Recipe for sauerkraut cabbage soup with beef. Calorie, chemical composition and nutritional value.

Shchi is a traditional Russian dish that was present on the table of the Slavs many centuries ago. Today, despite the fact that cuisines of other nations are becoming fashionable, this soup is no less in demand, as it is very tasty, satisfying and healthy. You can prepare it using either sour or fresh cabbage, which will only increase its benefits.


The benefits of a dish are determined by the properties of its ingredients. Thus, broth made from plant ingredients such as nettle, cabbage and sorrel saturates the body with a large amount of vitamins. Cabbage normalizes the digestive system, supplies vitamin C and fiber. Fiber has a beneficial effect on intestinal function. Nettle and sorrel also contain large amounts of ascorbic acid, which is very important if there is a lack of vitamins in the diet. This is why cabbage soup made from fresh herbs is so beneficial for everyone. The plant components of cabbage soup also contain fat-soluble vitamins, which significantly facilitate weight loss.

Another important beneficial property of this type of soup is its ability to improve recovery from colds. But at the same time, it must be eaten hot and prepared only from fresh ingredients.

Shchi with chicken is a doubly healthy dish, since poultry meat enriches it with protein. Therefore, such soup is a balanced dish that supplies the body with all the substances necessary for its full functioning. Moreover, such meat is dietary; it contains few calories and fat, but a lot of protein. It contains vitamins E, A, PP, as well as the entire group B. Including this product in the diet is useful for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. With its regular use, the condition of the skin, teeth, hair and nails improves. Another important beneficial property of chicken is its ability to be quickly absorbed by the body.

Soup cooked with chicken broth has the ability to quickly restore strength when tired. Therefore, it is recommended to eat them during heavy physical activity.


Cabbage soup can also cause harm if it is prepared incorrectly or if it is consumed if there are contraindications. So, it must be cooked only from fresh ingredients. You can use sauerkraut, but it must be of high quality.

You should not get carried away with the dish if a person has high acidity of gastric juice. And if you have gastritis or an ulcer, it is better to abstain from it altogether. It is also necessary to remember that sorrel contains oxalic acid, which is released during heat treatment. This compound can harm the kidneys, so you should not overuse the dish, especially if you have kidney problems.

The nutritional value

The calorie content of cabbage soup in chicken broth per 100 g is not very high:

  • Calories - 30 kcal
  • Proteins - 2.5 g
  • Fats - 1.3
  • Carbohydrates - 2.8 g

The weight of one serving will be approximately 280-300 g, so you can calculate how many calories it will contain. This figure is 51-60 kcal.

Cabbage soup cooked with chicken is an excellent dietary dish that is suitable for anyone who wants to lose weight. It is perfectly filling, tasty and nutritious and at the same time has very little calorie content. But it is worth remembering that it is better not to abuse this soup in large quantities.

How to reduce calories

To further reduce the number of calories in the dish, you need to take only fillet, as it is leaner. The meat used must be skinless, as it contains a lot of fat.

Proper nutrition is impossible without calculating the energy value of the diet. For example, an adult needs from 2000 to 3000 kcal per day, depending on his type of activity. In fact, working in an office and working in a coal mine require different physical demands. In order not to exceed the recommended daily allowance of 2000 kcal and thereby not gain excess weight, it is recommended to know the calorie content of your dishes. A table of main courses, fast food and desserts is presented in our article.

How much does borscht weigh?

So, a full meal is not complete without a first course. As a rule, housewives cook soups using meat or fish broth, with the addition of vegetables, cereals and other ingredients. They are small, the main thing is to make sure that when serving, do not add too much sour cream or mayonnaise to the dish. Here is a table of calorie content for first courses:

Above is the exact calorie content of the dishes. The calorie table includes the most popular soups. The only thing is that the energy value is given per 100 grams of the finished product, and if you consider that one serving contains 300, or even 400 grams, feel free to multiply the number of calories by 3 or 4. Therefore, it is best to eat first courses at lunch or dinner, but in very small quantities. This does not apply to soups or, for example, okroshka without meat or sausage.

