Three-day military diet: lose 4.5 kg in a week!

The essence of most diets is a transition to proper nutrition, this allows you to get rid of excess weight gradually, without harm to your health. The military diet is a fat-burning technique that can safely be called a lifesaver, especially if you need to lose weight in a short time, because just three days is enough for the scales to show minus 3–5 kg. In order not to harm your health and effectively tighten your figure, it is recommended to understand in advance the features of the technique, dietary rules and even contraindications.

What is the military diet

The military diet is an effective nutrition method designed for rapid weight loss of up to 5 kg in just 3 days. To this period you should also add 4 days, during which there are certain restrictions on food.

The military diet is low-calorie, so it requires enormous willpower to follow it correctly. But the result will definitely please you, especially if you want to quickly lose weight before an important event or vacation.

This nutrition system was developed by Pentagon specialists for soldiers who were sent to “hot spots.” This is where the diet got its name.


Many effective diets require regular adherence because weight loss occurs gradually. Their disadvantages include the need to weigh food, prepare certain dishes and purchase large quantities of ingredients. In some cases, the additional use of certain additives is required, the price of which is almost 2 times higher than regular food products.

Such difficulties prevent people from setting up a diet, and more often they simply discourage them from following it. But the military diet does not have such rules, and besides, it only needs to be followed for 3 days, which is not much compared to other weight loss methods.

The main advantages of the military diet are its short duration and the list of products that you can buy in any store. You don't need to prepare gourmet meals while losing weight, which is important for those who don't like to spend time at the stove. The diet menu is quite simple; even the most inexperienced cook can handle it.

Benefits of the diet

  • Fast weight loss

The diet is so limited that weight loss is natural. With the required 2000-2500 kcal per day, the military diet, depending on the day, allows you to get no more than 900-1200 kcal.

If the goal is to quickly remove a couple of centimeters from your waist, this diet can be recommended.

  • Availability of herbal products

The diet presupposes the presence of vegetables and fruits in the diet, which means that the body will receive the necessary portion of vitamins and fiber. The side effects of many restrictive diets (vitamin deficiency, constipation) can be avoided.

  • Lots of protein

Proteins help control appetite, prevent muscle loss, and provide energy.

  • Similarities to intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting is a kind of training for the body. It allows you not only to lose weight, but also to increase sensitivity to insulin.

The military diet does not include snacking. Long breaks between meals are similar to intermittent fasting (with 4-6 hour breaks in eating). This type of nutrition allows you to use fat reserves for energy production. The production of ghrelin (hunger hormone) and metabolism are also normalized.

Who is the military diet for?

This weight loss technique has many admirers among both ordinary people and celebrities. But can it really be followed by everyone or are there some restrictions?

The military diet is designed for those who:

  1. Has great motivation to lose weight, but only for a few days. The military diet is low in calories, so those who adhere to it constantly feel hungry. But this state will last only 3 days. If you can withstand this period, you will be able to fit into the necessary clothes, appear on the beach in an open swimsuit, or simply feel more confident.
  2. Doesn't like to cook. Following the military diet menu is quite simple, you will soon see for yourself.
  3. Has a limited budget. On most diets, for example, the Kremlin or ketogenic, you will not be able to save on food, but with the military method of nutrition this is easy to do.
  4. Prefers simple and short diets. When following a military diet, you will not have to waste time studying recipes and preparing dishes, which will significantly save your time and nerves.

What is special about the military diet?

The Military Diet, or 3-Day Diet, is a quick weight loss program that involves three days of a very specific eating plan followed by four days of a less restrictive, low-calorie diet.

Proponents of this diet claim that you can lose up to 4.5 kg per week or 18 kg per month. Combining certain foods in your diet increases your metabolism and burns fat. However, there is no scientific evidence to support this, but doctors say that this diet is not the most harmful, as it contains proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

The military diet menu includes a strict 3-day meal plan followed by 4 days off. The weekly cycle can be repeated over and over again until you reach your target weight.

Where the name came from is not known for certain. There is no exact evidence that she is connected with the army.

Permitted and prohibited products

You will only be able to lose weight if you stick to a solid three-day meal plan. At the same time, it is important to adhere to some other restrictions so that the result of the diet satisfies you.

