong-shaped radishes have a sharp, characteristic taste.

Black radish should be stored in the refrigerator in a dry place, it is recommended to place it separately from other foods. From time to time, the root crop should be removed and checked for soft membranes and moldy areas. Vegetables should be stored under these conditions for one month.

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