Table of caloric content of prepared dishes: what do we eat for “second”

For lunch, as a second course, housewives most often serve a side dish - rice, buckwheat, other grains - and something meat or fish.
Salad or sauce can also be added. Dinner, if there are men in the house, is also often not complete without meat or something more filling. Here is the calorie content of second courses: the table also includes the most popular side dishes and main treats. Second courses, calorie content

Name of the dishNumber of kcal per 100 grams of product
Mashed potatoes65
Boiled pasta133
Fried potatoes154
with mushrooms119
Solyanka with beef100
Fish and potato casserole112
"Lazy" cabbage rolls124
Pepper stuffed with meat160
Fried eggs119
Buckwheat porridge with butter112
Fish cutlets259
Cod with vegetables117
Cod in breadcrumbs373
Fried chicken266
Boiled chicken fillet153
Chicken cutlets382
Chicken with various vegetables99
Stewed veal103
Pork stew225
Roast pork278
Beef plus pork cutlet284
“Hedgehogs” with rice187

So count the calorie content of your dishes. The calorie table, we repeat, is calculated for 100 grams of product. That is, your full second course with a side dish will cost at least 500 kcal. Therefore, for those who are on a diet or simply do not want to have such a heavy lunch, it is better to limit the main meal to soup and salad. Because most of the calories in our diet come from meat dishes, which, of course, are very difficult to refuse - they are too tasty.

Fast food calories

This section is especially for those who like to eat at McDonald's and similar establishments. No doubt, the food there is quite tasty, and you can receive your order in a matter of minutes. But the calorie content of such a diet is depressing, see for yourself:

It is not at all surprising that most people who enjoy eating at fast food establishments are overweight.

So, you have decided to adhere to the principles of proper nutrition and not exceed the calorie content of your diet. Here are some tips on how to make a dish a little “lighter” in terms of energy value. Firstly, cook soups with chicken or fish. Fish will also work. Of course, soup cooked with pork bones is tasty, but it is very high in calories. Main courses are best cooked in a double boiler or on the grill, baked or, as a last resort, fried in a minimum amount of oil. Instead of pork, offer lamb or veal for the main course, you can also chicken or turkey - there are not too many calories, and the taste is again excellent. And don’t put mayonnaise on your salads! For vegetables, low-fat sour cream or natural yogurt, dressing with lemon juice or balsamic vinegar are perfect. But to refuse altogether. So, our article reviewed the table of dishes - first, second and salads - and also gave advice on how to reduce the energy value of the diet. We hope the recommendations and tables will help you follow the principles of proper nutrition and simply not overeat.

Soup is considered a low-calorie dish, but adding cream, butter, cheese and other high-fat ingredients increases the calorie count. Borscht cooked in water contains less than 40 kcal/100 ml, while Ukrainian borscht with meat prepared according to the classic recipe contains more than 60 kcal/100 ml. Soups made from lentils, peas and beans cannot be called low-calorie, but they contain vegetable protein, which provides a person with a feeling of fullness for a long time.

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Table of calorie content of first courses and their nutritional value

Diet soup or borscht is prepared with water, without adding butter, sour cream or meat. One plate of this dish contains a minimum amount of calories (about 100 kcal per serving).

A bowl of chicken soup with potatoes contains about 150 kcal, and rice soup cooked in meat broth with the addition of sour cream contains more than 200 kcal.

The calorie content of first courses and their nutritional value (BJU) are presented in the table.

Soup varietyBJU (content per 100 grams of product)Number of calories (kcal) in 100 grams of soup (100 ml)Calorie content per serving (300 grams)
Borscht cooked in chicken broth4,55/1,6/4,448144
Lenten borscht0,7/2,4/2,1537111
Borscht cooked in meat broth with beef4,15/1,8/2,259177
Borscht with pork2,1/2,4/6,570210
Minestrone (vegetable soup)1,5/1,7/6,139117
Chicken meatball soup4,4/3/2,745,5136,5
Chicken with noodles4,8/3,4/6,755165
Potato with pasta1,6/0,95/8,954162
White cabbage soup0,3/1,55/1,92678
Mushroom with buckwheat0,7/3,15/4,3549,5148,5

Recipe: Sour cabbage soup. Calorie, chemical composition and nutritional value.

Nutritional value and chemical composition of “sour cabbage soup”.

The table shows the nutritional content (calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals) per 100 grams of edible portion.

