“Three fists” threaten excess weight: a universal nutrition system for weight loss

The three fist diet was created by a nutritionist named Oleg Tern. It was developed as an alternative to other more complex and confusing diets; Oleg wanted to create a simple and effective method for combating excess weight and maintaining your results. The diet is based on simplicity in understanding; you only need to eat no more than your three fists at one meal. There are three types of menus, which have their own characteristics and purposes; you will not need to count how many calories you have consumed. Based on the three-fist method, the diet will help you quickly and effortlessly achieve the desired results.

“Three fists”: why don’t you count calories?

The author of the “Three Fists” diet is Kiev nutritionist and healthy eating ideologist Oleg Tern.
In his opinion, a diet should exist for a person, and not a person for a diet. Therefore, in order for healthy eating to be a joy, a person should navigate the quantity and composition of food easily and naturally. Oleg Tern offers a simple and understandable view of food, confirmed by personal and professional experience. In his opinion, one of the most essential places in our diet is occupied by proteins. They cannot be qualitatively replaced with fats and/or carbohydrates; they maintain body temperature and metabolism, and are also responsible for the formation of muscle mass. Fats and carbohydrates are also necessary for life support, but it is very important to carefully control their sources. In this, Tern’s opinion is similar to the opinion of most nutritionists in the world - not all fats, just like not all carbohydrates, are healthy and safe for humans.

The author of the “Three Fists” diet has compiled a list of recommended products, which he has arranged into 4 lists:

  • protein products
  • vegetables, mushrooms and herbs
  • complex carbohydrates
  • fruits.

By combining products from these lists with each other, a person can easily and safely control his weight depending on his needs: he can lose weight without harm to health, or vice versa - increase weight by gaining muscle mass.


You won't go hungry by following Oleg Tern's nutrition program. On the contrary, popular feedback among new diet users is: “I’m overeating, I can’t bring myself to eat that much.” Women are accustomed to fasting and cutting food intake to a minimum; they find it amazing to have a weight loss program where you need to eat heavily 5 times a day. Make no mistake, the first impression is wrong. There is a lot of food, it is filling, but contains few calories. The body gets used to the new diet in 2-3 weeks, the appetite and taste for healthy food awakens.

The diet menu is designed for a long time with care for health and psychological comfort. In the weight loss mode, you will lose weight gradually, no more than 0.5-1 kg per week, but the result will be stable.

The diet gives another vital bonus - improved well-being. You will notice that your skin, hair and nails look better. A balanced diet will saturate the body with useful substances.

Athletes will improve their strength because they will be consuming enough protein to build muscle.

Even those who maintain weight will notice a change in body quality by reducing their body fat percentage. The skin will become elastic, the body will become toned and acquire attractive shapes.


Basic foods on which the Three Fists Diet is based

It is allowed to eat meat, chicken, fish and seafood in the following forms: boiled, stewed, baked without fat, and grilled.

It is better to eat vegetables and herbs mainly raw, in the form of a salad, but they can also be stewed. Complex carbohydrates - and these are mainly cereals - are best consumed steamed or boiled. Fruits, accordingly, are mainly in raw form.

All that remains is to add that portions of food are measured by the size of your own fist - hence the original name of the diet. As a rule, at one meal you are allowed to consume a volume of food not exceeding the size of three of your fists. Agree – these are almost “royal” portions!

