Sweetness is good for your figure. Dukan cottage cheese casserole

Dukan cottage cheese casserole is a joy, so to speak, for those who have decided to take this difficult path. The first stage is “attack”, it is the most difficult, since you can eat foods from a very limited list. And a delicacy made from cottage cheese will distract you a little from the annoying desire to eat the “forbidden fruit.”

A regular casserole includes sugar, flour or semolina, and sometimes dried fruits. The Dukan diet prohibits the consumption of these ingredients in the first days. But this is not scary, because even without them you can prepare an excellent dish anywhere - in a slow cooker, oven or microwave.

Method No. 1

The recipe is very simple and requires a minimum of ingredients and time. The finished dish can be consumed starting from the “Attack” phase.

You will need:

  • low-fat cottage cheese (0-1%) – 250 g;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • bran from oat flakes or grains - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • sweetener - to taste.

It is necessary to mix all the ingredients well until smooth, adding oat bran last. Transfer the mixture into a microwave-safe form and cook at 500 W for about 4.5 minutes. If desired, cover the pan with a lid, but then increase the time to 6-7 minutes. Together with natural yogurt, the casserole turns out very tasty.

To make the dish airy, separate the egg white from the yolk. Together with a pinch of salt, beat the protein to stiff peaks and add it to the total mass last, stirring with a spatula from bottom to top. This technique should be used in all recipes. Only the list of products and their quantity changes, but the cooking principle remains the same.

With chicken and tomatoes

Cooking ingredients can be consumed in the “Cruise” phase. For the dish you need:

  • Cottage cheese 0% fat – 400 grams;
  • Mushrooms - 250 grams;
  • Onion - 1 pc.;
  • Baking powder - 0.3 teaspoon;
  • Oat bran - 40 grams;
  • Eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • Chicken breast - 2 pcs;
  • Soy sauce;
  • Garlic cloves - 3 pcs.

Cooking steps:

  1. Stir the cottage cheese and add oat bran, egg yolks and soy sauce. Finely chop the chicken breast and mix with the cottage cheese. Add crushed garlic cloves, chopped mushrooms, herbs and onions to the mixture. Add baking powder and beaten egg whites. Cut the tomatoes into rings.
  2. Place the mixture in a bowl, having previously greased the bottom with vegetable oil. Place thin slices of tomatoes on top. For cooking, use the “baking” mode. The casserole will be ready in 1 hour.
  3. Cottage cheese casserole according to the Dukan diet in a slow cooker is a delicious dish that burns weight and improves the condition of the body.

Method No. 2

The recipe is designed for cooking in the oven. You need to turn it on first and heat it up to 160 0C. Then take 5 eggs, separate the whites from the yolks. Mix the latter with 600 g of low-fat granular cottage cheese, vanilla on the tip of a knife and a sweetener to your taste.

Use a fork so as not to lose the valuable structure of the curd. At the end, carefully mix the mixture with the whipped egg whites, pour the dough into a baking dish and place it in the oven for 45 minutes. The top should be browned but not burnt. If the crust is too baked and the center is raw, cover the pan with foil.

When the dish is ready, turn off the oven and let the casserole sit for about 10 minutes. Then wait until it cools down and start eating!

Recipe: Grain curd casserole

Grained cottage cheese has a specific consistency. But at the same time it is tasty and full of protein. The casserole made from it is a little reminiscent of rice, but it has a completely different flavor range.

You will need:

  • 5 eggs;
  • grain low-fat cottage cheese 600g;
  • vanillin or sugar substitute;
  • 1 yogurt.

To prepare this recipe for cottage cheese casserole, you need:

  1. First turn the oven on 160 degrees. While it is heating up, start preparing the dough.
  2. To do this, first beat 5 eggs. Then add 600 grams to them. low-fat grain cottage cheese, vanillin and sugar substitute to taste. Gently stir the mixture without whisking, so as not to change the structure of the cheese. For the same reason, you should not use a mixer, blender or other equipment. It's best to do this with a fork.
  3. Pour the dough into the mold and put it in the oven. Care must be taken to ensure that the top of the casserole does not burn. If necessary, cover the pan with foil.
  4. Remove from the oven, cool and serve with sweet cottage cheese, homemade yogurt or custard. You can sprinkle with cinnamon.

Some general information

The “Attack” phase does not allow you to go wild, so the methods for preparing cottage cheese casseroles are not surprising in their diversity. The main thing is that they are made without starch, flour and semolina. Instead, use oat, wheat, or buckwheat bran. Eggs - maximum 5 pieces, depends on the amount of cottage cheese. For half a kilo of low-fat cottage cheese you will need about 5-9 sweetener tablets, but there may be fewer.

The Dukan Diet allows you to consume baking powder or baking powder in moderation in the first days. Therefore, 1.5 tsp. You can add one of these ingredients to the mixture. The optimal temperature for baking in the oven is 160-170 0C. During cooking (20-30 minutes), it is better not to open the door, and after turning it off, let it “cook” in the oven. But in any case, the casserole will fall a little.

Each recipe can be implemented in a microwave or slow cooker without any problems, the main thing is to calculate the time. For the latter, the baking time is increased to 50 minutes. But the indicator depends on the power of the machine and the thickness of the dish.

How to cook “Curd casserole according to Dukan”

Prepare all the necessary ingredients. Choose low-fat cottage cheese.

Place cottage cheese, bran, eggs, sweetener and baking powder into a blender bowl.