NutrientQuantityNorm**% of the norm in 100 g% of the norm in 100 kcal100% normal
Calorie content25.2 kcal1684 kcal1.5%6%6683 g
Squirrels1.8 g76 g2.4%9.5%4222 g
Fats0.8 g56 g1.4%5.6%7000 g
Carbohydrates2.6 g219 g1.2%4.8%8423 g
Organic acids0.1 g~
Alimentary fiber0.6 g20 g3%11.9%3333 g
Water92.7 g2273 g4.1%16.3%2452 g
Ash0.559 g~
Vitamin A, RE51.4 mcg900 mcg5.7%22.6%1751 g
beta carotene0.309 mg5 mg6.2%24.6%1618 g
Vitamin B1, thiamine0.079 mg1.5 mg5.3%21%1899
Vitamin B2, riboflavin0.021 mg1.8 mg1.2%4.8%8571 g
Vitamin B4, choline6.55 mg500 mg1.3%5.2%7634 g
Vitamin B5, pantothenic0.089 mg5 mg1.8%7.1%5618 g
Vitamin B6, pyridoxine0.074 mg2 mg3.7%14.7%2703 g
Vitamin B9, folates3.631 mcg400 mcg0.9%3.6%11016 g
Vitamin B12, cobalamin0.071 mcg3 mcg2.4%9.5%4225 g
Vitamin C, ascorbic acid2.84 mg90 mg3.2%12.7%3169 g
Vitamin E, alpha tocopherol, TE0.113 mg15 mg0.8%3.2%13274 g
Vitamin H, biotin0.359 mcg50 mcg0.7%2.8%13928 g
Vitamin K, phylloquinone2.5 mcg120 mcg2.1%8.3%4800 g
Vitamin RR, NE0.4479 mg20 mg2.2%8.7%4465 g
Niacin0.387 mg~
Potassium, K133 mg2500 mg5.3%21%1880
Calcium, Ca14.87 mg1000 mg1.5%6%6725 g
Silicon, Si4.338 mg30 mg14.5%57.5%692 g
Magnesium, Mg8.42 mg400 mg2.1%8.3%4751 g
Sodium, Na179.09 mg1300 mg13.8%54.8%726 g
Sera, S23.19 mg1000 mg2.3%9.1%4312 g
Phosphorus, P25.5 mg800 mg3.2%12.7%3137 g
Chlorine, Cl92.58 mg2300 mg4%15.9%2484 g
Aluminium, Al85.6 mcg~
Bor, B22.1 mcg~
Vanadium, V12.93 mcg~
Iron, Fe0.341 mg18 mg1.9%7.5%5279 g
Yod, I0.91 mcg150 mcg0.6%2.4%16484 g
Cobalt, Co1.308 mcg10 mcg13.1%52%765 g
Lithium, Li5.47 mcg~
Manganese, Mn0.0442 mg2 mg2.2%8.7%4525 g
Copper, Cu41.77 mcg1000 mcg4.2%16.7%2394 g
Molybdenum, Mo2.922 mcg70 mcg4.2%16.7%2396 g
Nickel, Ni1.219 mcg~
Tin, Sn1.42 mcg~
Rubidium, Rb56.1 mcg~
Selenium, Se0.137 mcg55 mcg0.2%0.8%40146 g
Strontium, Sr0.87 mcg~
Fluorine, F75.78 mcg4000 mcg1.9%7.5%5278 g
Chromium, Cr1.5 mcg50 mcg3%11.9%3333 g
Zinc, Zn0.2469 mg12 mg2.1%8.3%4860 g
Zirconium, Zr0.21 mcg~
Digestible carbohydrates
Starch and dextrins1.66 g~
Mono- and disaccharides (sugars)1 gmax 100 g
Glucose (dextrose)0.193 g~
Sucrose0.449 g~
Fructose0.091 g~
Essential amino acids0.104 g~
Arginine*0.021 g~
Valin0.018 g~
Histidine*0.005 g~
Isoleucine0.013 g~
Leucine0.019 g~
Lysine0.02 g~
Methionine0.004 g~
Methionine + Cysteine0.007 g~
Threonine0.014 g~
Tryptophan0.004 g~
Phenylalanine0.015 g~
Phenylalanine+Tyrosine0.026 g~
Nonessential amino acids0.18 g~
Alanin0.015 g~
Aspartic acid0.035 g~
Glycine0.014 g~
Glutamic acid0.046 g~
Proline0.013 g~
Serin0.017 g~
Tyrosine0.012 g~
Cysteine0.004 g~
Sterols (sterols)
Phytosterols0.143 mg~
beta sitosterol0.383 mg~
Saturated fatty acids
Saturated fatty acids0.1 gmax 18.7 g
16:0 Palmitinaya0.058 g~
18:0 Stearic0.011 g~
20:0 Arakhinovaya0.003 g~
Monounsaturated fatty acids0.286 gmin 16.8 g1.7%6.7%
16:1 Palmitoleic0.007 g~
18:1 Oleic (omega-9)0.278 g~
20:1 Gadoleic (omega-9)0.002 g~
Polyunsaturated fatty acids0.061 gfrom 11.2 to 20.6 g0.5%2%
18:2 Linolevaya0.056 g~
18:3 Linolenic0.01 g~
Omega-6 fatty acids0.1 gfrom 4.7 to 16.8 g2.1%8.3%

The energy value of sour cabbage soup is 25.2 kcal.

Primary Source: Created in the application by the user. Read more.

** This table shows the average levels of vitamins and minerals for an adult. If you want to know the norms taking into account your gender, age and other factors, then use the “My Healthy Diet” application.

How to reduce calories?

