Metabolism Diet - Hayley Pomeroy, Eve Adamson (2013)

The secret to the slimness of Hollywood stars has been revealed! Robert Downey and JLo sped up their metabolism with a special diet. Find out how and what you need to eat to lose up to 15 kg in just a month!

Author: Kristina Lobanovskaya, doctor, practicing nutritionist Article updated: 11/10/2020

Among the many well-known diets, there are very few truly reliable ones. It would seem that if you supply your body with fewer calories than it consumes, you will lose weight. But some diets give an effect that is far from the promised one; after a while, the body simply stops responding to others. But the most unpleasant thing is that after a person stops following the diet regimen, the lost kilograms return and often in even greater quantities.

Bachelor of Science, nutritionist from the USA, Hayley Pomeroy, is known as the author of a unique diet to speed up metabolism, which allows you to lose 10-15 kg in a month, without starving at all and without fear of gaining weight in the future. Her nutrition system has helped many Hollywood stars lose weight. Thus, it was used by famous movie actors Robert Downey and JLo. The technique is based on the principles of separate nutrition, the effectiveness of which has long been proven.

Mechanism of action

Metabolism or metabolism is a set of processes occurring in the body to maintain its viability. These processes can be aimed either at processing energy obtained from food into heat, or at building new cells (blood, muscles, bones, fat), or at creating reserves in the form of fat deposits. Some people can eat fatty, sweet, starchy foods while maintaining a slim figure. For others, even if you eat lettuce all day long, you won’t be able to lose weight.

It has been proven that the main aspect that explains difficulties with losing weight is the low intensity of metabolic processes. Metabolic speed, which determines the degree of predisposition to obesity, is only 10% determined genetically, the remaining 90% is the result of lifestyle.

Metabolic processes are “guided” by hormones, and therefore the reasons for the low effectiveness of many weight loss methods are the inevitable changes in hormonal levels caused by their limited diet. It has been established that low-calorie diets reduce the dynamics of the thyroid gland and increase the activity of the adrenal glands.

And since the thyroid gland produces a hormone that accelerates fat burning, and the adrenal glands produce a hormone that protects fats from breakdown, the result is predictable - fat goes into “storage areas”. The Pomeroy diet speeds up metabolic processes and directs them in the right direction, not for accumulation, but for burning fat.

Foods prohibited by the Hayley Pomeroy diet

To get the maximum benefit from your diet and achieve the desired results, it is recommended to review your menu and eliminate foods that reduce your metabolic rate from your diet. There is no need to worry that the restrictions are too strict and you will have to endure an unpleasant feeling of hunger - you are allowed to eat meat, fish products, and various types of cereals.

Using the Pomeroy diet for weight loss, you will have to stop eating:

  • sugar and all sweets (cakes, sweets, chocolate);
  • products made from wheat flour;
  • sweet soda;
  • corn, corn flour;
  • milk (using sour cream and cream on a diet is also not recommended);
  • dry fruits (pears, apples, prunes);
  • black tea (even unsweetened drink has a negative effect on metabolism);
  • coffee.

It is also prohibited to consume all types of alcohol during the diet. Even low-alcohol alcohol (beer or wine) can reduce the metabolic rate and negatively affect the functioning of the digestive organs. Another danger hidden in alcoholic drinks is that they contribute to the accumulation of harmful toxins, which will inevitably result in an increase in fat folds.

Advantages and disadvantages

The obvious advantages of this technique include:

  • high efficiency, confirmed by the results of almost five years of use;
  • varied and tasty diet;
  • low probability of “breakdowns” and the ability not to torture yourself with hunger strikes that are dangerous to your health due to the absence of strict restrictions on portion sizes;
  • The Hayley Pomeroy diet can be used at any age; it is not contraindicated in the presence of most chronic diseases. The limitation is the state of rehabilitation after a recent serious illness or surgery.

