Minus kilograms, plus health - curd and kefir diet for 3, 7 and 21 days: reviews of the results

When choosing a way to lose weight, many, in an effort to get rid of extra pounds, go on a diet without thinking about their own health. But can a diet be not only harmless, but also beneficial for the body?

From the point of view of doctors, a diet is a specially designed, balanced diet aimed at preventing and treating diseases. It is an incorrectly selected diet that causes harm.

To avoid any problems with well-being, a person must receive sufficient amounts of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and other vital elements. But if proper nutrition and exercise are not for you, and you need to be slim and beautiful now, then you can resort to a diet, but only after consultation with a specialist.


The cottage cheese-kefir diet is one of the varieties of mono-diets, which is based on the consumption of only kefir and cottage cheese. If you do not have serious problems with excess weight, but you need to lose a few hated kilograms in a short time without deteriorating your health, then this way of eating is definitely for you.

According to reviews, the curd-kefir diet allows you to get rid of 7 kg in 10 days. The technique will not only not harm the body, but will also have a beneficial effect on your well-being. Kefir, due to the content of bacteria favorable to microflora, will have a positive effect on the intestines, and cottage cheese, due to the content of calcium and other elements necessary for a person, will improve the condition of hair and nails.

The essence and requirements of the diet

To carry out 1 day of the diet, you need to buy 1 liter of low-fat kefir and 200-250 g of cottage cheese. In addition to kefir, you can choose any unsweetened fermented milk product - natural yogurt, fermented baked milk, whey.

If you like dry low-fat cottage cheese, you can mix it with 50 ml of kefir and add a pinch of cinnamon, then beat in a blender. This way you can add variety to your diet. If you follow the diet for 1 day, you are guaranteed to lose 1 kilogram of excess weight. On a three-day diet you can lose 1-3 kilograms. The nutrition system within 7 days ensures getting rid of 5 kilograms, and in 10 days about 7 kilograms can disappear.

Basic principles

During the day you need to consume 500 g of cottage cheese and one and a half liters of kefir. The number of meals should be divided by 7-8. It is advisable to eat at intervals of 3 hours. In addition to kefir and cottage cheese, you can only consume water, coffee, tea and compote without sugar.

If you can sit on a kefir-curd diet for 7 days, then sticking to the method for more than 10 days is strictly prohibited. The fact is that kefir can cause fermentation in the intestines, and strict diets have a bad effect on the health of those losing weight.

Prolonged hunger strikes can lead to stomach ulcers, slow metabolism, sleep problems, deterioration of complexion, hair loss, peeling nails and crumbling teeth, so you need to know when to stop.

Attention! It is advisable to carry out diets such as fasting days for a minimum period. You should not abuse this diet and do it more than once every two months.

The right way out of the diet: expert advice

Having endured the inconvenience associated with the lack of your favorite sweets, you need to mentally prepare yourself for the fact that these same sweets will not appear in your diet in the next few weeks. The worst thing you can do after finishing a diet is to start eating everything harmful and forbidden, as it was before.

Flour products, starchy vegetables and fruits, fatty and fried foods, as well as sweets are prohibited for another 14 days. All food should be low-calorie, and the calorie content should be increased gradually. Prohibited foods are introduced into the diet one per day, and consumed in small quantities. In the first few days, it is better to focus on oatmeal and buckwheat porridge, cooked with milk and with the addition of fruit.


The technique has many advantages.

  1. Cottage cheese and kefir are dietary products, so even if you eat more than normal, this will not significantly affect the result.
  2. Kefir has a positive effect on the state of the intestinal microflora, cleansing it, so after such a diet the stomach will become significantly smaller.
  3. Cottage cheese has a beneficial effect on the appearance of those losing weight, speeds up metabolism, and has a positive effect on the condition of the liver and nervous system.
  4. Fermented milk products consist of almost only protein, so they are easy to fill up and provide many times more energy than products containing carbohydrates.
  5. Kefir and cottage cheese can be bought at any grocery store and they do not require heat treatment, which makes life much easier.

Cottage cheese diet!!!!

Completed numerous advanced training courses in epidemiology and infectious diseases. Diana: It seems to me that drugs with iodine should be prescribed by an endocrinologist after complete Sten: It turns out that the antiviral works. Taya: I don’t deny in any way that some of the kids might like these vitamins and Mikhail: What kind of uneducated person wrote this honey. I would really like to talk to him. All materials presented on the site are intended for educational purposes only and are not intended for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

The site administration, editors and authors of articles are not responsible for any consequences or losses that may arise when using site materials.

