Delicious sweet recipes for raw foodists

Hello friends! Let's discuss recipes for raw food sweets today: who has what experience, who cooks what, from what and in what way. This post will be a guest one, as Yulia Kuznetsova, a regular reader of this blog, will share her successful finds.

Homemade sweets made from dates and nuts. Photo by Yulia Kuznetsova

Our conversation with Yulia began with the fact that I shared a recipe for marshmallows on VKontakte. The recipe is someone else’s (from the Internet, the author is unknown), but even without experiment it was clear: cool and simple. Yulia wrote in response that she tried this plum marshmallow (it was served by friends who are also keen on healthy lifestyles) and it really turned out delicious. Therefore, I present this recipe here as a proven one. Next there will be three recipes from Yulia: raw food halva, jam and sweets.

Raw food cake - a simple recipe

A very simple version of a delicious cake. In this recipe we will prepare a very tasty raw cream for the cake, which you can then use in any other recipes.

For the crust:

  • 300 grams of almonds. Can be replaced with any other nuts of your choice.
  • 2 tablespoons of honey. This amount will be enough and the cake will not be too cloying.
  • 6 dates. We take out the bone.
  • 2 tablespoons carob. This chocolate powder can be purchased at any vegan store.

Now grind the nuts and dates in a blender. Add the remaining ingredients to the resulting mass and get the dough for the cakes. It needs to be divided into two parts, since we will have two cake layers.

For cream:

  • 150 grams of dates. We take out the bones. Soak them in warm water for one hour. During this time they will swell and will be easier to beat.
  • 2 ripe bananas.

Beat dates and bananas in a blender and get a gorgeous cream.

Place one part of the dough in the mold and grease it with cream, then put the second part of the dough and grease it too. Place in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Raw cake with wild berries. Photo: @poetika_bb

Raw food diet recipes for beginners

How to create a diet for a beginner raw foodist? A balanced menu is formed as follows:

  • Breakfast. At first, you must have breakfast. Over time, the body will adjust to the new regime, and then it will be possible to give up morning snacks. Fresh fruits, dried fruits, bananas and citrus fruits are ideal for breakfast. We eat just enough to be completely satisfied.
  • Dinner. At lunchtime you can eat soups, all kinds of vegetarian salads, flavored with plenty of greens. In terms of taste, they provide excellent competition to classic dishes from the usual diet. We cook from our favorite products. Ideally, you should take seasonal vegetables and fruits. In summer - tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, in winter - beets, carrots, cabbage.
  • Dinner. The last meal is the most high-calorie and filling. For dinner, it is best to eat seeds, dried fruits, and nuts. The products can be eaten either individually or in the form of salads. An excellent solution is bean porridge.

Raw carrot cake

Is it possible to make raw carrot cake? In minutes!

Let's prepare a simple raw food cake crust:

  • 220 grams of carrots. Grate on a fine grater. You can also replace it with carrot cake if you have a juicer.
  • 130 grams of dates. Be sure to remove the bones. Grind in a blender.
  • 120 grams of raw almonds. Soak in cold water overnight. In the morning, grind in a blender.

We combine all the ingredients and get an excellent vegan crust.

Now let's make the cream:

  • 220 grams of raw cashews. We also soak them in water overnight.
  • 90 grams of honey. Can be replaced with Jerusalem artichoke or agave syrup.
  • a little orange zest. Grate it.
  • 80 ml carrot juice. You can take regular juice if you don’t have fresh juice.
  • a little vanilla

We beat everything in a blender and get a vegan cream.

Place the dough into a mold with sides and fill with cream. Refrigerate for 3 hours!

Low Calorie Carrot Cake for PP

Very tasty raw food diet - sweets and cakes

Hello my dear readers! Vegetarianism can be very different and varied. One of the directions is a raw food diet. Fresh fruits and vegetables are tasty and healthy. I have already written versions of raw food recipes for every day. But monotony in food can quickly get boring for everyone. Any person sooner or later wants something tasty. Today we’ll look at what a delicious raw food diet can be - sweets and cakes made only from 100% natural products without heat treatment.

Raw coconut cake

Do you like coconuts? Then this recipe is definitely for you!

For the crust:

  • 200 grams of walnuts. Be sure to pre-soak.
  • 3 tablespoons of coconut urbech. This is coconut meat ground into a paste.
  • 60 grams of dates. Remove the bones.
  • Grind everything in a blender. You should end up with a paste-like mass. We put it in the mold and put it in the refrigerator while we prepare the cream.
  • 4 ripe avocados. We clean it, take out the bones.
  • 60 ml coconut milk
  • 150 grams of Jerusalem artichoke syrup
  • 3 tablespoons coconut oil. We take cold pressed oil.
  • 50 ml lemon juice. You can also take lime juice.