From a medical point of view, this nutritional system has no disadvantages. True, some nutritionists consider the calorie content of the diet to be too low for the body to function properly - on some days it does not exceed 700 kcal. Reviews from those who have lost weight indicate a fairly high cost of the daily menu, because one of the requirements is the preparation of dishes from fresh and high-quality products.

Basic Rules

The technique was developed taking into account the biorhythms of the human body and is designed for 4 weeks. To achieve the effect, it is recommended to follow the following rules:

  1. Include in the menu only products listed in the list of permitted for a particular phase of the diet. They must be natural and not contain food additives, flavors, dyes or preservatives. If the body is forced to spend energy on eliminating harmful substances, its metabolism slows down, which contradicts the idea of ​​​​a dietary program.
  2. Have breakfast within half an hour of waking up. When metabolic processes start in the morning, the result will be higher.
  3. The diet includes three main meals and two snacks, with a break between main meals of at least 3 hours. This regime will keep the digestive system in constant tone, creating conditions for complete digestion of food and consumption of previously accumulated fat reserves.
  4. The order of the phases must be strictly observed: since each has its own purpose, the diet will only be effective if they are followed exactly.
  5. You should not endure hunger, food should be enjoyable, and scrupulous calorie counting is not included in its program.
  6. Food can be prepared in any way.
  7. To gradually reduce the volume of the stomach, the author of the technique advises limiting the amount of food for one meal to a 250-gram cup. For people with large body weight, this amount can be increased to 1.5 cups.
  8. Every day you need to drink at least 2 liters of fluid. You can drink still water, herbal teas, homemade lemonades with citrus juice and xylitol or stevia. Water is needed to maintain hydrobalance and remove toxins.
  9. Try to minimize stressful situations. It has been proven that a positive attitude helps you lose weight and boosts metabolism, while the hormones adrenaline and cortisol, which are released during stress, force the body to switch on fat storage mode.
  10. The diet regimen must be combined with an active lifestyle. There is no need to exhaust yourself with daily long-term heavy training; moderate exercise 2-3 times a week is quite enough.

Metabolism Diet - Hayley Pomeroy, Eve Adamson (2013)



“How timely we met you!” Those were the first words I spoke to Haley Pomeroy, a nutritionist whose practice I recently joined in Burbank, California. Haley and I had different work schedules, but I had heard about this brilliant nutritionist from my patients and practitioners in other specialties. When I finally met Hayley, I had to admit that there was truly something exceptional about her. Not to mention the attractiveness of her personality and the deep care with which she surrounded her patients. I was struck by the emotional state of her patients; They were all so happy, content, and on the fast track to full recovery after losing significant, even stunning, weight using Haley's program. The result of the diet was obvious.

I began sending my patients to her, especially persistently - obese patients, patients with diabetes and hypertension, for whom weight loss was literally a matter of life and death. They came to my next appointment praising Haley and the natural, delicious, nutritious foods they began eating at her recommendation. They all sincerely thanked me for referring them to Hayley. I have never seen such strict adherence to prescriptions before, some even shared recipes with me!

At first, when I looked at the progress of Haley's clients—the number of pounds and the rate at which they were lost—I thought that this was just another unstable weight loss program that would inevitably result in disappointment and dissatisfaction for patients who returned to their previous unhealthy weight. But when Hayley introduced me to her program, I realized that I was far from the truth. Haley's method is medically proven and the program's effectiveness is backed by real science, not untested theory or anecdotal evidence. There is no quackery in it! Hayley has a deep knowledge of the functioning of metabolism, how biochemical reactions caused by the consumption of certain foods or dishes can speed up or slow down this process. Hayley Pomeroy's program really works, and what's more, it works quickly.

The effectiveness of the program also lies in the fact that following the proposed diet is easy and pleasant. The original system of selecting products and splitting meals trains and speeds up metabolism. I've seen weight loss, cholesterol levels drop, blood sugar levels stabilize, sleep improve, depression disappear, and not just in the short term: these results stand the test of time. Hayley always says, “Make food work for you.” And she knows how to start the weight loss process even in overweight patients for whom other diets have not worked.