You cannot change your meal plan, with the exception of substitute products for vegetarians. Drink 2 liters of clean water per day. Remember, it is up to you whether you can lose weight or whether you will look for other ways to lose weight.

Believe in your strength! Yes, for 3 days you will experience extreme hunger and think about quitting the diet. Keep yourself in control, think about the result and you will succeed!

After a three-day diet, eat moderately for another 4 days (up to 1500 calories per day). As a result, it turns out that you adhered to the recommended diet not for 3 days, but for a week!

What is forbidden to eat during a diet? You should not snack or eat light snacks between meals. Many diets allow this, but not military ones. Try to hold out for 3 days on three meals a day and then you will see how slimmer you have become. But if you eat more, you will lose less extra pounds. Do you need it?

Men on the military diet should add 100 calories each day. This is due to the fact that the stronger sex requires more calories than women.

Nutritional Features

When switching to a 3-day military diet, you will have to adjust to the active consumption of protein foods, which should make up the majority of the diet. The principle of nutrition is simple - during the first day, approximately 1500 kcal are consumed, the next day the norm drops to 1300 kcal. The last stage of the diet is to consume only 1200 kcal during the third day. Representatives of the stronger sex are allowed to increase the norm by about 100–120 calories.

Nutritionists warn that if you have increased mental or physical activity or health problems, you should first visit a doctor. After suffering complex illnesses or surgery, it is also better to consult a specialist in advance - the menu is compiled individually based on the characteristics of the body.

Continuing the military diet, it is recommended to eat only three times; snacks are prohibited. Be sure to drink plenty of ordinary water, which promotes digestion, metabolic processes, and effectively removes the accumulation of harmful toxic or waste compounds from the body.

It is important to follow the rules for heat treatment of products. The diet should include only boiled, steamed or baked foods. Do not eat fried foods - their calorie content increases rapidly.

The military diet has several strict restrictions. It is recommended to cross out from the menu:

  • canned food;
  • sugar;
  • smoked meats;
  • fatty meat and fish.

While losing weight, you will also have to stop drinking alcoholic beverages, which worsen digestive processes, reduce metabolism, and stimulate appetite.

How to eat as a vegetarian on a military diet

If you do not eat meat products, but you have a desire to lose weight on a military diet, you can slightly adjust the menu. For example, instead of eggs, meat and tuna, eat other foods that are a source of protein.

The following foods contain a lot of protein:

  • soy;
  • lentils;
  • nuts;
  • Quorn (a meat substitute made from mushrooms).

Don't like grapefruit? Replace it with half a teaspoon of baking soda diluted in a glass of water. This drink effectively burns fat deposits (for more details, see the article Baking soda for weight loss).

Don't like tuna? Eat other fish instead or replace it with another protein source described above.

An important condition: the new product must contain the same amount of calories and protein as the one it is replacing. For example, an apple contains 75 calories, if you replace it with another product, it should have the same calorie content.

Please note that new products must be from the same group as those being replaced. That is, vegetables can only be replaced with vegetables, and fruits with fruits. This will allow you to maintain the necessary balance of nutrients during each meal.

Upon completion of the diet, do not try to immediately return to your usual diet. Firstly, because of this, all the lost kilograms will return almost immediately. Secondly, you will feel annoyed that the results of the diet were so short-lived.

Military diet food substitutions

Those who developed the military diet took into account the fact that some people cannot tolerate this or that product. Therefore, it is possible to replace with a similar product with similar properties, but you must make sure that the calories remain the same.


One of the main aspects of the diet is canned tuna. Those who do not like canned food can replace them with cottage cheese, tofu, and almonds.


Can be replaced with baking soda. Mix 1/2 tablespoon of baking soda with water and drink.

Peanut butter

If you don't like peanut butter or are allergic to it, you can get the same effect by substituting your choice of pumpkin butter, almond oil, soybean oil, sunflower seed oil, or bean sauce.

Coffee - green tea or cocoa without sugar, prepared with water.


Can be replaced with different fruits. You can eat: 2 kiwis or 1 glass of papaya, two apricots, grapes.