Infectious and parasitic diseases Neoplasms Diseases of the blood and hematopoietic organs Diseases of the endocrine system Mental disorders Diseases of the nervous system Eye diseases Ear diseases Diseases of the circulatory system Diseases of the respiratory system Diseases of the digestive system Skin diseases Diseases of the musculoskeletal system Diseases of the genitourinary system Pregnancy and childbirth Diseases of the fetus and newborn Congenital anomalies developmental defects Trauma and poisoning.

Circulatory and respiratory systems Digestive system and abdominal cavity Skin and subcutaneous tissue Nervous and musculoskeletal systems Urinary system Perception and behavior Speech and voice General symptoms and signs Abnormalities. Acidosis Basophils.. Bulimia Vasectomy.. Miscarriage Hallucinogens.. Therapeutic mud Darsonvalization.. Dopamine Eunoscopy Glands.. Fats Hormone replacement therapy Needle test..

Artificial coma Cavern.. Coumarin Laparoscope.. Lumbar puncture Magnetotherapy.. Mutation Anesthesia.. Nystagmus General blood test..

Edema Palliative care.. Pulse Rehabilitation.. Mole nevus Secretin..

Who tried it? How long did they sit, how much did they throw off? Did the weight come back with your friends?

Blood serum Thalamus.. It is allowed to add:. This is an effective option for emergency weight loss, but it should not be abused, and it is advisable to use it no more than days in a row. The three-day and seven-day cottage cheese diets are more gentle; they quickly begin to produce positive results without compromising health.

If you want to lose subcutaneous fat faster, choose short but strict diet programs. But most importantly, be careful when purchasing the main ingredient of the diet so as not to harm your health. What can you eat cottage cheese with on a diet?

The three-day cottage cheese diet comes in two versions. The first is grams of fresh cottage cheese per day, divided into equal parts, which should be eaten every hour. The advantage of this option is that it ensures complete absorption of calcium by the body. During the diet period, sweets in any form are prohibited.


It is worth noting that this diet refers to express methods, so it can cause dizziness, insomnia, weakness and other ailments; if such symptoms are detected, you should abandon the diet.

  1. The diet is not suitable for the long term.
  2. After a diet, the weight may return.
  3. Lack of variety in diet.
  4. Protein is an easily digestible product; you quickly feel satisfied, but the feeling of hunger quickly returns.
  5. Since protein also has the property of removing fluid from the body, dehydration may occur; to avoid this process, drink enough water.
  6. During the diet, you cannot play sports; any physical activity should be kept to a minimum, since due to a large reduction in calories, exercise can cause dizziness and even loss of consciousness; it is better to give preference to walks in the fresh air, yoga or light exercises.

How to choose dairy products for your diet

The most important factor in choice is the level of animal fat content. Products with a fat content of less than 2 percent are suitable for the diet, otherwise the effect of their consumption will be exactly the opposite. Is it possible to consume homemade dairy products, or is it better to give preference to store-bought ones? Typically, milk and its derivative products obtained from domestic cows have a higher percentage of fat content. The so-called low-fat cottage cheese is also prepared from them, but the store-bought version with the same name is still more reliable.

It is necessary to pay attention to freshness: kefir and cottage cheese, which are of natural origin, cannot be stored for longer than a week in the refrigerator. It’s better not to stock up on food for future use, but to buy a new portion every day

Biokefir can be consumed instead of regular kefir - this will help improve intestinal function.


Please adhere to the following guidelines.

  1. Cottage cheese and kefir are perishable products, so do not neglect the shelf life of the product.
  2. After the diet, you need to gradually switch to a normal diet, you can’t immediately eat what you want, you risk getting back everything you lost.
  3. Drink vitamins, as a diet limited to two foods can lead to vitamin deficiency.
  4. Don't forget about water, it fills your stomach, and thus you eat much less.
  5. Add bran to kefir, this will improve digestion and create an imaginary feeling of satiety.
  6. Eat a tablespoon of sesame seeds in the morning on an empty stomach, this will prevent the occurrence of ulcers and liver diseases.

Interesting! The kefir-curd diet is definitely not suitable for a long period, but as a fasting day once a week it is very effective. Using the diet in this way will help you get rid of many digestive problems without much difficulty.


It’s no secret that fasting days help control weight, shift the plateau (weight loss), “cleanse” the body after a stormy holiday feast and carry a lot of positive things. There are countless options and recipes, from exotic and dangerous to harmless and even useful.

Spending the whole day on a cottage cheese diet is not difficult, even for those who have never done it. But, as always, there are some nuances that you need to be aware of. What should you pay attention to?