Place everything in a blender and beat until creamy. We take out our cake, fill it with cream, smooth it out and put it in the freezer for 4 hours!

Diet Napoleon with coconut milk

Avocado chocolate pudding

My earliest experiments with a raw food diet began with variations of this dessert. The chocolate version is a favorite. Avocado is a great base for desserts. There's enough fat in it to be tasty, but not so much that it's hard on your stomach (unlike a glass of nuts, for example). In general, avocados are easily digestible and contain a lot of fiber. This dessert is a complete part of lunch; it satisfies very well.

2 ripe avocados 2 oranges 2 tbsp. agave nectar 3 tsp raw cocoa powder

1 tsp natural vanilla extract 1 tsp. cinnamon

Squeeze the juice from the oranges and mix it in a blender at low speed with the avocado pulp and other ingredients. The speed can be increased gradually, but carefully - thick pudding is very easy to overheat in a powerful blender, and avocado blends well even at low speed. Agave nectar is truly the optimal source of sweetness in this recipe. When replacing it with honey, be very careful with the amount - try it!

Raw green buckwheat cake

This option deserves your attention, because we will cook it without nuts!

So, for the base of the cake you will need the following ingredients:

  • 250 grams of green buckwheat. It needs to be soaked overnight or at least for 5 hours.
  • 50 grams coconut oil
  • 50 grams of coconut urbech
  • 2 tablespoons coconut milk
  • 2 tablespoons coconut flour
  • a little honey or Jerusalem artichoke syrup to your taste

We beat all these components in a blender. You should have the consistency of very thick sour cream.

Now let's prepare the crust:

  • 100 grams of coconut flakes. Grind in a coffee grinder until it becomes flour.
  • 2 tablespoons carob
  • 4 tablespoons of green buckwheat bulk

Mix everything and put it in the mold. Pour green buckwheat cream on top. Let's put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. Raw food cake without nuts is ready!

Quick PP desserts

Simple raw food diet recipes for every day

So what to cook for every day? You can choose whatever you want for the daily menu. And the ban on eating processed foods does not in any way affect the variety of dishes. The recipes are not only varied, but also incredibly easy to prepare. We bring to your attention some delicious dishes that will please any vegan.

Raw Lemon Chocolate Cake - No Bake Recipe

Lovers of unusual flavors and desserts can try this cake, which is easy to prepare at home!

For the crust:

  • 2 cups walnuts
  • 1 ½ cups dates. We take out the bones.
  • 2 tablespoons carob

Grind all ingredients in a blender. You should get a mass of rough consistency. We place it on the bottom of the mold, forming sides.

Now let's prepare the cream:

  • 2 cups avocado puree. Take ripe avocados and blend them in a blender until smooth.
  • ½ cup lemon juice
  • maple syrup to your liking
  • 2 tablespoons lemon zest
  • 1 tablespoon carob
  • a pinch of salt

Pour our cream onto the cake, smooth it out and put it in the freezer overnight! Raw chocolate cake is ready!

PP Poultry milk on agar agar

Cake for raw foodists called “Napoleon”

Classic “Napoleon” is a combination of a pleasant taste with a very high calorie content, and it is not suitable for the diet of raw foodists. But you can make it healthier by making it from fruits and nuts. The recipe is quite easy and will not make you spend hours in the kitchen. To prepare it, you need to wash and peel one apple and a pear. Cut the fruit in half and remove the core. Thinly slice the fruit into slices. Next, grind half a glass of almonds and the same amount of walnuts in a blender. To this mass you need to add half a spoon of vanillin and cinnamon. The nut crumb is ready. For the cream, you should take as many as seven tablespoons of liquid honey with lemon zest and juice. Mix with half a teaspoon of ground ginger. Now you can assemble this dessert. Taking any form or plate, carefully lay out the first layer of apples, which should be soaked in honey and then sprinkled with walnut crumbs. The second layer is a pear in honey with almonds. Then the layers are repeated. The assembled cake can be decorated with nuts and raisins if desired. This “Napoleon” will perfectly decorate the holiday table not only of raw foodists, but also of lovers of proper nutrition.

Raw food cheesecake cake

Want to make delicious orange cheesecake at home with vegan ingredients? Let's prepare a crust based on nuts and dried fruits:

  • 120 grams of almonds
  • 180 grams of dates

Grind in a blender and get the base for our cheesecake.

Now the cream:

  • 300 grams cashews
  • 240 ml orange juice. It’s best to take fresh, of course.
  • zest of one orange
  • 80 grams cocoa butter
  • 4 tablespoons Jerusalem artichoke syrup

Put everything into a blender and beat.

We put the cake in the mold and form small sides, fill it with cream and put it in the refrigerator overnight!