To reduce the energy value of the first dish, you need to adhere to the following rules:

  1. 1. Do not fry vegetables.
    You should avoid frying or do it with a minimum amount of vegetable oil. Refined sunflower oil contains more than 900 kcal, and unrefined olive oil contains about 850 kcal. Amaranth contains about 700 kcal.
  2. 2. Use meat without skin.
    It is necessary to remove it from poultry meat before cooking chicken or turkey broth, and clean pork and beef from films, veins and cut off fat.
  3. 3. Avoid fatty sauces.
    High-calorie mayonnaise should be replaced with low-fat sour cream. When preparing cream soup, you should not use heavy homemade cream, but 10% pasteurized cream. Milk with minimal fat content should be added to milk soup.
  4. 4. Drain the first broth.
    It is necessary to cook the soup not in the first, but in the second or third broth. To do this, after boiling, drain the water and get clean water, and when it boils, you can add cereals and vegetables.

If cheese is specified in the recipe for the first course, then low-fat varieties should be used. There is no need to add processed cheese (their calorie content is about 300 kcal/100 g).

And a little about secrets...

The story of one of our readers, Inga Eremina:

I was especially depressed by my weight; at 41, I weighed as much as 3 sumo wrestlers combined, namely 92 kg. How to completely lose excess weight? How to cope with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or makes a person look younger than his figure.

But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? I found out - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? A little more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a nutritionist consultant. You can, of course, try to run on a treadmill until you go crazy.

The calorie content of cabbage soup per 100 grams depends on the recipe. This article presents the calorie content, fat, protein, and carbohydrate content in soup with fresh sauerkraut, lean cabbage soup and sour cream.

Calorie content of cabbage soup with fresh cabbage per 100 grams is 28 kcal. A 100-gram serving of soup contains:

  • 0.43 g protein;
  • 2.1 g fat;
  • 2 g carbohydrates.

To prepare cabbage soup with fresh cabbage we will need:

  • 400 g fresh white cabbage;
  • 3 medium-sized potatoes;
  • 1 large onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 bay leaf;
  • 3 allspice peas;
  • 1 celery root;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 tablespoons of tomato paste;
  • 1 bunch of dill, parsley;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking steps:

  • chop the white cabbage and transfer it to an empty pan;
  • cut the potatoes into cubes, pour them into the pan on top of the cabbage;
  • finely chop the onion and add to the potatoes and cabbage;
  • grate carrots and celery root on a coarse grater, pour into a saucepan;
  • add bay leaf, allspice, tomato paste and 350 g of water to the other ingredients;
  • cover the resulting mixture with a lid and simmer over low heat;
  • turn off the gas, leave the vegetables to brew under the closed lid for 15 minutes;
  • pour 2 liters of hot water over the vegetables, add finely chopped greens, garlic squeezed through a press, and chopped onions into the soup;
  • bring the soup to a boil.

Fresh cabbage soup is ready! Serve hot.

Calorie content of sauerkraut cabbage soup. Chemical composition and nutritional value.

Nutritional value and chemical composition of “sauerkraut cabbage soup.”

The table shows the nutritional content (calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals) per 100 grams of edible portion.

