Charlotte made from whole grain flour - step-by-step recipe with photos on

What should you pay attention to when making charlotte pp?

  1. Replace white flour - it has a lot of fiber, calcium, iron, manganese, and the flour also contains B vitamins and vitamin E, H.
  2. Charlotte made from corn and rice flour is suitable for those who adhere to a gluten-free diet. If you just want to experiment, use flour mixtures.
  3. You can also make dietary charlotte from oatmeal But since this type of flour quickly goes rancid, it is better to take long-cooked oatmeal, which is ground into flour immediately before cooking. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting charlotte with an unappetizing aroma (although apples can overcome the unpleasant smell of flour).
  4. Cottage cheese is an excellent additional ingredient for charlotte; it will make the dish more tender and soft. Whole grain flour makes baked goods tougher, and cottage cheese corrects this situation, adding more benefits to the cake.
  5. Sugar Free – Many people are so afraid of sugar that they bake with fructose, corn syrup or artificial sweeteners. In fact, even natural honey is essentially sugar, which will be harmful if consumed in large quantities. The ideal sweetener is stevia. But again, it has a specific taste that not everyone will like. Therefore, dietary charlotte can be made with regular sugar, reducing its amount as much as possible. The recipe indicates 30 g (1.5 tablespoons), you can add a little less (if you use sweet apples), or add raisins, dates, and bananas instead of sugar.

Apples for PP charlotte, as for the traditional recipe, are better to choose juicy ones - sweet and sour or sweet varieties. Cotton, soft varieties will fall apart - neither aroma nor taste will be felt in baked goods.

You can cut fruits in different ways, as well as arrange them. To ensure that the apples are distributed evenly throughout the pie, mix them thoroughly with the dough or lay them out in layers.

Let's look at three recipes for charlotte in the PP version, which use different cooking methods.

Sweet weight loss

Charlotte is invariably in demand even among those who are on a diet and limit themselves to sweets, and indeed among everyone watching their figure.

Changing the terms changes the sum

In order for the pie to lose calories and become dietary, everything that increases its calorie content should be removed from its recipe. Namely:

Classic charlotte made from whole grain flour

Traditional charlotte is very simple to prepare. Recipe without milk, sour cream and butter. This is the same pie, the smell of which spreads throughout the apartment long before it is cooked. Whole grain flour in baking slightly changes the structure of the pie; it turns out just as fluffy, but with a rougher crispy crust.

Ingredients for a 26 cm mold:

  • 120 g whole grain flour (I use a mixture of wheat and corn);
  • 4 eggs;
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder;
  • 300 g apples;
  • 30 g sugar (or other sweetener to taste).

Step by step method:

  1. Cooking charlotte, in any version, begins with preparing the apples. Wash the fruits. Cut 1 apple into thin slices, peel the rest and cut into cubes.
  2. Making the charlotte dough. Beat eggs with sugar until thick.

  3. Sift flour and baking powder through a sieve. Gently stir in the flour so that there are no lumps.

  4. Grease the baking dish with oil or dust with flour. First pour half of the dough, lay out the apples, cut into pieces.

  5. Then pour in the rest of the dough.
  6. Place apple slices on top.

  7. Place the pie in the oven at 180 degrees (non-convection mode, top and bottom heat) for 30-40 minutes. Check readiness with a toothpick.

PP charlotte made from whole grain flour is ready. We eat it for breakfast or first snack. Bon appetit!

Excursion into history

Classic charlotte was invented in Germany and its composition was more like a cake. The Germans prepared it on the basis of white bread, to which they added custard, fruit and liqueur. The British had their own version of dessert, which was a type of pudding. They placed bread soaked in butter or egg into a baking dish, and prepared apples boiled with sugar were poured on top of it. There was another layer of bread on top. The oven-baked dessert was served with whipped cream, ice cream or sweet sauces.

The idea of ​​Russian-style charlotte belongs not to our compatriot at all, but to the Englishman Marie Antoine Careme, who served as a cook for Alexander I. In the original recipe, a prepared sponge cake or savoiardi cookie was placed on the bottom of the mold, Bavarian cream, which included liqueur, was poured on top, and then decorated whipped cream. After this, the treat was sent to a cold place to harden.

In the modern version, only a sponge cake remains, which is made from eggs, sugar and flour. Apples are used as a filling, but sometimes pears, peaches, plums or other seasonal fruits are added instead.

If everything is clear about the dish itself, then who is the author of the name is unknown. Some historians believe that the recipe was invented by Queen Charlotte, the wife of the English ruler George III. According to another version, the name of the pie comes from the Old English word charlyt, meaning a dish made from eggs, milk and sugar. And the third version is the most interesting. It is based on the story of a cook who is hopelessly in love with a girl named Charlotte, who dedicated an invented dessert to her.