"Honey cake"

Like any cake before this, the honey cake is made from nuts with the addition of honey. Almonds work very well for this, but you can use any nuts. First you need to soak two cups of almonds for several hours, and then grind them in a blender. Add half a glass of sesame and flaxseed, prunes and finely grated carrots to this mixture. For those with a sweet tooth, you can add honey. If desired, you can make a soaking cream from banana, honey and lemon juice. The cake turns out to be quite moist, so it should be dried in an oven heated to a temperature no higher than forty degrees. Now you can start tasting!

Raw food cake with flaxseed flour

Do you like flaxseed flour? Then you will definitely like this version of raw dessert.

For the crust:

  • 1 cup nuts. We take any to your taste.
  • 10 grams of dates. We take out the bones.
  • 50 grams flaxseed flour
  • some water

Mix everything in a blender and distribute it into the mold. Then put it in the freezer.

In the meantime, let's get to the cream:

  • 400 grams of any berries
  • 50 grams coconut oil
  • 1 cup cashew nuts
  • 10 dates
  • juice of half a lemon
  • agave syrup or Jerusalem artichoke according to your taste

Beat everything in a blender and pour cream over our cake. Place in the freezer for 3 hours!

How to cook Tiramisu without eggs and cream

You can't forbid a sweet life!

Among raw foodists there are also sweet lovers. But even if you are not a supporter of this kind of nutrition, you can easily add raw food sweets to your diet. After all, they are low-calorie, so you definitely won’t gain weight from them.

Where can you get these wonderful delicacies? I like this online store. Here you can buy a lot of products for a healthy diet. All this is of excellent quality and at a good price.

Well, there are always sweets available in every grocery store. Dried fruits are a wonderful dessert. And honey cannot be called anything other than a treasure. There is no need to even talk about its benefits. Therefore, if you have a sweet tooth and dream of becoming a raw foodist, leave your fears behind. You definitely won’t be left without something tasty. Read more in a separate article about the pros and cons of a raw food diet.

Snickers raw cake

Have you heard about the famous Snickers cake? It can also be prepared raw!

For the crust:

  • 60 grams coconut flour
  • 8 dates. We take out the bones.
  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil
  • a pinch of salt

Grind everything in a blender. Place the base in the mold.

Now let's get to the filling:

  • 100 grams of peanut butter. We take natural pasta; you can also prepare it at home if desired.
  • 8 dates. Grind in a blender.
  • 3 tablespoons coconut oil
  • 40 grams finely chopped peanuts

Combine all the ingredients and get Snickers cream. We put it on our crust.

All that remains is to prepare the chocolate filling:

  • 40 grams of grated cocoa
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil
  • vanilla
  • maple syrup to taste

We combine everything and fill our cake. Place in the freezer until completely thickened.

Sweet recipes for raw foodists

And at the end of the day it is very pleasant to eat something sweet for dessert. It would seem that you can cook something interesting if you can’t bake or fry anything? But those with a sweet tooth can exhale, because a raw food diet, even with numerous restrictions, makes it possible not to forget about your tastes and preferences every day. Prepare sweets according to the following recipes.

How to decorate a raw vegan cake

In fact, there is nothing complicated in decorating such a cake and you have a lot of interesting ways to decorate such a cake:

  • berries. An excellent option for any raw dessert. Raspberries and blueberries look especially good.
  • fruits. Pieces of fruit can also decorate the cake - bananas, kiwi, peach.
  • nuts. Since nuts are the basis of such cakes, you can safely decorate finished desserts with them. Almonds look especially good.
  • greenery. Just a little greenery and your cake will look fresh and elegant. Mint or rosemary leaves would look great. The main condition is that the greens must be fresh!
  • peanut paste. Another great and healthy option for decorating a raw food cake.
  • chocolate glaze. You can always make it at home by simply mixing melted coconut oil and raw cocoa powder. Add agave syrup to suit your taste.

As you can see, raw food cakes are prepared very quickly and, most importantly, exclusively from natural products! Be sure to try these recipes and find your favorite healthy dessert!

Date cakes “On the contrary” – recipe

This dessert can be called exotic and unusual, since the cream will be under the sweet base, and not vice versa. Start your morning with this sweetness and you will see how successful your day will be!

Ingredients for the sweet base:

Ingredients for cream:

Method for preparing the base:

Method for preparing the cream:

Method for assembling the cakes:

The good thing about these wonderful sweets is that they are not only tasty, but also beautiful. Each of these desserts can decorate any table.

By the way, you can and should spoil your children with such joys!


Strawberry “Romanoff”

The recipe is a non-alcoholic, raw food version of the famous dessert, which is usually made with orange liqueur and whipped cream, ice cream, or sour cream. It is better to prepare almond cream in advance, because... it keeps quite well for two to three days and needs to be cold for the recipe. Source Raw: The Uncook Book

, albeit with some changes.