NutrientQuantityNorm**% of the norm in 100 g% of the norm in 100 kcal100% normal
Calorie content37.2 kcal1684 kcal2.2%5.9%4527 g
Squirrels2 g76 g2.6%7%3800 g
Fats2.8 g56 g5%13.4%2000 g
Carbohydrates1 g219 g0.5%1.3%21900 g
Organic acids40.7 g~
Alimentary fiber1.4 g20 g7%18.8%1429 g
Water86.2 g2273 g3.8%10.2%2637 g
Ash0.6 g~
Vitamin A, RE100 mcg900 mcg11.1%29.8%900 g
Retinol0.1 mg~
Vitamin B1, thiamine0.02 mg1.5 mg1.3%3.5%7500 g
Vitamin B2, riboflavin0.02 mg1.8 mg1.1%3%9000 g
Vitamin B4, choline9.1 mg500 mg1.8%4.8%5495 g
Vitamin B5, pantothenic0.04 mg5 mg0.8%2.2%12500 g
Vitamin B6, pyridoxine0.03 mg2 mg1.5%4%6667 g
Vitamin B9, folates2.1 mcg400 mcg0.5%1.3%19048
Vitamin B12, cobalamin0.09 mcg3 mcg3%8.1%3333 g
Vitamin C, ascorbic acid6.4 mg90 mg7.1%19.1%1406 g
Vitamin D, calciferol0.005 mcg10 mcg0.1%0.3%200000 g
Vitamin E, alpha tocopherol, TE0.07 mg15 mg0.5%1.3%21429 g
Vitamin H, biotin0.2 mcg50 mcg0.4%1.1%25000 g
Vitamin RR, NE0.632 mg20 mg3.2%8.6%3165 g
Niacin0.3 mg~
Potassium, K85 mg2500 mg3.4%9.1%2941 g
Calcium, Ca17.9 mg1000 mg1.8%4.8%5587 g
Magnesium, Mg6.4 mg400 mg1.6%4.3%6250 g
Sodium, Na139.2 mg1300 mg10.7%28.8%934 g
Sera, S18.7 mg1000 mg1.9%5.1%5348 g
Phosphorus, P22.4 mg800 mg2.8%7.5%3571 g
Chlorine, Cl631.7 mg2300 mg27.5%73.9%364 g
Aluminium, Al9.3 mcg~
Bor, B5.2 mcg~
Vanadium, V1.2 mcg~
Iron, Fe0.4 mg18 mg2.2%5.9%4500 g
Yod, I0.8 mcg150 mcg0.5%1.3%18750 g
Cobalt, Co0.8 mcg10 mcg8%21.5%1250 g
Lithium, Li0.08 mcg~
Manganese, Mn0.0105 mg2 mg0.5%1.3%19048
Copper, Cu15.3 mcg1000 mcg1.5%4%6536 g
Molybdenum, Mo2.5 mcg70 mcg3.6%9.7%2800 g
Nickel, Ni0.9 mcg~
Tin, Sn3.7 mcg~
Rubidium, Rb6.3 mcg~
Selenium, Se0.01 mcg55 mcg550000 g
Fluorine, F6.3 mcg4000 mcg0.2%0.5%63492 g
Chromium, Cr0.8 mcg50 mcg1.6%4.3%6250 g
Zinc, Zn0.2168 mg12 mg1.8%4.8%5535 g
Digestible carbohydrates
Starch and dextrins0.04 g~
Mono- and disaccharides (sugars)0.8 gmax 100 g

The energy value of sauerkraut cabbage soup is 37.2 kcal.

Primary Source: Created in the application by the user. Read more.

** This table shows the average levels of vitamins and minerals for an adult. If you want to know the norms taking into account your gender, age and other factors, then use the “My Healthy Diet” application.

Sauerkraut cabbage soup: calorie content per 100 grams

The calorie content of sauerkraut cabbage soup per 100 grams is 43 kcal. In a 100 gram serving of soup:

  • 2.34 g protein;
  • 2.61 g fat;
  • 3.8 g carbohydrates.

To make such cabbage soup, you need the following ingredients:

  • 300 g sauerkraut;
  • 2 potatoes;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • bay leaf – 1 pc.;
  • pepper, salt to taste;
  • 700 g millet;
  • a little vegetable oil;
  • greenery.

Steps for preparing cabbage soup from sauerkraut:

  • heat the frying pan over medium heat, add a little vegetable oil, squeeze out the juice from the sauerkraut, place the squeezed cabbage in the frying pan;
  • simmer the cabbage until tender over low heat, after simmering, simmer for 10 minutes under a closed lid;
  • finely chop the onion;
  • grate carrots on a coarse grater;
  • cut potatoes into cubes;
  • put carrots, onions, potatoes, washed millet, spices, salt in a pan;
  • add water level with the food, simmer the ingredients in a saucepan over low heat, then leave under a closed lid with the heat off for 15 minutes;
  • add cabbage and boiling water to the pan. Bring the cabbage soup to a boil, add chopped herbs.

Cabbage soup: composition and benefits

Firstly, it should be noted that such a tasty dish as cabbage soup can be prepared from fresh and sauerkraut. Both have the right to exist and require special attention to their calorie content.

An essential ingredient in cabbage soup is cabbage. Housewives mainly use the usual white cabbage beauty, which is successfully grown in private plots in our region. If desired, add vegetables: potatoes, carrots, onions, tomatoes, sweet peppers. And of course, different types of meat. And during Lent you can enjoy Lenten cabbage soup with pleasure.

If you are interested in the question of how many calories are in sauerkraut cabbage soup without meat - 31 kcal per 100 grams. ready dish. Cabbage soup made from fresh cabbage has the same calorie content. As you can see, the dish can be called dietary. What else will it give our body?

Cabbage is a vegetable that is beneficial for the human body. It contains a lot of coarse, unprocessed fiber, which helps the digestive tract function. However, it should be noted that excess gas formation may occur. So people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract need to be careful when introducing this dish into their diet.

Nutrient content:

  • vitamins of group B, PP, U;
  • vitamin C;
  • carotene;
  • iron;
  • copper;
  • phosphorus;
  • calcium and other elements that are presented in lower concentrations.

Sauerkraut also contains folic acid and vitamin K, which have a beneficial effect on hematopoiesis.

Cabbage soup made from fresh cabbage will be more preferable for those who do not like the taste of sauerkraut or cannot eat sour foods.