Hayley showed the light at the end of the proverbial tunnel of diet despair. I wish everyone could meet Hayley in person because she can inspire and motivate like no other. But since personal contact with everyone who wants to lose weight is impossible, I am extremely glad that Hayley finally wrote a book. Now anyone can have access to her wonderful program, charged with the positive energy of its creator. Hayley, among other things, is an excellent mentor: she combines the firmness necessary in some cases with humor, and does not skimp on encouraging those who are losing weight. Taken together, this leads to such joyful changes that many of us never dream of! Believe me, you can lose weight, improve your body health and change your life for the better! I am convinced of the effectiveness of Haley's technique and can't wait to give a copy of this book to each of my patients.


Diet phases

Hayley Pomeroy's weight loss program lasts 28 days. The diet is scheduled for one week, each week consists of three phases designed to solve specific problems.

First phase

The duration of this period is two days, the main task is a smooth transition to a new diet. The diet is based on animal and plant proteins and complex carbohydrates. Easily digestible food will allow the body to avoid biological stress.

Authorized products:

  • all grains except wheat;
  • poultry, lean pork or beef;
  • low-fat fish;
  • vegetables;
  • any fruit, including bananas and grapes.

Power scheme:

  • breakfast - porridge;
  • lunch - fruits;
  • lunch – a portion of meat or fish, salad or stewed vegetables;
  • afternoon snack - fruit and whole grain bread;
  • dinner - meat or fish, porridge, vegetables.

Second phase

The duration of the period is two days, the goal is to unblock fat reserves. The daily diet includes dishes rich in fiber and proteins. There are no carbohydrate products at this stage.

Authorized products:

  • fish;
  • white poultry meat;
  • lean veal;
  • any vegetables;
  • unsweetened fruits.

Power scheme:

  • breakfast - a portion of meat or fish, vegetable salad;
  • lunch - apple, strawberry or grapefruit;
  • lunch - a meat or fish dish with a vegetable side dish;
  • afternoon snack - fruit;
  • dinner - meat or fish, vegetables.

Third phase

The goal of the last, three-day stage is to actively stimulate heat exchange and burn already formed fat deposits. The menu includes dishes with moderate protein content, rich in healthy fats, vitamins and fiber.

Authorized products:

  • fish, including fatty fish;
  • seafood;
  • nuts, seeds;
  • all types of vegetables and fruits;
  • legumes;
  • vegetable oil;
  • once a day a small amount of bread and cereals.

Power scheme:

  • breakfast - a portion of porridge with vegetable or oil, egg, salad;
  • lunch – fruit or fruit smoothie;
  • lunch - stewed meat or fish, vegetable salad (optionally - fish or meat soup with vegetables);
  • afternoon snack - a couple of eggs salad, nuts, seeds;
  • dinner - seafood, meat or fish, vegetables.

There is no section on quitting the diet in Hayley Pomeroy’s method. The author believes that a smooth transition from a limited diet to a regular diet is ensured by the third phase of the dietary regimen. In order not to gain excess weight in the future, it is recommended to adhere to such a not too high-calorie, but quite nutritious diet for the rest of your life.

Phases of Hayley Pomeroy's fat burning method

Before using the Hayley Pomeroy diet to speed up metabolism, you should prepare yourself for a long process - you will have to adhere to the basic requirements of the method for four weeks. There are three phases, and each of them has its own characteristics, which are best familiarized with before you start losing weight.

At the initial stage, the body will have to adapt to changing the diet, introducing new dishes, excluding some products from the menu. At the second stage, active burning of fat deposits begins, starting metabolism. The third phase is consolidation of results and continuation of weight loss. You don’t have to leave the diet - it’s enough to gradually introduce dishes from your usual diet, although it’s better not to abuse prohibited foods, otherwise the extra pounds will quickly return and you’ll have to go on a diet again.