Menu for four days of different types

Breakfast 1/2 serving of products from column No. 1, two medium-sized raw apples or carrots. Example: tofu + two grated carrots
Lunch 1/2 serving of products from column No. 1, two medium-sized raw apples or carrots. Example: hard-boiled egg + two apples
Dinner 1/2 serving of products from column No. 1, two medium-sized raw apples or carrots. Example: 1/2 serving of boiled chicken + two apples
Afternoon snack 1/2 serving of products from column No. 1, two medium-sized raw apples or carrots. Example: 1/2 portion of fish + two grated carrots
Dinner 1/2 serving of products from column No. 1, two medium-sized raw apples or carrots. Example: a portion of low-fat cottage cheese + two apples
Breakfast One portion each from the 1st, 2nd and 3rd columns. Example: Whole bread sandwich with tomato, feta cheese/red meat and herbs
Lunch Three servings of fruit (column #4). Example: two bananas, a handful of blackcurrants
Dinner One portion each from the 1st, 2nd and 3rd columns. Example: oatmeal with nuts and raisins + vinaigrette
Afternoon snack Three servings of fruit (column #4). Example: two bananas, a handful of blackcurrants
Dinner One portion each from the 1st, 2nd and 3rd columns. Example: stewed vegetables, buckwheat, grilled fish
Breakfast One serving of food (or mixture of foods) from column No. 1 and two servings from column No. 2. Example: 2-egg omelet with vegetables (tomatoes, herbs, broccoli)
Lunch Three servings of fruit (column #4). Example: fruit salad (two to three medium apples or an apple, orange and pear)
Dinner One serving of food (or mixture of foods) from column No. 1 and two servings from column No. 2. Example: grilled fish + cucumber, tomato and pepper salad
Afternoon snack Three servings of fruit (column #4). Example: two handfuls of berries + peach
Dinner One serving of food (or mixture of foods) from column No. 1 and two servings from column No. 2. Example: chicken breast + steamed vegetables
Breakfast One serving from column No. 1 and two servings from column No. 2. Example: egg in a bag + green beans and bell peppers
Lunch Three servings of fruit (column #4). Example: citrus salad with strawberries (orange, a handful of strawberries, tangerine)
Dinner A serving from column No. 1, a serving from column No. 2 and a serving from column No. 3. Example: salad with seafood, vegetables and durum pasta
Afternoon snack Three servings of fruit (column #4). Example: two handfuls of berries + nectarine
Dinner A serving from column No. 1, a serving from column No. 2 and a serving from column No. 3. Example: a serving of steak, a serving of buckwheat and a serving of salad

*Day 1 - fasting; day 2 - weight gain; day 3 - low-calorie; day 4 - maintenance.

Diet "Three fists" - version 2.0

Taking into account the popularity of the nutrition system and the first experience of its adherents, over time the author added an additional list to the basic table of products, designed to diversify the diet. For example:

  • Lean pork and protein powder (sports nutrition) were added to protein foods;
  • Vegetables and herbs were joined by leafy vegetables (spinach, arugula, lettuce), daikon, zucchini and zucchini;
  • The “company” of complex carbohydrates included: brown and wild rice, barley, lasagna sheets, pita bread, and, with caution, baked potatoes;
  • The following fruits were added: pomelo, cherry, watermelon, melon, with caution - persimmon, banana, dried fruits;

Dietary additions such as seeds, nuts, seeds (in moderation) and salad dressing (virgin oil, vinegar, olives, etc.) were also “allowed.”

What the Three Fists Diet can do

Using the “3 fists” weight control technique, you can completely control your own weight, namely:

  • lose weight
  • maintain existing weight
  • To gain weight.

It is important that when choosing the third option, we will be talking about gaining muscle mass, and not rapid fat deposits. Judging by the reviews, athletes successfully use Oleg Tern’s “Three Fists” technique for the so-called “drying” - improving muscle relief while reducing the thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer.

How to create a menu for a diet

Depending on the goal of the diet (you want to lose weight, or maintain your current weight, or gain a little), combinations are formed from the lists of listed products, which can be roughly represented as four basic diets. From these diets, in turn, like building blocks, an individual weekly nutrition plan is compiled that meets your goals. We’ll talk about how this is done a little lower, but for now let’s learn more about the diets themselves:

Low calorie diet

This diet is suitable for those who are trying to lose weight through a diet. In total, there are five meals per day at approximately equal intervals. The amount of food consumed per meal is equal to approximately three of your fists. It is advisable to take your last meal no later than 2 hours before bedtime.

One day on a low-calorie diet looks something like this:

  • Three meals are made up of one serving of food from the “Protein foods” column and two servings from the “Vegetables, mushrooms and greens” column. For example: 1 fist (in other words, a portion the size of your fist) of grilled fish + 1 fist of salad + 1 fist of stewed vegetables or mushrooms.
  • Two techniques are from the “Fruits” column. Each move is the volume of three of your fists. For example, in one fruit meal you can eat 1 large apple and 2 handfuls of berries.

Maintenance diet

This diet is suitable for those who have already lost weight and want to keep the weight in a static position. There are also five meals per day, which are distributed as follows:

  • Two meals a day - fruits (3 fists per meal). For example: once a day you can eat a large orange, the second time - a cup of strawberries or currants (the volume of berries is about 3 of your fists).
  • One trick - 1 fist from the “Protein products” column, 2 fists from the “Vegetables, mushrooms and greens” column. For example: steamed chicken (volume - one fist), accompanied by a salad of fresh vegetables (volume - two fists).
  • Two receptions - 1 fist from the “Protein products” column, 1 - from the “Vegetables, mushrooms and greens” column, 1 - from the “Complex carbohydrates”. That is, one reception may look something like this: 1 fistful of seafood, accompanied by a side dish - a fistful of boiled green beans and a salad of fresh vegetables of your choice.