Vegetarians can replace meat

Green beans - on lettuce, tomatoes, spinach or any leafy vegetables.

Broccoli – for green vegetables such as cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, spinach and asparagus.


In addition to carrots, you can take zucchini, beets, parsnips, bell peppers and celery.

Egg - for one glass of milk, 2 slices of bacon, one chicken wing or 1/4 cup of nuts.

Cheddar cheese - for ham, cottage cheese and eggs

Cottage cheese - for eggs, ham, ricotta cheese, cheddar cheese, plain Greek yogurt.

Apples - for pears, dry apricots, peaches, plums.

Ice cream - with apple juice or fruit yogurt (one cup).

Fruit yoghurt is an ideal choice for replacing ice cream.

The effectiveness of the military diet

Following this nutritional method gives amazing results! From a scientific point of view, effectiveness is due to the following reasons:

  • Low calorie foods. Fat cells appear as a result of eating high-calorie foods. Every time you overeat, all unused calories are converted into fat. To burn them, you need to exercise or reduce your caloric intake. The military diet replenishes the energy deficit through accumulated fat deposits, resulting in weight loss.
  • Intermittent fasting. This is a popular and effective weight loss technique that alternates periods of fasting and normal eating. During fasting, insulin sensitivity increases, causing the nutrients consumed to penetrate the liver and muscle cells, rather than fat tissue.
  • Fasting helps reduce IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor) levels. This is due to an increase in the intensity of burning fat cells, stimulation of muscle growth and recovery, and a reduction in the risk of type 1 diabetes. All these changes can be observed both with a military diet and while eating up to 1000 calories per day.
  • Diet helps speed up metabolism. What is metabolic rate? This is the number of calories burned per day. The higher your metabolic rate, the faster you lose weight. The military diet contains foods that accelerate metabolism, which means that fat cells are burned more actively.

For example, to digest foods containing large amounts of protein, the body spends a lot of calories. Foods high in fiber (apples, beans, etc.) and low in calories also help speed up your metabolism.

Foods containing a lot of calcium, such as cottage cheese, also help burn fat. This is due to the fact that calcium seems to combine with fat, after which it helps it pass through the digestive system without being digested.

A vegetarian version of the military diet for effective weight loss

Vegetarians do not have to give up an effective way to lose weight - there is another diet option that does not contain meat and other foods prohibited by a vegetarian diet. It is enough to replace meat ingredients with products of plant origin containing a high percentage of protein compounds.

Three-day army diet, diet, brief recipes:

Day 1Toasted toast with peanut butter, half a citrus (orange, grapefruit), recommended drink - green teaBoiled beans (without salt, butter, animal fats), toast or biscuits with tea (unsweetened)Boiled lentils (do not season, do not add spices), sliced ​​fruit (apples, oranges and bananas, sprinkle with lemon juice), tea
Day 2Toast, banana, tea or coffeeBoiled beans with crackers or croutons, a handful of nuts (it is better to eat walnuts), a drink - teaBoiled cabbage (broccoli), lentils or peas (no more than 100 g), banana and tea
Day 3Fruit salad (seasoned with citrus juice), biscuits with teaLentil soup (cook in vegetable broth of carrots, cabbage, sweet peppers and tomatoes), tea with crackersFruit salad (drizzle with lemon juice before serving), vanilla ice cream

A mandatory condition of the army diet is to consume peanut butter on the first day, which is rich in fatty acids necessary for the human body. Another rule of diet for weight loss is not to eat fresh bread. Dry the slices in the oven or toaster. Frying croutons in vegetable or butter is strictly prohibited.

Vanilla ice cream is also a mandatory item on the three-day military diet. The only warning is that it is not recommended to replace a sweet treat with vanilla with ice cream; the calorie content of these two delicious products is significantly different (ice cream with vanilla is low in calories). Do not use the glass either - it is made from a sweet wafer containing sugar, flour, and dyes.

Military diet menu for 3 days

To get the figure of your dreams, just follow a three-day military diet, the menu of which is given below.

First day:

  • breakfast - half a grapefruit, 1 whole grain toast, 1 cup of coffee or tea, 40 g peanut butter;
  • lunch - 0.1-0.15 kg of tuna, toast, a mug of coffee or tea (with caffeine);
  • dinner - 100 g of meat of your choice, half a banana, 250 g of green beans, 1 medium apple and 1 vanilla ice cream.