Menu for 3-10 days

The diet menu consists of uniform consumption of the required amount of cottage cheese and kefir throughout the day. It is advisable to eat only when you feel hungry and not to exceed the norm. Otherwise, it all depends on your preferences.

After day 3 of the kefir-curd diet, you can add green apples.

The second option is for those for whom 10 days is not enough

If 10 days of diet is not enough for you, you can turn to the second option.

  • Breakfast. 200 g cottage cheese, oatmeal.
  • Lunch. 300 g kefir with bran.
  • Dinner. Steamed fish, rice.
  • Afternoon snack. 200 g cottage cheese.
  • Dinner. 300 g kefir.

This version of the cottage cheese-kefir diet can be followed for up to 21 days. It's more gentle. The menu may change depending on your preferences. But the calorie content of what you eat should not be more than 1200 kcal.

Basic cottage cheese diets: short menu, features of using fermented milk product

There are several options for a cottage cheese diet (three-day or seven-day diet, cottage cheese and vegetable diet, diet with bananas, kefir, fruits). It’s easy to choose the most suitable menu that will suit your taste preferences and allow you to quickly get into shape.

Cottage cheese diet menu, basic diet rules:

  • Three-day diet. If you need to lose weight quickly, it is recommended to use this particular diet. The menu is designed for three days. During this period, eat only cottage cheese. Consume 150–200 grams of fermented milk product every 3–4 hours. To ensure that the main fat-burning ingredient is well absorbed, it is allowed to drink kefir (low-fat only) or yogurt between meals (prepare a fermented milk drink yourself, do not add sweet ingredients or fruits). It is also not prohibited to include fruits or vegetables in the menu (minimum quantity), especially if you are worried about an acute feeling of hunger.
  • Seven-day diet. Using the cottage cheese diet to lose weight by 10 kg in a week is suitable for women who are already accustomed to strict diets - the menu is quite meager, and you will need a considerable amount of patience and willpower. It is recommended to eat only three times a day, snacks are prohibited. For breakfast you should eat any porridge (oatmeal, rice, buckwheat, cooked only in water without adding spices). Supplement the diet with chopped vegetables (one tomato and cucumber, sprinkle with lemon juice). Drink unsweetened green tea. Lunch - grated cottage cheese (200 g) with a slice of whole grain bread. The drink is a rosehip decoction. For an evening meal, prepare the ground curd mass without any additives, wash it down with herbal decoction or kefir.
  • Kefir-curd diet. This is a cottage cheese diet, which is considered one of the toughest. Eating cottage cheese allows you to lose up to a kilogram of excess weight per day. It is recommended to eat 300 grams per day in small portions. fermented milk product, drink one and a half liters of kefir (low-fat). Do not overuse - it is prohibited to go on a strict diet for more than three days.
  • Cottage cheese and apple menu. Great for apple lovers. It is recommended to eat 2 kg of unsweetened fruits and 500 grams throughout the day. fermented milk product. Do not combine - you should have cottage cheese for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and snack on apples. The only drinks allowed are green tea and herbal infusions. A week of a meager diet allows you to get rid of 3-4 kg.
  • Curd and egg diet. The menu is designed for three days; exceeding the diet threatens unpleasant health complications. Eat 100 grams at breakfast, dinner, and lunch. cottage cheese. Have two snacks a day and eat one hard-boiled egg.
  • Banana diet. The cottage cheese diet for weight loss, combined with tropical fruits, is designed for five days. Eat 6 times daily; it is recommended to consume cottage cheese (400 g) and 3 bananas per day. It is not necessary to separate the products - you are allowed to mix them. The main condition is not to add any more ingredients, drink only clean water.
  • Diet based on soft fermented milk product. Using a soft cottage cheese diet allows you to lose up to three kilograms per week. It is allowed to add greens, which will make up for the lack of vitamins and can successfully replace taking multivitamin preparations. It is recommended to eat 350 grams per day. soft cottage cheese (mix with low-fat homemade yogurt). The permissible amount of yogurt per day is up to 250 ml. Greens (parsley curls, dill, lettuce, celery) are allowed to be added without restrictions - due to their low calorie content and the ability to trigger the burning of fat formations, spicy ingredients will only increase the intensity of weight loss. The optimal duration of the diet is up to five days.

Another cottage cheese diet allows you to combine the fermented milk ingredient with any fruit (with the exception of bananas, grapes, cherries). Citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, grapefruits), apples, pears, peaches have the most effective effect on your figure. Eat 0.5 kg of fruit and 300–330 grams per day. curd mass. The optimal diet option is to consume the main fat-burning product three times and give preference to fruits for snacks.


