Madonna's macrobiotic diet, or how to weigh 48 kg after 60

The famous singer and style icon, Madonna, still looks stunning at 58 years old. Her figure evokes admiration and envy. However, few people realize with what efforts the star achieves luxurious forms. Her menu is made up of healthy food, which is chosen by the star's personal chef.

Madonna's diet is represented by separate meals. As a result, no stretch marks on the body, cellulite or sagging skin. In addition, star nutrition helps improve the health and functioning of the digestive organs. In addition, it allows you to maintain the beauty of your skin, hair and nails. What are the principles of the stellar diet and lifestyle of the legendary singer?

Nutritional Features

Madonna has ideal body parameters (weight 48 kg, height 162 cm) thanks to a macrobiotic diet, which was created based on Japanese experience. The very concept of “Taoism” is characterized as the division of energy into yang and yin.

  • The system is aimed at balancing food and ensuring that it contains a large amount of vitamins.
  • The diet includes eating foods according to the season.
  • The structure of the menu lies in the balance between plant and animal products, raw and cooked.

The star is confident that such a diet prolongs youth and beauty and establishes the necessary proportions of yin and yang.

Yin products are characterized by a high acid reaction. The range of such food includes:

  • fermented milk products;
  • canned food;
  • sugar.

Yang energy is represented by alkaline reactions and alkaline foods. And this:

  • meat snacks;
  • eggs;
  • fish products;
  • cheese.

Madonna's diet provides for the rational combination of two energies in the body. This principle prevents the development of diseases.

Diet rules

The nutrition is developed by the singer’s personal nutritionist, who must take into account the performance schedule and rely on blood test data. Madonna shares some of the main rules of her diet:

  • Prohibition on quick snacks. A hot dog during a break will have a negative impact on the waist, depositing folds there. Eating should be fun and enjoyable.
  • Listen carefully to your stomach. The organ of a well-fed person is full and does not give insidious signals.
  • You need to cook on an open surface. For this case, a stove or grill is suitable, since the “fire method” is designed to leave some of the beneficial vitamins after cooking. The microwave, unfortunately, cannot boast of such a skill.
  • Careful menu selection. It is strictly prohibited to consume alcohol, fatty foods and starchy foods. It is also necessary to control the consumption of hot spices.
  • If you characterize Madonna’s diet, you will notice that the star gives preference to grains, vegetables, proteins and seafood.
  • You should not exclude a variety of soups and nuts, as well as vegetable fats from your diet.
  • By incorporating sports into your diet, you can achieve ideal results in a short time.

The singer is convinced that in addition to helping with weight loss, these products also help the digestive system and the heart work smoothly.

Diet supplements

In order for products to retain as many useful elements as possible, heat treatment should be minimized. You will have to give up the deep fryer, barbecue and microwave oven. The latter mercilessly “kills” food with its radiation.

In accordance with the principles of macrobiotics, it is forbidden to eat “on the run” or be distracted by talking or watching TV. Before a meal, you need to leave all disturbing thoughts. Thorough chewing is also an important requirement.

Food should remain food and perform only one task - serve as “fuel” for the body. Food should not become a pill for depression or a way to encourage yourself. You should only eat when you are really hungry.

Advantages and disadvantages of the diet

Nutritionists consider Madonna's diet one of the best, since it contains all the vitamins and elements necessary for humans.

Among the advantages:

  • irrelevance of calorie counting;
  • an impeccable body and, as a result, well-being;
  • hair and nails are strengthened;
  • skin looks healthier and fresher.

Madonna's diet is ideal because it consists of organic foods, is balanced, and at the same time, tasty.

Contraindications to the diet include:

  • individual intolerance;
  • pregnancy and postpartum period;
  • teenage stage;
  • advanced age;
  • anorexia or obesity;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the body;
  • oncology.

First, you need to analyze your lifestyle, remember past illnesses, since it is necessary to regularly monitor your health status during nutrition.

The essence of the Madonna diet, beneficial properties, main rules, advantages

The basis of the diet is a raw food diet and drinking plenty of fluids. It is necessary to give preference to seasonal products, since they contain the most vitamins and microelements that are needed for the normal functioning of all organs and systems. Madonna has been following a vegetarian diet for many years, and associates the condition of her body and skin with eating plant foods.

Just a healthy, nutritious diet and intense training in the gym help the 57-year-old star be in an ideal and harmonious state with herself.