Second day:

  • breakfast - half a banana, toast and 1 boiled egg;
  • lunch - 5 crackers with salt, 1 hard-boiled egg, 250 g of cottage cheese;
  • dinner - 2 beef sausages, half a banana, 200 g of broccoli, half a glass of vanilla ice cream and 100 g of carrots.

The third day:

  • breakfast - 5 crackers with salt, 1 medium apple, 50 g of cheddar;
  • lunch - 1 boiled egg, 1 toast;
  • dinner - half a banana, 200 g of tuna, 1 vanilla ice cream.

On days 4, 5, 6 and 7, you can eat whatever you want, but keep in mind that the daily calorie content of meals should not exceed 1500 calories. You can take a 1500 calorie diet as a basis for your diet. If the calorie content of the food is higher, you will not get the desired result.

While losing weight, drink at least 2 liters of pure water without gases daily. This will make it easier for you to tolerate the diet and remove harmful substances from your body faster. Drinking carbonated drinks or those containing sweeteners is strictly prohibited.

The US military is about to be put on a ketogenic diet. What do soldiers feed in different countries of the world?

According to Military Times, Navy SEALs will be the first to be switched to the keto diet. If the experiment is considered a success, they intend to extend the practice to other units of the American army. Unfortunately, the transition will not be easy. A low-carbohydrate diet assumes a state of ketosis, when the body begins to break down its own fat.

“One of the consequences of being in a state of ketosis is a change in the body’s response to oxygen deprivation. You can stay underwater longer and not experience convulsions from lack of oxygen,” explained SOCOM Director of Science and Technology Lisa Sanders.

SOCOM plans to remove, among other things, chocolate and sweet soda from the diet of the American military. The basis of the diet will be fish, chicken, eggs, cheese, butter, low-starch vegetables, nuts, and various seeds.

Photo source: Twitter

The ketogenic diet was invented in the 1920s and was recommended for children who suffered from epileptic seizures. In the 1980s, it became extremely popular among bodybuilders and those involved in cycling sports. I didn’t have to starve, and I managed to lose weight quite quickly. The keto diet has a number of disadvantages. The main one is careful adherence to diet. Consequently, when an American soldier goes on vacation, he still won’t be able to taste Italian pasta or a Mexican burrito. To prevent ketosis from developing into ketoacidosis, a dangerous pathological condition for the body, you need to get tested regularly.

Chefs of the Russian Guard showed a master class on military field cuisine in Balashikha

More details

Putting all U.S. soldiers on a ketogenic diet will require a complete overhaul of all ready-made supplies and Army dry rations. For decades they have been based on carbohydrate-containing (and very high-calorie) foods.

“The ketogenic diet is high in fat, which reduces its cost. This diet is based on fat, and calories from fat can be very cheap,” says Professor Jeff Volek.

The unsatisfactory physical fitness of the soldiers forced the US army authorities to think about switching to a new diet. Every third volunteer aged 17-24 turns out to be unfit for service. “The largest reason that potential soldiers are found unfit for duty, accounting for 31% of cases, is obesity,” Maj. Gen. Frank Muth, who directs recruiting for the Army, reported at the 2021 Association of the United States Army meeting in Washington.

provided data on the health status of the American military with links to authoritative sources. It turned out that those on active military service also suffer from obesity. According to the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, in 2015, 7.8% of soldiers in the US Army were overweight, a 73% increase from 2011. Most of all (according to a study of 18 thousand US privates and officers conducted by the RAND Corporation) obese soldiers are in the Army (almost 70%), Coast Guard (more than 67%), and Navy (about 65%). Due to the current situation, the authorities have to allocate huge amounts of money for medical care. The Department of Defense spends $1.5 billion every year just to diagnose, improve, and treat overweight military personnel, veterans, and their families.

What do they feed military personnel in different countries of the world?