Those who have tried the kefir-curd diet on themselves generally note a positive result. Judging by the reviews, you can say goodbye to 7 kg in a short time. The technique is indeed effective, but only if you approach it wisely.

Those who have lost weight also note improvements in the condition of their nails, hair and teeth. They also note a decrease in the number of stretch marks and skin problems. What can be attributed to the disadvantages encountered by people who have completed the diet is a constant feeling of hunger.

Elena, 23 years old: “I was on a kefir-curd diet for a week, during which time I lost 3 kg. I didn’t find any problems with my health, the condition of my nails noticeably improved (they stopped peeling), on the second day of the diet, instead of my small tummy, I had a relatively flat one. Cellulite and stretch marks on the thighs have become much smaller, thanks to the cleansing of the intestines, the skin of the face has become cleaner and fresher. In general, I really liked the diet, and with a clear conscience I can recommend it to others.”

Vladimir, 45 years old: “ I was on a kefir-curd diet in company with my wife, who chose the method based on reviews. In 10 days I got rid of 7 kg. In the first days I felt a slight feeling of hunger, but by the fourth I got used to it and everything returned to normal. Weakness and dizziness did not haunt me during the diet. On the positive side, I can also note the positive effect of the diet on digestion; in ten days I got rid of not only excess weight, but also intestinal problems.”

Elena, 31 years old: “I never had any big problems with excess weight, but over the holidays I gained 2 kg, which I urgently needed to get rid of before going to the seaside. As a solution to the problem, I decided to choose a kefir-curd diet, and I stayed on it for 7 days. It took 1 kg more than planned, that is, 3 kg. I am very pleased with the result. I didn’t find any shortcomings during the diet, the diet was satisfying, I didn’t go hungry.”

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Not expensive.
  • Convenience of execution, since it does not require time for preparation and it is convenient to take food to work, on the road, etc.
  • Relatively easy to carry.
  • Due to imbalance, the mono-diet should be used for no more than 3 days.
  • Constipation may occur when following a mono-diet.
  • Due to the lack of carbohydrates, weakness and dizziness .
  • Contraindicated for people suffering from kidney disease due to the high protein load.
  • Given kefir’s ability to increase acidity, it is contraindicated for peptic ulcers and gastritis with high acidity.
  • Eating large amounts of cottage cheese is contraindicated in case of hypertension .


The cottage cheese-kefir diet for weight loss is really effective, but it’s up to you to decide whether to go on it or not. If you don’t go to extremes, then it definitely won’t harm your well-being, but on the contrary, it will improve your health. The main thing is to follow all the recommendations and consult with a specialist, otherwise you may fail, ruin your own health and ruin the condition of your skin, nails and hair.

Reader’s story “How I lost 18 kg in 2.5 months” I’ve been fat all my life and suffered from excess weight. In clothing stores I chose size L, which by the age of 25 turned into XL and continued to grow. I can tell you for a long time how I tried to fight my 30-35 extra pounds: diets, hunger strike, physical activity, even pills and some kind of conspiracies. The effect was short-lived or absent altogether. In short, despair, depression and almost resignation to one’s enormous weight. But one day I came across... a chocolate bar that helps you lose weight! It didn’t cost me anything to try it - I love chocolates. I ordered it and ate it. And the weight crept down!! It seems like mysticism, but it's true. I began to study the issue and realized how it all works. Girls, try it! I have already lost 18 kg in 2.5 months. And I continue. It's up to you, but you don't lose anything except weight, of course. Try Choco Burn chocolate for weight loss for 147 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages of a cottage cheese diet for weight loss

The first stage that must be completed before starting a weight loss course is to study the disadvantages and advantages of the curd method for body correction. Getting to know the pros and cons will allow you to determine how suitable the diet is and whether a rather meager menu will provoke health complications.

The advantages of the cottage cheese diet include:

  • eating cottage cheese forces the body to begin consuming energy from fat reserves;
  • the fermented milk product satisfies perfectly - the feeling of hunger does not bother you for a long time, it is easy to give up snacks;
  • The results will please you after just a few days of the cottage cheese diet - in a week you will be able to get rid of 2-4 kg (if you do simple sports or just do exercises or jogging every day, these results will be significantly increased);
  • fermented milk product improves digestive and metabolic processes, increases the level of beneficial microflora in the intestines;
  • thanks to some substances contained in the product (enzymes, minerals), intensive breakdown of fatty tissue begins;
  • cottage cheese is perfectly digestible - the load on the digestive organs is reduced;
  • thanks to the diuretic effect, excess fluid is removed, reducing the risk of swelling;
  • a healthy diet contributes to the normal functioning of the heart, digestive tract, kidneys, and liver;
  • there is a positive effect on the nail plates, hair, teeth.