Nutrition rules during the first phase of the diet

In order for the Pomeroy diet to set the body up for active weight loss from the very first days, you will have to go through a preparatory stage, lasting approximately 2-3 days. At the same time, the load is removed from the adrenal glands, the functioning of the endocrine system is normalized (hormonal levels are normalized).

During the preparatory phase, it is recommended to consume foods rich in carbohydrates (there is an exception - wheat porridge or baked goods made from white flour). Monitor the composition of foods - it’s better not to get carried away with fats and proteins. The ideal set of products for the first phase of the diet:

  • rice (it is recommended to consume only brown cereal, white grains contain a high percentage of starch, which prevents active weight loss), porridge should be cooked in water, without adding milk, sweet ingredients, butter;
  • vegetables (avoid eating starchy fruits - potatoes, corn), it is better to serve them raw, prepare sliced ​​vegetables, light salads with vegetable oil dressing (sesame, olive);
  • porridge (buckwheat, oatmeal, barley are considered the most useful for losing weight on the Pomeroy diet);
  • fruits (it is recommended to give preference to sour fruits - apples, plums, it is allowed to prepare freshly squeezed juices, fruit drinks without added sugar);
  • meat (boil or bake chicken fillet, turkey, veal, lean beef).

As for drinks, it is recommended to consume juices, green tea, and herbal infusions during the first phase (a drink made from rose hips, which at the same time saturates the body with vitamins and other useful elements, copes well with slow metabolism).

Features of the second phase

The second stage of the Pomeroy diet to speed up metabolism, which is calculated for two and a half weeks, is considered the most active in terms of burning fat tissue. It is recommended to eat foods rich in protein compounds. The body begins to consume energy, diligently using the “emergency reserve” from problem areas of the figure. At the same time, muscle mass is built - proteins help strengthen muscles, increase firmness and elasticity.

It is also recommended at the second stage of the diet to cook with the addition of greens, which are high in fiber. Don't forget about vegetables - they must be present on the table. It is better not to eat fruits and cereals; nutritionists suggest replacing them with products that are more useful for activating metabolism:

  • mushrooms (do not overuse them - it is better to use them for making sauces or soups, frying is strictly prohibited, even a minimal amount of oil reduces the metabolic rate);
  • eggs (steam omelettes, boil hard-boiled);
  • spinach and green onions (greens will compensate for the lack of useful elements and vitamins);
  • cabbage (all types of cabbage are allowed; light salads with olive oil dressing, vegetable slices, casseroles, and stews can be prepared from them).

During the second stage of weight loss, you will not have to give up meat products. Baked or steamed chicken or veal is a great option for a light lunch or dinner. It is better to serve meat with salad or baked vegetables.

Rules and requirements of the third phase of weight loss

Hayley Pomeroy's diet menu for the third phase (lasts a week) of burning fat deposits - active consumption of natural fats. Protein compounds and carbohydrates should be kept to a minimum - it is not possible to completely avoid these substances, but it is better to try to significantly reduce them.

It is recommended to actively consume seeds (flaxseed, sesame, pumpkin) and nuts (all types). Be sure to include berries in your diet (eat fresh, prepare unsweetened compotes, fruit drinks, juice).

At this stage of weight loss, normalization of metabolism begins, burning fat reserves is significantly accelerated. If all requirements and rules are met, 500–900 grams will be consumed per day. excess weight.

Products recommended to continue the third stage of the diet:

  • fruits, vegetables (monitor the amount of starch content; it is recommended to completely exclude those that are too starchy);
  • vegetable oil (olive or sesame products are considered the most useful for weight loss), which is used for preparing soups and salads;
  • legume vegetables.

During this phase of the Pomeroy diet, strictly adhere to the rules of heat treatment of foods to speed up metabolism. Frying is strictly prohibited, otherwise the calorie content of dishes will increase significantly, which will immediately affect the speed of metabolic processes and the burning of fat folds.