In order to follow a diet, you need to familiarize yourself with and remember the following main dietary rules from Madonna. These include the following:

  • Before you start eating, you need to visit a nutritionist or doctor to advise you;
  • Eat food in small quantities, but often, the number of meals is from four to five, chew thoroughly, you cannot eat on the go or be distracted by reading books, magazines, or watching television;
  • Eat food only when you are truly hungry;
  • It is also necessary to observe a strict drinking regime; per day you need to drink up to two liters of mineral water without gas, the main thing is to do this before eating;
  • At the time of eating, avoid the following: any high-calorie ingredients are strictly prohibited; all dairy ingredients and cheeses; confectionery, bakery, sausage products; flour, sweets, saltiness; sugar, salt, pepper and other spices; chicken eggs; products containing a lot of caffeine; hot sauces; vegetable fats; semi-finished products, fast foods; chips, crackers;
  • Give up bad habits (alcohol, smoking);
  • In addition to water, you are allowed to drink natural freshly prepared juices, green or herbal tea without sugar and honey;
  • The daily diet should consist of liquid - 10%, fresh vegetables - about 30%, beans - 10%, grains and cereals - 50%;
  • Last meal no later than seven o'clock in the evening;
  • For a snack, use nuts and dried fruits;
  • The diet can be repeated no earlier than after three months;
  • You cannot cook food on the grill, in microwave or electric ovens;
  • Try to eat food that is steamed, in a slow cooker, or boiled;
  • The break between meals is at least two hours;
  • Spend an hour a day exercising in the gym or at home (morning jogging, yoga, and fitness are also suitable).

If you follow the dietary program correctly and strictly follow all the instructions, then the result will not keep you waiting long, a few days are enough and you will feel it for yourself. This method of nutrition will help you not only get rid of a fairly large number of extra pounds, but also improve your health. The advantages of Madonna's diet include the following:

  • There is no need to count food calories every day;
  • Combined with physical activity, you will get an ideal body;
  • Cleansing the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Improves the condition of the skin, gives freshness;
  • Strengthening hair and nail plates;
  • The skin becomes more elastic, toned, the muscles are toned.

Types of diets

In fact, to maintain beauty and slimness, Madonna from time to time adheres to not only one, but one of 4 nutritional systems. What they have in common is that the menu consists of organic ingredients that are purchased seasonally. Let's take a closer look at the diet of each of the stated diets.


The diet is based on the traditions of ancient Japanese cuisine.

Authorized products:

  • homemade rolls;
  • brown rice;
  • fruits and vegetables in season;
  • seaweed with mushroom dressing;
  • carrots in Korean.

Madonna says that in addition to losing weight, you need to drink 11 glasses of liquid a day.

Grapefruit system

  • The duration of nutrition is 5 days, but is adjusted depending on the desired result. The main product for all this time is grapefruit.
  • You need to eat in small portions, but often.
  • The time between meals varies up to 2 hours.
  • Eating is prohibited after 7 pm!

The diet is very effective because you can get rid of 5 kg in a week.

A sample menu for the day looks like this:

BreakfastGrapefruit juice without sweeteners.
LunchA handful of fruits that ripen this season.
DinnerVegetable salad and small grapefruit.
Afternoon snackFruit salad with the obligatory addition of grapefruit.
DinnerLight vegetable soup.


  • Complied with from 7-14 days.
  • The Favorite Diet for 7 days recommends not eating after 6 pm and not drinking alcohol.
  • The average daily water intake should be 10 glasses.

Menu for one day:

BreakfastOatmeal with yogurt + a mug of herbal tea without sugar.
LunchBerries and fruits.
DinnerBoiled rice and vegetable salad with light dressing.
DinnerSalad of pepper, tomato and basil.

Madonna believes that diet and yoga will make the body fit and healthy, at the same time getting rid of extra centimeters.

Macrobiotic program

  • It requires strict adherence to proportions: 50% grains, 25% vegetables, 10% protein foods, 5% soups, fruits and seafood.
  • Fats must be present in your diet to provide your body with daily energy.
  • The course of nutrition is 2 weeks, during which you can get rid of 7 kg.
  • At the beginning of each day you need to drink a glass of still water.

Approximate daily diet:

BreakfastHercules on water and a glass of apple juice.
LunchSalad of seasonal vegetables with olive oil.
DinnerVegetable soup and salad.
Afternoon snackA serving of mango juice.
DinnerStew with pieces of pumpkin, zucchini and rice. Cooking method: steamed.


Madonna in numbers

Age: 60 years old (born August 16, 1958)

Height: 158 cm

Weight: 47 kg

Her diet

The star prefers split meals - six meals a day. Nutritionists compiled a diet for the singer with a set of foods that were heat-treated and balanced in fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Madonna's diet is close to the traditions of Japanese cuisine; the menu includes cereals, wholemeal or soy pasta, vegetables and fruits, sesame seeds, vegetarian sushi, fish and seafood, and seaweed. Sugar, baked goods, caffeinated drinks and alcohol, dairy products, eggs, and meat are excluded. She replenishes protein with legumes, mushrooms and fish. Fats are obtained from vegetable oils.