The cottage cheese diet also has disadvantages that can cause you to refuse a healthy menu. Among the disadvantages, there are a considerable number of contraindications and the need to consume vitamin complexes (cottage cheese does not contain fiber or other elements that the body needs for normal functioning).

The main prohibitions of the cottage cheese diet:

  • serious diseases of the digestive tract;
  • kidney pathologies;
  • allergic reactions to fermented milk products;
  • pregnancy, lactation period;
  • chronic diseases during exacerbation.

To completely avoid unpleasant complications, it is recommended to visit a doctor before losing weight, undergo a medical examination, and consult a nutritionist.

Authorized and Unauthorized Products

It is recommended to use lean meat, fish, offal without fat, and a small amount of rye or bran bread in the menu.

Prohibited products:

  • Potatoes, and anything that contains starch;
  • Sweets;
  • Products made from premium wheat flour;
  • Sausages, frankfurters, semi-finished meat products;
  • Ketchup, mayonnaise;
  • Canned food;
  • Sugar.

Contraindications to compliance

No matter how tempting the prospect of losing 5-10 kilograms of body fat may seem, there are times when it is better to abandon the diet and look for more balanced options. Doctors say that cottage cheese and kefir weight loss is prohibited for pregnant and lactating mothers, with lactose intolerance, with diseases of the digestive tract (gastritis, pancreatitis, stomach or duodenal ulcers, colitis, cholecystitis), for people suffering from atherosclerosis, diseases liver and biliary tract, diabetes, depression, renal or heart failure. For those who constantly endure intense physical activity, maintaining a diet may be questionable. You should refrain from dieting if you underwent surgery in the abdominal cavity less than half a year before it.

The main rule for losing weight without harmful consequences is a preliminary consultation with a doctor. Only a specialist can answer the question of whether this or that diet is suitable for a person.

Mechanism of action and compliance features

Both kefir and cottage cheese are elements of proper nutrition, irreplaceable sources of protein for both athletes and those who take care of their health. Fans of the diet say that this combination provokes dramatic weight loss for the body, and several factors contribute to this. Pure protein products require more energy from the body for their breakdown, due to which they provide a longer lasting effect of satiety. Low-fat cottage cheese and kefir contain a very small amount of bad cholesterol, so there is practically no harm to health from them.

The lactic acid bacteria contained in these products have a positive effect on the functioning of the intestines, which also promotes weight loss.

To achieve the planned results, you need to follow a few simple rules.

You should not lash out at prohibited foods - such violations entail the return of weight that has already begun to come off. The organs of the gastrointestinal tract may generally react with dysfunction if you consume only milk for one day, and the next day you are given a load of fried or fatty foods.

In addition to kefir, be sure to drink liquid: pure mineral water or green tea in an amount of at least one and a half liters.

Although the list of products offered for consumption is very limited in weight and variety, it is better to divide daily meals into at least 4 meals.

Combining diet with sports activities will be useful.

The abundance of protein in the diet of athletes is very important - after all, it is the main building material for muscle mass. If workouts were not previously included in your daily schedule, now is the time to add them there.

Light strength exercises can be combined with aerobic exercise.

Kefir-curd unloading

This diet option is designed for three days. The menu is very simple and consists of only two products: kefir and cottage cheese. For each day of such fasting you need to buy 1 liter of kefir and 300 g of cottage cheese. The daily diet looks like this:

  • 8-00: 100 g cottage cheese, 200 g kefir;
  • 11-00: 200 g kefir;
  • 14-00: 100 g cottage cheese, 200 g kefir;
  • 16-00: 200 g kefir;
  • 19-00: 100 g of cottage cheese;
  • 22-00: 200 g of kefir.

You can divide the daily amount of food in other ways, but it is recommended to do 5-6 meals per day at regular intervals. It is allowed to supplement the menu with bran: 1 tbsp. 3 times a day. They have no nutritional value, but help cleanse the intestines and give a feeling of fullness. In three days, the proposed nutrition system allows you to lose 2-3 kg.

Diet rules:

  • It is recommended to drink green tea and plain water to speed up your metabolism.
  • The number of meals is at least four per day!
  • You should not add spices or spices to your food - weight loss may slow down.
  • Physical activity is not recommended.

You need to come out of a strict diet gradually. First, fruits are introduced, then cereals, then meat and eggs. Vegetables are added last. You need to be careful with sweets: it is not advisable to add them to your diet for at least two weeks. Otherwise, the lost kilograms will come back again.

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