Cream 1 cup almonds 2-3 dates 1 cup water 1 tsp. natural vanilla extract (or seeds from a vanilla pod)

Strawberries 2 cups strawberries 1 cup orange juice 1 tsp. fresh orange zest 1 tsp. natural vanilla extract (or seeds from a vanilla pod)

small strawberries and fresh mint for decoration

Almond cream (a process familiar to you based on the sauce and dessert) 1. Soak the almonds for 2-3 hours. When it starts to swell, this is the best time to remove the skins - just press the tonsil with your fingers and it will slide out of the skin. After peeling, the almonds need to be left in water for a few more hours, then drained and rinsed. 2. Mix in a blender: almonds, water, dates, vanilla. It takes a long time to mix, but the consistency should be like sour cream. If it doesn't mix well, add additional water. When the cream is ready, put it in a bowl with a lid or a plastic container and put it in the refrigerator.

Strawberries 3. Wash the strawberries well, peel them from twigs and leaves, and cut them. Large strawberries into slices, small ones in half. Place strawberries in a bowl. 4. Pour orange juice over the strawberries, add vanilla and orange zest, stir, cover and refrigerate for at least 1 hour.

5. When the cream has cooled and the strawberries have soaked, the dessert is almost ready. Place 2 tablespoons of almond cream into ice cream glasses or bowls. Place a layer of strawberries on top, then add a few more spoons of cream. The number of layers will be determined by the shape of your glasses. Top with mint and whole small strawberries.

Raw food candies Butterscotch - happiness for the New Year!

Raw food candies Butterscotch - happiness for the New Year!

Hello everyone, Vika Leping here! The New Year is coming, and I’m craving more and more tangerines and sweets, so today we’ll prepare healthy raw food natural sweets - sugar-free candies, very similar in taste to Toffee. Attention! Cooking time: 10 minutes, no joke. Everything is very simple and incredibly tasty, be sure to check it out for yourself. Go!

Raspberry with lavender cream

I continue experimenting with almond cream. It's great in the sweet version too.

1 cup raspberries 1 cup almonds, soaked and peeled 3/4 cup water 1 tsp. lemon juice 3 tbsp. agave nectar (replace with honey) 1 tsp. lavender flowers

1. Prepare almonds according to the same principle as in the recipe for tzatziki: soak for 4-12 hours, remove the skins, rinse.

2. In a blender, mix: almonds, water, agave nectar, lemon juice, lavender. If the cream gets a little warm, cool in the refrigerator.

3. Divide the raspberries into two glasses. Place cream on top. If you cover it with film, the dessert will last a day in the refrigerator.

No-Bake Baking: 5 Delicious Raw Food Desserts

As a rule, raw food desserts are incredibly tasty. In addition, they are alive (not thermally processed) and, therefore, healthy, unlike many other sweets. Here are a few reasons why we think raw vegan desserts are a great choice.

  1. They often consist of whole, unprocessed ingredients: nuts, grains and dried fruits.
  2. These desserts are made sweet by dried fruits, agave syrup and other natural sugar substitutes. Refined or artificial sweeteners are rarely used*.
  3. You don't need to bake them! This is a great solution for spring or summer, and also for saving energy - you don’t have to preheat the oven.
  4. Most raw sweets are gluten-free and suitable for vegans.


This is one of the simplest treats with endless variations in recipes. Many people have their own favorite recipe; every raw food restaurant and store sells its own special ones. These candies are from RAWvolution: Gourmet Living Cuisine

(with changed proportions), are glued together only with agave nectar and stored in the freezer, because. unrefrigerated are quite soft.

Cinnamon truffles 1 cup almonds 2 tsp. cinnamon pinch of salt 1/2 cup raisins 5 tsp. agave nectar (or liquid honey) 1 tsp. olive oil

Finely grind the almonds in a food processor. Add the cinnamon, salt, agave and oil to the cobmein until everything is evenly mixed into a sticky but crumbly mass. Add raisins to a bowl and form balls with your hands. Store in the freezer.

Carob truffles 1 cup almonds 1/4 cup carob powder pinch of salt 1/2 cup coconut flakes 6 tsp. agave nectar (or liquid honey) 1 tsp. olive oil

Finely grind the almonds in a food processor. Add the carob, coconut, salt, agave and oil to the cobmein until everything is homogeneously mixed into a sticky but crumbly mass. Form balls with your hands. Store in the freezer.

Jeanne Nickels Blog | Food is like medicine

Welcome, dear readers, to the blog. For the third day now, my husband and I have been drinking juices, herbal tea and water and not eating anything at all. And it is precisely at this time that I am drawn to write some kind of recipe. Such a masochistic mood. Apparently, if you can’t eat, then you can read

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