Her shape

“I’m a real workaholic and can’t imagine myself without work,” says Madonna. To withstand difficult shows, the singer exercises daily. In the 2000s, she pumped up her muscles by becoming interested in yoga and martial arts, trying new and different workouts. Over the past 10 years, Madonna has become more careful: she does not engage in strength training, preferring Pilates and ballet. Following her age, she lifts a barbell weighing no more than 2.2 kg.

Her beauty

“The first thing I teach children is don’t squeeze pimples. Second - don't smoke. Third, stay out of the sun,” says Madonna. It is not known whether her signature mole above her lip was real, but for many years Madonna set fashion in the fashion and beauty industries. Her day starts with eyelid patches, then cryo-sticks for puffy eyes. She does oxygen treatments, and sometimes treats herself to a bath with white wine and fresh basil. In 2001, the singer announced her refusal from Botox and fillers, but in 2013 she went so overboard with “beauty injections” that she became almost unrecognizable.

Her life

Madonna is one of six children of Italian-American Silvio Ciccone. She was a modest excellent student at a Catholic school, and then “broke off the chain.” In 1983, after her debut album, Madonnabe fever broke out in America. Today, Madonna has 22 films, two Golden Globes, 12 studio albums, 6 children's books, a music label, clothing and cosmetics brands. At the age of 38, she became a mother, giving birth to a daughter from a dancer. Married to director Guy Ritchie, she gave birth to a son, and subsequently adopted four children from Malawi. She now lives in Lisbon with a 32-year-old fashion model. “ I still can’t stand the so-called correct life. If something is expected of me, that’s what I don’t want to do,” says the star.

Expert commentary: Yulia Chekhonina

— The example of Madonna clearly illustrates the price that comes with a slim and fit body at that age.
Daily sports, split meals, workaholism - no miracles. But giving up dairy products, eggs and meat should not be taken as an example to follow; these are very important products for women’s health, especially during daily physical activity. The singer’s nutritionists managed to balance the composition of her diet thanks to the increased content of fish and seafood. Published: November 18, 2021

Decent exit

Losing weight is always accompanied by giving up your favorite foods, so after finishing the course it’s difficult not to indulge in your favorite foods. Madonna, whose figure without Photoshop is admirable, demonstrates the singer's willpower.

So, how to get out of the diet correctly:

  • Set yourself up for healthy eating.
  • Prepare small portions during feeding periods.
  • Maintain a drinking regime.
  • During the adaptation period after losing weight, you need to eat low-fat turkey, chicken, and dairy products. During this time, you can try chocolate, but not more than a piece per day.
  • Do physical activity: yoga, swimming, aerobics - the main thing is not to sit still.
  • Healthy, sound sleep is a must.

“No” to red meat and caffeine, “yes” to ginger tea and marijuana!

If everything is more or less clear with yoga, then a few words should be said about such a “dish” as Ayurveda: ancient Indian teaching believes that there are three elements (doshas) in a person: pitta - (not to be confused with pita!) - fire , vata (air - here, in fact, there is a coincidence) and kapha - water (if we draw an analogy, a bowl looms large, doesn’t it?).

The goal of Ayurveda teachings is to balance all three elements. It’s not difficult to guess that the pop diva’s element, which has warmed, burned, and burned more than one heart, is fire.

Among other things, her zodiac sign is Leo. Therefore, dairy and sugar-containing products are excluded from Madonna's diet, along with black tea and carbonated drinks, as well as caffeine and red meat. Although, information was leaked to the press that Diva could not refuse marbled Kobe meat.

Everyone knows about her love for 7-Up, popcorn and red M&M'S, but not everyone knows about her love for ginger tea, which gives her energy, and the “magic herb” marijuana, which burns fat, gives a boost of energy and health. The star is advised to eat little but often, and to rejuvenate and restore strength, use bergamot, lemon and juniper oils.

Sports component

The singer’s magnificent, toned body was formed not only thanks to diets. Regular physical activity is also designed to prevent the appearance of figure flaws. The singer’s favorite sports exercises are yoga, fitness and aerobics. The star believes that only in combination with exercise can you overcome extra pounds. Yoga asanas for losing weight and healing the soul and body are one of the singer’s favorite activities.

Madonna is considered an ardent fan of Buddhism, for whom yoga comes first. And for good reason, because you can’t tell the singer’s age by her appearance, because she looks amazing. In addition, the star believes that yoga relates to the concept of “life” and helps to tune in to the desired worldview.

The Queen's Little Weaknesses

However, like a true woman, Madonna has small weaknesses: she loves cheese, butter, fudge and chocolate. Although, not having the habit of self-indulgence, during pregnancy she replaced chocolate and cakes with butternut squash and light radish, but could not resist eggs, olives and chips.

The superstar claims she eats whatever she wants and says: "If you stop worrying about getting fat, you won't get fat." But a low-fat diet and two hours of yoga a day still produce results!

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