Dish recipes

The dishes proposed in Hayley Pomeroy's book “The Metabolism Diet” are low-calorie. They are easy to prepare, look delicious and taste good. The only requirement is that everything you take for cooking must be fresh! Canned food, flavorings and other food additives should not be used.

Spicy pearl barley soup with chicken fillet

Soak pearl barley for several hours. Lightly fry the grated carrots and chopped onions, adding a spoonful of olive oil. Cut the chicken fillet into cubes. Place all ingredients in a saucepan, add water or low-fat meat broth. Cook until the cereal grains become soft. Add fresh tomato pieces, lemon juice, pepper, salt, finely chopped garlic, parsley and dill, cook for another 5 minutes.

Trout soup

For the dish you will need:

  • diced trout fillet, potatoes and tomatoes;
  • grated carrots and onions cut into half rings sautéed in olive oil;
  • halves of olives;
  • greenery.

Place all ingredients in a saucepan, add water and cook until the potatoes are ready.

Pilaf with chicken meat

Fry finely chopped onions and carrots until golden brown in a small amount of vegetable oil. Place pieces of chicken fillet, steamed rice, a few barberries and a pinch of cumin or pilaf seasoning and salt on top. Carefully pour in water so that its level is 2-3 cm above the rice layer. Let it boil and cook over low heat for about half an hour.

Veal liver pancakes

Pass the liver and onion, peeled from films, through a meat grinder or grind in a blender. Add a beaten egg, a little semolina, salt and pepper, stir well. Place a spoon into a frying pan greased with vegetable oil and fry over low heat on both sides.

Steamed turkey roulade

Grind the turkey fillet and apple in a blender, add salt and pepper, mix and spread in a thin layer on cling film. Place a layer of grated cheese and green beans on top. Roll up the film and place the roll in the steamer for half an hour. Cool, remove the film and carefully cut the roll into slices.

Vegetable stew

Cut onion, carrots, zucchini, white cabbage, eggplant into cubes. Mix everything, add salt, add a spoonful of vegetable oil and salt. Simmer over low heat for about 20 minutes, at the end add tomato paste or tomato slices, simmer for another 5-10 minutes.

Dietary fish in foil

Place lean large fish, cut along the ridge, in soy sauce for half an hour. Then place it on foil, sprinkle with lemon juice and olive oil, cover with a layer of chopped onion and garlic. Wrap tightly in foil and bake in the oven for about half an hour.

Baked potatoes with egg and cheese

Place the peeled and cut potatoes into circles in a mold greased with vegetable oil, add salt and pepper. Pour in a mixture of beaten egg and grated cheese. Bake in the oven for approximately 40 minutes. You can determine if the dish is ready by piercing the potatoes with a toothpick.

Fruit salad with honey

Cut pears, persimmons, oranges, kiwis, bananas into small cubes. Add a tablespoon of honey, juice and grated lemon zest. Stir and pour into glasses, garnish with pomegranate seeds.

Fruit and berry smoothie

Ingredients: 2 bananas, 1 grapefruit, 3 apricots, 0.5 cup strawberries, ¼ cup grape juice. Berries and fruits are crushed in a blender, grape juice is added to the mixture. The finished drink is poured into glasses, garnished with a couple of blueberries or currants on top.

Menu for every day of the Hayley Pomeroy diet to speed up metabolism

When drawing up the Pomeroy diet menu for every day, you will have to arm yourself with a list of prohibited foods and carefully read the requirements of each phase of this effective method for losing weight. Usually you don’t have to face any particular difficulties when adjusting your diet - a large selection of products allows you to experiment and prepare culinary masterpieces that are beneficial for your figure and metabolic processes.

If there are difficulties in creating Hayley Pomeroy’s diet menu for every day, it is recommended to use a ready-made diet. It is not necessary to adhere to the scheme - you are allowed to slightly change the menu, but you should not supplement it with prohibited products.