Calorie content of lean cabbage soup from fresh cabbage per 100 grams

The calorie content of lean cabbage soup per 100 grams is 18 kcal. In a 100 gram serving of soup:

  • 0.5 g protein;
  • 0.8 g fat;
  • 2.3 g carbohydrates.

To make lean cabbage soup, you need the following products:

  • 350 g porcini mushrooms;
  • 4 potatoes;
  • 300 g fresh white cabbage;
  • 2 small onions;
  • half 1 piece sweet pepper;
  • spices, salt to taste;
  • a little sunflower oil.

Cooking steps:

  • cut peeled and washed potatoes into cubes;
  • pour the potatoes into a saucepan, add water, and place on medium heat;
  • shred cabbage;
  • cut porcini mushrooms, onions into small cubes, half a sweet pepper;
  • grate the carrots;
  • pour cabbage into boiling potatoes and cook for 10 minutes;
  • At this time, fry the onions and carrots in a frying pan in vegetable oil. A little later, add mushrooms to the frying;
  • pour the roast into a pan with cabbage and potatoes;
  • add pepper to boiled cabbage soup;
  • after boiling the vegetables, add seasoning and salt to the cabbage soup;
  • Boil the cabbage soup over low heat for 10 minutes.

The soup is ready! Bon appetit.

Ural cabbage soup from sauerkraut

Products (for 6 servings)

  • Barley – 100 g
  • Vegetable oil – 50 g
  • Sauerkraut – 600 g
  • Carrots – 100 g
  • Parsley (root) – 25 g
  • Onion – 100 g
  • Flour – 25 g
  • Greens – 25 g
  • Garlic – 2-3 cloves (to taste)
  • Broth – 2-2.5 l (as much as it will take)
  • or boiling water – 2-2.5 l (as much as it will take)
  • Salt – 0.5 tbsp. spoons (to taste)


  1. Separately, steam the pearl barley until almost done. To do this, boil a kettle, wash the pearl barley, and put it in a saucepan. Pour boiling water, cover with a lid, leave for 15-20 minutes.
  2. If the sauerkraut is too sour, rinse it (you can soak it in cold water.
  3. Peel the onion, wash it, chop it finely.
  4. Heat a cauldron, pour in half the vegetable oil. Place onion in hot oil, sauté in oil over medium heat until golden (3-4 minutes).
  5. Squeeze the cabbage, add to the onion, heat, add a little hot broth or boiling water (100-150 ml) and simmer over low heat until creamy, stirring occasionally (about 20 minutes).
  6. Peel the carrots and parsley root, wash and grate on a coarse grater (or finely chop).
  7. Heat a frying pan and pour in the other half of the oil. Place carrots and prepared parsley into hot oil. Sauté vegetables in oil, stirring, for 2-3 minutes (over medium heat).
  8. Separately, saute the flour until creamy (2-3 minutes) in a dry frying pan, stirring, over low heat.
  9. Add sauteed roots and flour sauté to the stewed cabbage, add salt to taste.
  10. Boil the kettle or broth separately.
  11. Pour the prepared ingredients with hot broth or boiling water (about 2-2.5 liters), add steamed barley (cook it in cabbage soup) and cook Ural cabbage soup from sauerkraut until the barley is ready (about 20 minutes).
  12. Peel the garlic, grind or crush it in a garlic press.
  13. Wash the greens and chop finely.
  14. Add chopped herbs and crushed garlic to the prepared sauerkraut cabbage soup with pearl barley, heat and turn off the heat.
  15. Ural cabbage soup is ready.
  16. Serve Ural cabbage soup with sauerkraut and sour cream.
  17. Bon appetit!

Cabbage soup with sour cream: calorie content per 100 grams

The calorie content of cabbage soup with sour cream per 100 grams depends on the recipe for preparing the soup, the amount and type of sour cream added. Let's make simple calculations: one serving of soup contains approximately 250 grams of cabbage soup; usually add 1 tablespoon of sour cream.

Thus, the calorie content of cabbage soup with fresh cabbage and sour cream per 100 grams: for sour cream 10% fat content - 37.1 kcal, for sour cream 20% fat content - 44.48 kcal, for sour cream 25% fat content - 47.92 kcal, for sour cream 30 % fat content – ​​51.44 kcal.

The calorie values ​​for lean cabbage soup and soup with sauerkraut and sour cream differ slightly.

Recipe Soup with sauerkraut. Calorie, chemical composition and nutritional value.

Nutritional value and chemical composition of “Soup with sauerkraut”.

The table shows the nutritional content (calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals) per 100 grams of edible portion.