Fasting diet

It resembles a low-calorie diet, but - which is extremely important! - it uses only half portions (that is, instead of the serving size of one fist, we take portions of ½ fist).

The entire fasting diet consists primarily of protein foods (five meals a day, each of which consists of ½ serving from the “Protein foods” list + 2 apples (if you are tired of apples, they can be replaced at the rate of 2 apples = 1 carrot).

Please note: in the weekly Three Fist Diet plans you will find so-called “Zig Zag Minus” days. This means that you will have a day of strict diet based on one of two ascetic diets - “Low-calorie” or “Fasting”. However, the existence of “Zigzag minus” implies that there is probably also “Zigzag plus” - a kind of indulgence in the diet that allows you to satisfy your gastronomic desires. And she really is! However, about “Zigzag Plus” - a little later...

Diet for weight gain

The daily menu of this diet is reduced to 4 meals, which are distributed as follows:

  • Three meals consist of 1 fist from “Protein products”, 1 - from “Vegetables, mushrooms and greens”, 1 - from “Complex carbohydrates”. In other words, one similar meal could, for example, look like this: a piece of grilled rabbit meat (about the size of a fist) + a salad of fresh and/or leafy vegetables (again, the size of a fist), and with them a portion of buckwheat porridge with water, or baked potatoes, or a portion of pasta.
  • One technique - 3 fists from the “Fruits” column. For example: a cup of fresh strawberries (serving size is about 3 of your fists) or one large pineapple, or 3 pieces. kiwi, etc.

Menu for table No. 3

As already mentioned, a day you should definitely eat several raw fresh vegetables and fruits, a portion of soup or borscht and crumbly porridge.

On Monday

In the morning: non-sour cottage cheese with fresh fruit, not strong tea.

Lunch: vegetable soup with meatballs, slices of toasted bread.

For a snack: crackers with raisins, juice.

In the evening: buckwheat with steamed chicken, fresh tomato or vegetable salad.

Before bed: apple juice.

On Tuesday

In the morning: omelette with cheese and steamed tomatoes, chicory with milk or cream.

For lunch: beetroot soup with bread.

For a snack: tea with meringues or marshmallows.

In the evening: cauliflower casserole with meat.

Before bed: a little yogurt.

On Wednesday

In the morning: two soft-boiled eggs, boiled milk sausage, tea.

For lunch: diet borscht, a little sour cream, bread.

For a snack: baked apples with honey, a little cinnamon.

In the evening: stewed rabbit or veal cutlets, vegetable salad.

Before bed: a few prunes, juice.

On Thursday

In the morning: oatmeal porridge with milk and dried apricots, tea.

Lunch: fish soup with herbs, bread.

For a snack: dry bread, weak tea without milk, fruit.

In the evening: carrot pancakes, a little sour cream, juice.

Before bed: kefir.

On Friday

In the morning: steam omelette, sandwich with homemade pate, weak tea without milk.

For lunch: broth with meat and vegetables, crackers.

For a snack: toast from 2 types of bread, honey, tea or juice.

In the evening: baked fish, vinaigrette.

Before bed: natural yogurt, dried apricots.

On Saturday

In the morning: zucchini pancakes (without crust), a little sour cream, tea.

Lunch: vegetable soup with mushroom broth, crackers.

For a snack: fresh fruit.

In the evening: steamed cauliflower, boiled veal or a piece of lean pork.

Before bed: yogurt.

On Sunday

In the morning: oatmeal with fresh fruit, chicory with cream.

For lunch: okroshka (without potatoes).

For a snack: vegetable salad dressed with oil.

In the evening: noodle soup with minced meat, juice.

Before bed: a handful of prunes.

You can make personal amendments to the sample menu. The longer the diet is followed, the easier it will be to create a menu. The main thing is not to go beyond the rules of the diet and consult a doctor. It is not recommended to “prescribe” such a diet for yourself for gastrointestinal diseases. A healthy person can periodically use table No. 3, but with breaks.

“Zigzag plus” - zigzag of luck

So, the happy opportunity to include any of the clearly non-dietary, but beloved foods in the diet is called in the “Three Fists” method the promising concept of “Zigzag Plus”.

This concept implies a special daily diet, which exactly repeats the “Maintenance” diet scheme. With just one exception:

  • One of the five meals looks like this instead of the usual: 1 serving (that is, 1 fist) of a protein product (for example, boiled turkey or lean grilled pork) + 2 servings (that is, the size of two fists) of vegetable salad + 1 serving of your favorite product from the “non-dietary” category: beer, ice cream, a piece of cake, fried potatoes, a piece of pizza, etc. The exact volume of this portion is not measured with fists and remains on the conscience of the person losing weight.