Menu for every day of Hayley Pomeroy's diet with recipes:

1stPorridge (prepare rice, buckwheat or oatmeal, cook the cereal only in water, you can add a small amount of salt, it is strictly forbidden to use sweet ingredients)Fruits (prepare fruit slices - cut apples, kiwis, sour pears or plums into pieces, season with yogurt, sprinkle with lemon juice), if an acute feeling of hunger does not bother you, prepare juiceFish or meat (sprinkle with aromatic herbs, spices, bake in the oven using foil or steam), serve with stewed vegetables (cut cabbage, bell peppers, tomatoes, zucchini, stew in water with a minimum of vegetable oil, animal fats are prohibited)Bread made from coarse flour, served with kefir, fruit (you can make puree from fresh fruit, which goes well with bread)Fish or meat steak (cook on the grill or bake in the oven, you can simply boil it by adding spices), can be served with chopped vegetables (chop tomatoes, cabbage, cucumbers, pour over sour citrus juice, unsweetened yogurt or olive oil)
2ndFish or lean meat (bake with spices, boil, grill without oil), light vegetable salad (greens, tomatoes, cucumbers, dressing - sesame or olive oil), drink - green tea or vegetable decoction without sugarStrawberries (cut into pieces, pour over unsweetened homemade yogurt or sprinkle with lemon juice), can be replaced with a sour green apple or kiwiSteamed fish or meat cutlets (can be replaced with baked fish or meat), served with vegetable stew, sliced ​​food or light salad, drink - low-fat kefir or herbal decoctionFruit or vegetable salad (dressing is yogurt; for vegetables it is better to replace olive oil)Meat, fish on a vegetable bed (chop tomatoes, sweet peppers, cabbage and zucchini, place on a baking sheet, drizzle with oil, sprinkle with spices, place fish or meat pieces on top, bake in the oven)
3rdPorridge (cook buckwheat, oatmeal, season with vegetable oil or fry onions and carrots), vegetable salad (tomatoes, any type of cabbage, cucumbers and green onions or spinach), drink - weak green tea (do not use sugar)Smoothies made from sour fruits or berries (you can use assorted fruits, the main thing is not to add sugar)Soup (cook in rich fish or meat broth) with chopped vegetables (peppers, carrots, onions, tomatoes), served with pieces of fish or meatSalad (hard-boil two eggs, chop, add herbs, nuts, seeds, season with sesame oil)Cocktail of seafood (shrimp, mussels) with lemon juice, sliced ​​vegetables, drink - kefir

Reviews and results of losing weight

Vika, 27 years old

I've been trying to lose weight for many years, I've tried a bunch of diets, some gave good results, some didn't. But then I gained weight again and again, despite the fact that I ate less than my skinny friends. When I finally went to the doctor, he said that the reason for my obesity was a slow metabolism. Having learned that there is a method for accelerating metabolic processes, I bought the book “Diet to Accelerate Metabolism” by Pomeroy and Adamson and fulfilled all the requirements described in it for 28 days. I lost only 8 kilograms, but for six months my weight has not increased. I consider this a great success!

Alla Anatolyevna, 42 years old

I lead a healthy lifestyle and am constantly interested in information on this topic, including reading articles about various dietary techniques. Hayley Pomeroy's food system seems strange to me. She allows you to eat both sweets and flour - how can you lose weight on such a diet? But even if the technique works, then, judging by the proposed recipes, it is only suitable for women who don’t have to go to work and cook fresh delicacies for themselves.

Elena, 20 years old

With a height of 160 cm, my weight exceeded 80 kilograms. All my attempts to lose weight gave very short-term results. I read about Hayley Pomeroy’s nutrition system and decided that this was my option - judging by the reviews, the effect lasts for a long time, and the diet cannot be called particularly strict either. In a month I lost 10 kg. I did not experience any difficulties in adhering to the regime, except for the constant desire to drink a cup of coffee. I will have to try to repeat this “feat”, but with a slight violation - allow myself coffee at least occasionally. I'll compare the results and write a new review.

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