NutrientQuantityNorm**% of the norm in 100 g% of the norm in 100 kcal100% normal
Calorie content41 kcal1684 kcal2.4%5.9%4107 g
Squirrels3.7 g76 g4.9%12%2054 g
Fats1.3 g56 g2.3%5.6%4308 g
Carbohydrates3.5 g219 g1.6%3.9%6257 g
Organic acids0.1 g~
Alimentary fiber0.8 g20 g4%9.8%2500 g
Water90.2 g2273 g4%9.8%2520 g
Ash0.466 g~
Vitamin A, RE101.9 mcg900 mcg11.3%27.6%883 g
alpha carotene7.499 mcg~
beta carotene0.627 mg5 mg12.5%30.5%797 g
Lycopene191.049 mcg~
Lutein + Zeaxanthin9.133 mcg~
Vitamin B1, thiamine0.078 mg1.5 mg5.2%12.7%1923
Vitamin B2, riboflavin0.048 mg1.8 mg2.7%6.6%3750 g
Vitamin B4, choline13.59 mg500 mg2.7%6.6%3679 g
Vitamin B5, pantothenic0.181 mg5 mg3.6%8.8%2762 g
Vitamin B6, pyridoxine0.128 mg2 mg6.4%15.6%1563 g
Vitamin B9, folates5.844 mcg400 mcg1.5%3.7%6845 g
Vitamin B12, cobalamin0.067 mcg3 mcg2.2%5.4%4478 g
Vitamin C, ascorbic acid14.16 mg90 mg15.7%38.3%636 g
Vitamin D, calciferol0.1 mcg10 mcg1%2.4%10000 g
Vitamin D3, cholecalciferol0.1 mcg~
Vitamin E, alpha tocopherol, TE0.165 mg15 mg1.1%2.7%9091 g
beta tocopherol0.001 mg~
gamma tocopherol0.009 mg~
Vitamin H, biotin0.165 mcg50 mcg0.3%0.7%30303 g
Vitamin K, phylloquinone7.8 mcg120 mcg6.5%15.9%1538 g
Vitamin RR, NE1.4072 mg20 mg7%17.1%1421 g
Niacin0.254 mg~
Betaine0.397 mg~
Potassium, K172.98 mg2500 mg6.9%16.8%1445 g
Calcium, Ca14.04 mg1000 mg1.4%3.4%7123 g
Silicon, Si9.669 mg30 mg32.2%78.5%310 g
Magnesium, Mg12.02 mg400 mg3%7.3%3328 g
Sodium, Na24.92 mg1300 mg1.9%4.6%5217 g
Sera, S41.42 mg1000 mg4.1%10%2414 g
Phosphorus, P42.1 mg800 mg5.3%12.9%1900 g
Chlorine, Cl15.94 mg2300 mg0.7%1.7%14429 g
Aluminium, Al161.1 mcg~
Bor, B51.6 mcg~
Vanadium, V19.25 mcg~
Iron, Fe0.405 mg18 mg2.3%5.6%4444 g
Yod, I2.58 mcg150 mcg1.7%4.1%5814 g
Cobalt, Co1.494 mcg10 mcg14.9%36.3%669 g
Lithium, Li8.482 mcg~
Manganese, Mn0.0761 mg2 mg3.8%9.3%2628 g
Copper, Cu50.34 mcg1000 mcg5%12.2%1986
Molybdenum, Mo3.177 mcg70 mcg4.5%11%2203 g
Nickel, Ni2.35 mcg~
Rubidium, Rb83.6 mcg~
Selenium, Se4.132 mcg55 mcg7.5%18.3%1331 g
Strontium, Sr3.89 mcg~
Fluorine, F47.29 mcg4000 mcg1.2%2.9%8458 g
Chromium, Cr2.07 mcg50 mcg4.1%10%2415 g
Zinc, Zn0.4005 mg12 mg3.3%8%2996 g
Zirconium, Zr0.31 mcg~
Digestible carbohydrates
Starch and dextrins1.581 g~
Mono- and disaccharides (sugars)1.5 gmax 100 g
Glucose (dextrose)0.462 g~
Sucrose0.531 g~
Fructose0.306 g~
Essential amino acids0.122 g~
Arginine*0.215 g~
Valin0.168 g~
Histidine*0.126 g~
Isoleucine0.155 g~
Leucine0.263 g~
Lysine0.283 g~
Methionine0.085 g~
Methionine + Cysteine0.009 g~
Threonine0.146 g~
Tryptophan0.04 g~
Phenylalanine0.14 g~
Phenylalanine+Tyrosine0.032 g~
Nonessential amino acids0.229 g~
Alanin0.188 g~
Aspartic acid0.327 g~
Hydroxyproline0.01 g~
Glycine0.15 g~
Glutamic acid0.54 g~
Proline0.135 g~
Serin0.143 g~
Tyrosine0.131 g~
Cysteine0.038 g~
Sterols (sterols)
Cholesterol7.19 mgmax 300 mg
Phytosterols0.52 mg~
beta sitosterol0.128 mg~
Fatty acid
Trans fats0.005 gmax 1.9 g
monounsaturated trans fats0.004 g~
Saturated fatty acids
Saturated fatty acids0.3 gmax 18.7 g
10:0 Kaprinovaya0.001 g~
12:0 Lauric0.001 g~
14:0 Miristinovaya0.012 g~
16:0 Palmitinaya0.205 g~
17:0 Margarine0.003 g~
18:0 Stearic0.11 g~
20:0 Arakhinovaya0.002 g~
Monounsaturated fatty acids0.381 gmin 16.8 g2.3%5.6%
16:1 Palmitoleic0.02 g~
18:1 Oleic (omega-9)0.356 g~
18:1 cis0.333 g~
18:1 trans0.004 g~
20:1 Gadoleic (omega-9)0.006 g~
Polyunsaturated fatty acids0.143 gfrom 11.2 to 20.6 g1.3%3.2%
18:2 Linolevaya0.128 g~
18:2 trans isomer, undetermined0.001 g~
18:2 Omega-6, cis, cis0.113 g~
18:3 Linolenic0.014 g~
18:3 Omega-3, alpha-linolenic0.004 g~
20:2 Eicosadiene, Omega-6, cis, cis0.004 g~
20:4 Arachidonic0.005 g~
Omega-6 fatty acids0.1 gfrom 4.7 to 16.8 g2.1%5.1%