Why do we need Zigzags at all? “Zigzag plus” and “Zigzag minus” play the role of a so-called “swing” in “Three Fists” - a similar technique is used in other diets. Sharp, but regular and controlled jumps in the calorie content of dishes stimulate metabolic processes and prevent the body from getting used to the diet.

Rules for losing weight from Oleg Tern ^

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The developer of this weight loss program, doctor and journalist Oleg Tern does not consider it a diet, but defines it as a healthy, balanced and varied diet. His general recommendations also cannot be called incorrect or unhealthy. The author recommends:

  • actively engage in sports,
  • mental work,
  • don't forget about rest,
  • drink clean water,
  • to refuse from bad habits,
  • maintain a positive attitude,
  • enjoy life,
  • be in love,
  • and, of course, eat rationally.

The diet according to the Three Fists program consists of proteins, salads, complex carbohydrates, berries and fruits. Turn, for convenience, displayed the methodology in the product table. The most useful products for normalizing weight are at the top of the table. They should be given preference.

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Each person requires an individual amount of food and, accordingly, energy - you need to focus on your fist, which has a different size, depending on age and gender.

  • You don't have to weigh anything.
  • Three meals (main) are offered.
  • A portion of one dose corresponds to three fists. For example, it could be a piece of fish, a salad of 1 boiled beet and 1 orange, which roughly equals 3 fists. Everything is extremely simple.

Advantages and disadvantages

The diet is designed in such a way that it helps those who are overweight to lose weight, those with a deficiency of body weight to gain weight, and it also helps to maintain the achieved result. This nutritional method has many more advantages than disadvantages.

Like any other diet, it requires clear motivation, patience, persistence and discipline. If there is no strictly set goal, no diet program will work. This can be considered a disadvantage.

Otherwise, the author offers a completely balanced, nutritious diet and a healthy lifestyle:

  • The products offered are extremely healthy and contain all the nutritional components necessary for normal life.
  • Quitting alcohol and smoking and playing sports will also be beneficial - this cannot have a detrimental effect on health, but on the contrary, helps strengthen and improve health, and is the prevention of many diseases.
  • The process of losing weight proceeds systematically, overeating is excluded, and excess calories are not stored in fat reserves.
  • Dietary meals improve gastrointestinal function, metabolism, and normalize glucose levels and appetite.
  • Exercising actively promotes intensive weight loss.

Meal plans: weight loss, weight maintenance and weight gain

It would be ridiculous to hope that after living on any of the diets for just one day, you will achieve your desired weight. Alas, no. For each of the nutrition plans that correspond to a specific goal (lose weight, maintain weight, gain weight), there is its own “grid” of nutrition, combining different diets with each other. If we take a period of time per week, the meal plans would look like this:

A week to lose weight on the “Three Fists” diet:

  • Day 1 – “Zigzag minus” (according to the Fasting diet type)
  • Days 2, 3 and 4 - Low calorie diet
  • Days 5 and 6 - Maintenance diet
  • Day 7 - “Zigzag plus”.

A week to maintain weight:

  • Day 1 – “Zigzag minus” (like a Low-calorie diet)
  • Days 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7 - Maintenance diet
  • Day 6 - “Zigzag plus”.

Weekly meal plan for those who want to gain weight:

  • Days 1 and 6 – “Zigzag plus”
  • Days 2, 3, 4 and 5 - Diet for weight gain
  • Day 7 - Maintenance diet.


Contraindications to the use of the “Three Fists” method are:

  • gastrointestinal diseases (colitis, pancreatitis, dysbacteriosis, etc.);
  • severe pathologies of the cardiovascular system, hematopoietic organs and kidneys;
  • gout;
  • childhood.

Elderly people, adolescents and patients with a history of any chronic diseases are advised to follow this diet with caution and only after consulting a physician.

Patients who are recovering from an infectious disease or surgery can adhere to this system, but they should not choose a low-calorie or fasting diet.

What can you drink on the Three Fists Diet?

Liquid occupies an important place in the Three Fists nutrition system: you must drink at least one and a half liters of pure still water per day, preferably at more or less equal intervals and in a volume of about 150 ml at a time. This way, the liquid will be optimally absorbed, and you will not have to experience discomfort due to a full bladder.

You can also drink unsweetened tea and, in moderation, coffee. If you are used to drinking these drinks with sugar and find it difficult to immediately adjust your receptors to the new taste, you can use sweeteners as a transitional measure.