Grind until smooth. If all the cottage cheese does not fit in the blender, then divide all the ingredients in half, first chop one part, then the second, and then combine both parts.

Place the curd mixture in a baking dish. I use a silicone mold, it is most convenient for baking curd dough.

Bake for 40 minutes until golden brown. Make sure that the casserole does not burn. Leave the finished casserole in the turned off oven for 15 minutes.

Serve the Dukan cheese casserole, topping it with low-fat yogurt. Bon appetit!

Option for alternation

When the "Attack" is over, the "Cruise" phase, or rotation, begins. The diet allows you to add vegetables and some foods that were prohibited at the first stage. It is necessary to arrange protein and protein-vegetable days. You can practice the following recipe in a slow cooker. The product is reminiscent of a casserole from childhood.

You will need:

  • soft cottage cheese (0-1%) – 600 g;
  • eggs – 4 pcs.;
  • skimmed milk powder – 3 tbsp. l. (45 g);
  • corn starch - 2 tbsp. l. (40 g);
  • sweetener “Fitparad” - 11 g;
  • vanilla on the tip of a knife.

The cooking result depends on the quality of the cottage cheese. Give preference to cottage cheese with small grains. We do not recommend mixing it in a blender. It is important that it maintains its structure. The second component of success is well-beaten whites. They must be chilled. Choose clean, dry (!) dishes for them, preferably large ones.

When you separate the yolks, do not allow them to get into the whites. A small amount of salt will help achieve steep peaks. Then proceed according to the general principle. Cook the mixture in the multicooker in the “Baking” mode for about 50 minutes.

The height of the product is about 3-4 cm. The structure is dense, cuts easily, and does not crumble. And if you sprinkle cinnamon on top or pour yogurt with sweetener on top, then the diet will become a real pleasure. A small amount of starch and milk powder does not allow you to eat the dish during the “Attack” phase, but when the alternation begins, you can pamper yourself a little. Just one bite and you will become a fan of this dish.

You can reduce the proportions to 300 g of cottage cheese, 2 eggs, 30 g of milk powder and 30 g of corn starch. Bake for 40 minutes in a slow cooker.

We continue the cruise...


The diet is in full swing, and the same dishes are boring. We recommend that you try another interesting recipe. It will require 600 g of cottage cheese, 1 glass (200 ml) of skim milk, 2 eggs and 50 g of corn starch.

Vanillin, sugar substitute and salt to taste. Bake the product in the oven for about 1 hour at a temperature of 180 0C.


In the microwave you can prepare an unusual cottage cheese casserole with... carrots! You only need one root vegetable, 250 g of cottage cheese, 2 eggs, 2 tbsp. l. wheat bran, ½ tsp. baking powder. Add other available ingredients to taste.

The cooking principle remains the same, only after you mix the grated carrots with the ingredients, let the dough sit for about 15 minutes. We recommend introducing proteins at the end. Bake in a glass container, covered, for 8 minutes at 500 W.

Cupcakes: Dukan diet recipes in the microwave in 5 minutes

Chocolate cupcakes are ready in no time. This is a completely dietary dish; it does not even contain egg yolks. The advantage of this kind of baking is that absolutely everyone can make muffins. Even if they are not baked or, on the contrary, have dried out, the taste of the dessert will be just as exciting and delicate.

  • oat bran – 2 tbsp;
  • wheat bran – 1 tbsp;
  • cocoa – 1 tsp;
  • skimmed milk powder – 1 tbsp;
  • baking powder - a quarter teaspoon;
  • sweetener to taste;
  • low-fat milk – 4 tbsp;
  • orange zest optional – 1 tsp.

Mix all ingredients in a container. In this recipe, it is important to strictly follow the dosage of baking powder and liquid milk. Do not try to knead the dough until completely homogeneous and do not beat it under any circumstances. You should get a thick liquid with solid bran particles. Fill the silicone molds halfway with it. Place the molds in the microwave and bake for one and a half minutes at maximum power.

A curvy woman who is just beginning her journey to a perfect figure will find a lot of disadvantages in any diet. Bans on your favorite foods: now you won’t be able to enjoy delicious donuts, you’ll have to say “no” to birthday cakes and summer kebabs. Do not eat before bed, control portion size. All this is upsetting, and often becomes the reason for abandoning a cherished dream.

But if you take on losing weight thoroughly, visualize your new appearance in colors, and constantly keep the desired image in mind, then following the rules of the diet becomes easier.

In addition, you can find pleasant gastronomic features in each. For example, the Dukan diet does not prohibit, and even vice versa, it recommends the consumption of oat bran, eggs and cottage cheese. And if all these products are in your refrigerator, you can make them a delicious cottage cheese casserole.

Since Dukan prohibits eating sugar, you need to use a substitute instead. And for the lowest calorie content, take low-fat cottage cheese instead of regular cottage cheese.

Any dietary restriction has one significant advantage - you spend much less time preparing food, so you can spend the freed-up time on self-improvement, for example. After all, a person is beautiful not only with a slender body, but also with his intellectual development.

Imagine eating a healthy cottage cheese casserole for breakfast while reading Kant.

Another piece of advice: to successfully stick to your chosen diet, approach any meal as aesthetically pleasing as possible. Decorate the table, cover it with a beautiful soft-colored tablecloth, place a vase with your favorite flowers, use beautiful cutlery, and put a couple of napkins. Believe me, if you eat at such an elegantly decorated table, you will not want to eat to your heart's content, as they say.

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