The energy value of Soup with sauerkraut is 41 kcal.

Primary Source: Created in the application by the user. Read more.

** This table shows the average levels of vitamins and minerals for an adult. If you want to know the norms taking into account your gender, age and other factors, then use the “My Healthy Diet” application.

Benefits of cabbage soup

The beneficial properties of cabbage soup include:

  • Despite its low calorie content, cabbage soup perfectly satisfies the feeling of hunger. Such soups are often included in the diet during weight loss and dieting;
  • sour cabbage soup is saturated with vitamin C, iron, phosphorus, sodium, silicon, calcium, potassium and other vitamins and minerals;
  • soup stimulates the functioning of the stomach, intestines, pancreas, and gall bladder;
  • the product normalizes metabolism, ensuring effective weight loss;
  • With regular consumption of cabbage soup, the level of bad cholesterol decreases and blood sugar levels normalize;
  • It is recommended to eat soup to prevent constipation.

Harmful cabbage soup

The harmful properties of cabbage soup include:

  • due to the addition of cabbage to soup, cabbage soup provokes disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract in some people, including those accompanied by flatulence and bloating;
  • Due to heat treatment, soup vegetables lose a significant part of their nutrients. It is much healthier to eat vegetables raw;
  • Cabbage soup should be eaten separately, not mixed with bread and other foods. Otherwise, the functioning of the stomach, intestines, gallbladder and pancreas can be disrupted;
  • a dish with sauerkraut is excluded from the diet in case of increased acidity of gastric juice, peptic ulcer of the intestines, stomach, as well as gastritis;
  • If sorrel is added to cabbage soup, then contraindications for use will be ulcers, gout, and worsened kidney disease.

Features of selection and preparation of ingredients

Sour lean cabbage soup can be prepared in different ways. The recipe in question is one of many variations. It involves using radishes instead of potatoes, beans and sauerkraut. It is better to take red beans. It has a richer taste and interesting appearance, which adds additional sophistication to the final dish. You can take raw, dried or canned beans. If the last option is chosen, then no preliminary preparation is required. Raw beans must be soaked overnight. In the morning it should be cooked separately until half cooked. How useful cabbage soup will be depends largely on the sauerkraut, which needs to be chosen correctly. The following criteria are taken into account:

  • color - white-golden or pinkish, but not gray;
  • The consistency of the brine is watery, slightly viscous and slightly slimy;
  • fraction size - the larger the shredder, the more nutrients left in it;
  • taste - sour and salty.

Another important criterion is crunch. If, when taking a sample, you feel a soft, even slightly flabby structure, you should not take such a product. It was either treated with boiling water to make it salt faster during the preparation stage, or it has been lying on the counter for a long time. The need for pre-preparation for sauerkraut will depend on its taste. If the product is very salty and hot, then you will first have to wash and squeeze the raw materials. Medium salty snacks require no preparation. It is better to take white radish. An ideal high-quality root vegetable has a length of no more than 5-6 cm, elastic, without damage or cracks on the surface of the peel. The radishes and other vegetables required by the recipe are pre-washed. Dry and remove the peel if necessary. Radishes, like beans, will have to be cooked separately. It is cut into small cubes. Cooking takes 15 minutes.

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