It is better to avoid beer and other alcohol on normal days of following the diet, but there is a trick - you can drink a bottle of foam, a cocktail or a glass of wine as part of the Zigzag-plus diet, without fear of being branded a bore among your friends. Consider this loophole when planning your leisure time!

Benefits and harms

The advantages of this diet include:

  1. Complete provision of the body with necessary nutrients;
  2. Maintaining weight at the proper level after losing weight;
  3. No stress due to hunger;
  4. The ability to take into account individual dietary habits, for example, raw food principles or vegetarianism.

Unfortunately, in addition to the advantages, this diet may also have disadvantages:

  • long process of losing weight;
  • lack of gourmet dishes;
  • a strict system that cannot be violated.

In addition, the author believes that sugar should be replaced with a sweetener, and doctors’ recommendations on this issue are contradictory. They believe that some types of sugar substitutes can be harmful to health. Stevia is considered safe.

Prohibited Products

Despite all the diversity of the diet, it makes sense to irrevocably and without regret give up the following products (an exception can only be made within the framework of the “Zigzag-plus” diet, and then only one!):

  • Sauces based on mayonnaise and sour cream (and, accordingly, mayonnaise and sour cream themselves);
  • Meat fried using any fat;
  • Chopped steaks and cutlets, as well as any semi-finished products;
  • Smoked meats;
  • Battered and breaded products;
  • Sugar and confectionery;
  • Sugar-containing drinks (especially carbonated): including juices, nectars, industrially produced fruit drinks, as well as fermented milk drinks, tea and coffee with sugar;
  • Any alcohol;
  • Foods high in sodium (salted nuts, chips, preserves and canned food).

Nutrition rules

In addition to the basic principles of the method, there are several simple nutritional rules that must be followed during the diet:

  1. Completely eliminate alcohol from your diet. Drinking alcohol not only provides useless calories, but also contributes to overeating and edema.
  2. Avoid stress and sleep at least 8 hours a day. A decrease in sleep norms by just 2 hours provokes an increase in the concentration of the stress hormone by 50%, which leads to active weight accumulation and a slowdown in metabolism.
  3. Exercise 2-3 times a week. For those who are losing weight and maintaining their weight, a combination of cardio exercise (dancing, running, cycling, walking) and strength exercises is suitable. The duration of the lesson must be at least 1 hour. On the remaining days, you should walk more and not use the elevator.
  4. Monitor your water consumption. During the diet, you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water per day, dividing this amount into 8-10 servings with approximately equal intervals between them. To soften the transition to smaller portions and reduce hunger during fasting days, you can drink 150-200 ml of water 25-30 minutes before meals.
  5. Reduce salt intake to 3-5 g per day. If the daily salt intake is significantly exceeded, it must be reduced gradually, gradually replacing it with spices and dried seaweed.
  6. Eliminate sugary drinks from your diet. These include sweet soda, sweetened juices and nectars, cocktails and sweet low-alcohol drinks (beer, cider, etc.). Unlike other nutrition systems, “Three Fists” allows daily moderate consumption of tea and coffee. If it is difficult to drink your usual drinks without sugar, then in the first days of getting used to the diet, you can use sweeteners.
  7. Have dinner no later than 2 hours before bedtime. If you feel severe hunger between dinner and bedtime, you can drink 100-200 ml of kefir or fermented baked milk.

Also, if possible, you should gradually eliminate smoking, but keep in mind that quitting cigarettes can cause weight gain.

Duration and results of the “Three Fists” diet

Since Three Fists is not a diet, but rather a nutritional system, there are no limiting recommendations for its duration. Knowing the basic principles, depending on your current goals, you can select the appropriate type of diet to gain, maintain or lose weight - and measure food portions with your own fists for the rest of your life. According to reviews, following the “3 fists” system for weight loss, you can lose from 2 to 7 kg per month. If we talk about weight gain, then Oleg Tern’s method promises a monthly increase due to the growth of muscle tissue by about 1.5 - 2 kg.

Where to start a diet

First you need to draw up and draw a diagram of the main permitted products and place it on the refrigerator door. It is advisable to decide in advance and in order to comply with the methodology:

  1. Weight loss.
  2. Weight maintenance.
  3. Weight gain.

Meat is allowed twice a week, but not fried.

The best days to start a diet

For the sake of convenience, it is advisable to start a weight loss system on Monday, so as not to cause confusion in maintaining the sequence.

Advice for young ladies: before starting the technique, you should wait until the end of the critical days, since it is during this period that the body most calmly tolerates food restrictions and changes in eating habits, and these are the most favorable days to start a diet.

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