Curd PP charlotte with apples and oatmeal (without flour)

The recipe is prepared according to all the canons of proper nutrition. Cottage cheese and oatmeal make the pie incredibly healthy.

The dietary version of cottage cheese charlotte with apples will appeal to everyone, especially athletes and adherents of proper nutrition will appreciate the recipe.

Curd dough for a pie can be prepared from both soft cottage cheese and granular one. Grainy - before cooking, you need to beat it with an immersion blender until you get a smooth, homogeneous curd mass.


  • 400 g cottage cheese;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 110 g long-cooked oatmeal (grind in a blender or coffee grinder) or take ready-made oatmeal;
  • 3 medium apples;
  • ½ teaspoon baking powder;
  • ½ teaspoon cinnamon;
  • Sugar or other sweetener to taste.

How to cook step by step:

  1. Blend the cottage cheese with an immersion blender (if using granular).

  2. Beat the eggs with a blender into a thick foam.
  3. Pour the egg mixture into the cottage cheese, add baking powder, cinnamon and oatmeal. Mix the dough well with a whisk, it turns out quite thick.

  4. Peel the apples and cut them into cubes.
  5. Pour apples into the dough and mix.

  6. Grease a baking dish with butter or sprinkle with flour. Spread the dough out, leveling the surface with a spatula.

  7. Place the curd charlotte in the oven for 30-40 minutes at 180 degrees (non-convection mode).
  8. Let the charlotte cool and only then remove it from the mold.

Curd charlotte with apples is ready. Sprinkle the pie with powdered sugar or skim milk powder, decorate with a mint leaf or berry if desired. Bon appetit!

Calorie content of PP charlotte with apples, oatmeal and cottage cheese per 100 g:


All the subtleties of making low-calorie charlotte in bookmarks 18

No pie is as popular among housewives as charlotte with apples. Thanks to a simple recipe, consisting of a small number of ingredients, you get a wonderful dessert, so loved by many generations. This dish is prepared from products that can always be found in any home. And if one of the household members asks for something sweet, then in most cases it is the charlotte that turns out to be that “magic wand” that is kneaded in a few minutes and baked for a very short time.

Many people think that apple pie is a dietary product, but it is not. Due to the large amount of eggs and sugar, you won’t enjoy it much if you strictly monitor your weight. But we have prepared several recipes for low-calorie charlotte, which you can treat yourself to with pleasure. But first, let's find out where this wonderful delicacy came from.

PP charlotte with apples from a mixture of rice and oat flour in a frying pan (the fastest recipe)

A simple and easy recipe for apple pie can be prepared not only in the oven, but in a frying pan it also turns out very tasty. This recipe is designed for a small-diameter frying pan (20 cm); it can also be prepared in a slow cooker.


  • 70 g of healthy flour (for example, a mixture of oatmeal and rice);
  • 2 eggs;
  • 50 g kefir or sour cream;
  • 150 g apples (1 large);
  • ½ teaspoon baking powder;
  • Sugar or sweetener to taste;
  • Cinnamon to taste.

Step by step method:

  1. Let's start preparing the apples right away. Wash and cut into slices.
  2. Making dough for PP charlotte. Beat eggs with sweetener and a pinch of salt until fluffy. Add kefir, flour with baking powder and cinnamon, gently mix the dough until smooth.
  3. Grease a frying pan with vegetable oil, place apples on it, pour the dough on top.
  4. Cover with a lid and cook over low heat for 10 minutes.
  5. Then, turn the pie over (using a plate) to the other side and bake for another 5-10 minutes.

A quick recipe for dietary charlotte in a frying pan is ready. Bon appetit!

Calorie content per 100 g:


Three simple recipes for PP charlotte will diversify the usual menu without harming your figure. By the way, diet pies can be baked not only with apples; you can also add pears or plums.

Little tricks

The traditional charlotte recipe consists of apples, three eggs, one glass of sugar and the same amount of flour. To reduce the calorie content of baked goods, we will have to replace some products.

Good for your figure

Now we will tell you how to make a delicious diet apple pie. To do this, prepare the following products:

Let's start creating a dietary dessert.

Airy and delicate option

We offer you another dietary apple pie recipe. The main ingredient is kefir. Fermented milk charlotte turns out more airy and soft than the traditional version, and it is also easy and simple to prepare.

There is one feature that you need to know when baking any desserts with kefir. This fermented milk product must be at room temperature so that the reaction with soda can proceed well.

Prepare the following ingredients:

Charlotte with apples prepared according to our recipes will turn out unusually tender, tasty and aromatic. And the subtle taste of cinnamon will add piquancy to it. And the most important thing is that the extra tasty morsel will not affect your figure in any way.


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