The US Soldier Equipment Research Center is responsible for preparing menus for the military, and the US Army Joint Culinary Center is responsible for quality. Soldiers and officers are offered the same things, but there is always a choice in the canteen. The diversity of the diet is explained simply: the United States is a country where you can meet a soldier of almost any religion, taste habits and skin color. Traditional American cuisine, halal, vegetarian, kosher - as long as you don't go hungry! Much also depends on the geographical features of the location of a particular military unit, for example, on the traditions accepted in the region.

Photo source: Twitter

Breakfast: fresh fruit, scrambled/omelet/boiled eggs, bacon, cereals, pastries, juices.

Lunch: soups, low-fat and high-calorie main courses, salads, desserts (at least three to four options of each type), vegetables.

Dinner: similar to lunch.

As a rule, the army canteen operates on a buffet basis. There is always a full menu for the day in a prominent place, indicating the calorie content of each dish. At any time of the day you can visit a fast food buffet, but not every base has them.


The main principle: food must be kosher. Soldiers and officers go to different canteens, although they are offered the same dishes. But the menu differs quite significantly by branch of the military. For example, something light is prepared for the infantry, while something more nutritious is prepared for pilots, submariners and sailors. There is a special diet for vegetarians.

Photo source: Wikipedia
(dairy food): omelet, yoghurt, coffee, salads (at least five types).

Lunches (meat food): several chicken and beef dishes, as well as side dishes, fruit and vegetable juices.

It is curious that in the last few years, five times more money has been allocated to the Israeli army, and cooks are being laid off everywhere. The kitchen is undergoing changes: instead of full-time employees, canteens are now increasingly serving large companies on a catering basis. They are able to offer a more varied and cheaper menu. Since the country is small, there is no particular need for field kitchens. When soldiers go on a special operation, dry rations are used.

South Korea

South Korean soldiers sometimes have to wait in line, because officers can always come up to the distribution table ahead of them - this is their privilege. The menu is based on soups, rice and numerous snacks. Sometimes there is fish, and sometimes even traditional European dishes. Appetizers are selected buffet style, and the remaining dishes are served by the canteen staff when a service member approaches them with a tray.


Expired food in Indian military canteens, alas, is not that rare. The diet is modest, if not poor. No frills to be found here.

Photo source: Pxhere

Breakfast: flatbread and tea, sometimes pumpkin.

Lunch: hot flatbread, pea soup, vegetable stew, chicken with spices.

Dinner: usually similar to lunch.


This is where delicious and varied food is truly appreciated. French gourmets are found among both soldiers and officers. However, the former are completely supported by the state, the latter pay for their food in the canteen out of their own pockets. However, the amount is usually symbolic.

A variety of pastries, pates, vegetable salad (usually lettuce with boiled beets and fresh carrots), pieces of fish with olive oil are served as snacks. The main dish on a French military table could be beef with sauce and beans as a side dish, pork with rice, fried chicken with potatoes. For dessert, fresh fruit or fruit mousses. Mineral water and cheeses are a must for every meal. And all this variety is available to ordinary soldiers. Officers are offered a much larger selection of dishes.

Dry rations in France are the envy of many servicemen in other countries. For example, beef with salad, vegetable puree soup, Toulouse sausages with boiled lentils, canned tuna, biscuits with filling, coffee, jam, sugar, chocolate, caramel.


Several years ago, the Russian military was switched to buffet-style meals. They liked the opportunity to choose from several dishes. The diet is nutritious and varied. Calorie for calorie, as they say, but he has not gone that far from Soviet nutritional principles. The menu in different parts, depending on the geographical location and type of military, may differ significantly.

Stewed meat was removed from the diet of Russian soldiers

More details

As a rule, conscript soldiers are offered rice, barley or buckwheat porridge with sausage, fish or cutlet for breakfast. On holidays, porridge is replaced with dumplings or dumplings. Coffee with milk, a loaf of bread and butter are traditional components of the morning meal.

For lunch in the dining room you can choose one of two types of soups (classic rassolnik, borscht, noodle or pea soups, sometimes ukha). For the main course - pork chop, boiled beef, stewed chicken, fresh vegetable salad. Drinks include juices, compotes, tea and coffee.

The Russian military's dinner mainly consists of fried fish or cutlets. Stewed cabbage, buckwheat or rice can be served as a side dish. Drinks include tea or juice.

Photo source: press service of the Ministry of Defense

If a unit participates in hostilities, the diet changes. Its calorie content increases quite significantly.

“Russia has a special technical committee that monitors what is happening in terms of nutrition for military personnel in all armies of the world, and tries to take the best from there,” said military observer Viktor Baranets.

In May of this year, it became known that canned vegetables and meat were excluded from the menu of Russian military personnel. They no longer sell stewed meat, but it was once a trademark of military cuisine. Since 2010, civil services have been responsible for the nutrition of Russian soldiers and officers. The army kitchen was outsourced. The focus was not on long-lasting products, but on fresh dishes. In addition, modern technologies have been adopted that allow storing meat products for a considerable period of time.

The Russian military receives at least 4,200 calories per day. Soldiers who are underweight are given additional foods. In the off-season, give fresh onions and garlic to boost immunity.

Physical exercise

Physical activity has virtually no effect on the results of a military diet, but it is still recommended to exercise while losing weight. During training, calories are burned faster, and if you consume less calories per day than necessary, the body uses fat deposits. As a result, you will lose more than if you simply followed a diet.

Don't know where to start? A 20-30 minute walk in the morning or after work. If you were actively involved in sports before losing weight, then continue in the same spirit. But remember, low calorie intake may leave you feeling tired or weak.

We recommend that you try exercises for a toned butt and abs. Maybe,


Below we will give simple tips that will help make the weight loss process easier. The three-day military diet is a fast and tough nutrition method, but even it can be sustained if you remember the results and follow certain rules:

  1. Drink a glass of water when you wake up and before every meal. This will reduce the feeling of hunger and remove harmful substances from the body.
  2. Buy the supplies you need before you go on a diet. If you go shopping hungry, you will end up buying a lot of unnecessary and forbidden food.
  3. It is best to go for a walk in the morning, before breakfast. This will help burn extra calories.
  4. Ask a friend or family member to follow the military diet with you. This will help you not to lose weight and make it easier to lose weight.
  5. Be sure to weigh yourself before and after losing weight to see the results!

Disadvantages of the diet

  • Processed foods

Processed meats, crackers, ice cream, peanut butter and other processed foods that are considered healthy supply only empty calories and provide a short burst of energy. Abuse of them can provoke vitamin deficiency and aggravate diseases of the digestive tract.

  • Low calorie

A lack of calories (this is especially true on the third day of the diet) leads to a slowdown in metabolism and the storage of fat “in reserve.” If you practice this type of diet no more than three days a month, this side effect can be avoided. But by constantly applying the military diet, you can achieve the opposite effect - calorie consumption will decrease, the weight loss process will stop and go backwards.

In addition, due to a lack of nutrients, the functioning of the hormonal system, tissue restoration, digestion will be disrupted, cognitive abilities will deteriorate, and libido will decrease.

  • Short term result

Any changes to your diet should be gradual and focused on creating healthy habits. The 3-Day Military Diet is not an example of healthy eating and does not teach mindfulness. The transition from strict restrictions to a normal diet is fraught with overeating and loss of the achieved results.


Below are reviews and results from people who followed the military diet. Check them out to see if this weight loss method is worth sticking with or if it’s better to find another one.

Valentin, 36 years old

Some time ago I needed to lose 4 kg. My wife recommended going on a military diet, the slogan of which is “Lose up to 5 kg in just 3 days.” To be honest, I didn’t really believe that this nutritional method would help me. The diet was difficult to stick to, but I did it. My result is minus 4.5 kg.

Anna, 28 years old

I rarely go on diets because I consider my weight to be normal. The last time I lost weight was a year ago, before the wedding, I followed the Hayley Pomeroy diet. Before my vacation, I urgently needed to lose weight; a friend recommended a military diet. In 3 days I lost 3 kg, I’m very happy!

Violetta, 42 years old

The military diet is a tough but effective nutrition system for weight loss. While following it, I managed to lose 5 kg in 3 days, which is a good result. Of the minuses, I would like to note the constant feeling of hunger and slight weakness.

Following a military diet only gives amazing results if you follow it correctly! Remember this while losing weight. And do not rush to return to your usual diet immediately after stopping the diet.

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