Greetings, dear readers. What to please your household in a way that is tasty and healthy. In fact, there are many things, but today we’ll talk specifically about cheesecakes. I immediately remember my childhood, how we were given them in kindergarten. I remember it vaguely, but the taste still lingers when mentioned.
Fortunately, there are many recipes for such a delicacy as cottage cheese pancakes, some of which we always use. But today I have selected several recipes that I really liked, I hope you will like them too and you will choose something for yourself.
How to cook cheesecakes
I squeeze out the excess liquid from the cottage cheese with paper towels, and if there is a lot of it, next time I choose a different cottage cheese.
Store-bought cottage cheese contains a lot of moisture
Store-bought cottage cheese contains a lot of moisture
Egg whites are excess liquid, so I only put yolks in the cottage cheese. For two 180 gram packs of cottage cheese you will need two egg yolks. I add half a teaspoon of salt and two tablespoons of sugar. Don't add a lot of sugar, it will liquefy the curd.
I only add yolks to the cottage cheese.
I only add yolks to the cottage cheese.
Now flour, put 1.5 - 2 tablespoons of flour on two packs of cottage cheese. If you realize that there is more moisture in the cottage cheese than necessary, add a little more flour. I mix all the ingredients.
I put the mixture on a table sprinkled with flour and roll it in flour, forming a “sausage” with my hands.
Roll the curd mass in flour
Roll the curd mass in flour
I cut the “sausage” into six pieces with a knife. I roll each part in flour and give it the desired shape.
Forming cheesecakes
Forming cheesecakes
To ensure that the cheesecakes are well baked, I fry them over medium heat, with the addition of vegetable oil, for about 3-5 minutes on each side until golden brown.
Frying cheesecakes in a frying pan
At the end of frying, if desired, add a little butter.
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Cheesecakes without eggs
Ingredients:Cottage cheese - 285 grams Semi-hard cheese - 100 grams Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. Flax seed - 1 tbsp. Nutmeg - 0.25 tsp. Buckwheat flour - 4 tbsp. Salt - to taste Sour cream and herbs - optional
You decided to make cheesecakes, but suddenly there wasn’t a single egg in the house? Or is one of your family members not allowed eggs? And there is a way out of these situations! Prepare cheesecakes without eggs at all. In this recipe, the egg replaces the flax seed and cheese. Let’s take not just any flour, but very healthy buckwheat flour. Such cheesecakes can be called snack bars and are served not only for breakfast and afternoon snack, but also for dinner. Moreover, doctors recommend consuming cottage cheese in the evening - this way calcium is better absorbed.View details
Step-by-step preparation
Step 1:
Preparing the ingredients. Those who want to get a completely low-calorie version of cheesecakes can replace wheat flour with oatmeal, preparing it themselves from oatmeal. However, wheat flour makes cheesecakes lighter and airier in taste, so it is better to use it. Since it needs to be added very little, it will not add much calories. Pour low-fat cottage cheese (or a product with a low fat content) into a bowl.
Step 2:
Add a pinch of salt and a pinch of vanillin to the cottage cheese. We do not add sugar, since we have dietary cheesecakes, and sugar is the main source of carbohydrates. Add a couple of tablespoons of milk; we also take it with low fat content. We need milk so that the cottage cheese becomes paste-like. Beat an egg into a bowl with cottage cheese. A chicken egg is necessary to prevent the cheesecakes from falling apart. It is also a source of protein.
Step 3:
Beat the mass with a blender.
Step 4:
Add a tablespoon of wheat flour and baking powder. Gently and quickly mix the mass. You should get a thick but sticky dough that you can take with your hands. Pour a little flour into a plate. Using a tablespoon, place the curd dough into a plate with flour and form round and plump cheesecakes.
Step 5:
Place them on a dry baking sheet. We bake the cheesecakes in the oven rather than fry them in oil in a frying pan, which will make them even more dietary. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Bake the cheesecakes until golden brown, about 25 minutes, but be guided by the operation of your oven. You need enough time for the cheesecakes to bake well, but at the same time not burn.
Step 6:
Remove the cheesecakes from the oven. Carefully remove them from the baking sheet, because they turn out airy and soft. With sharp manipulations they can be blown away. Place them on a plate and let them cool a little, then they will harden but remain just as fluffy. You can lightly dust them with powdered sugar. Serve with honey or cream. Bon appetit!
Many people who watch their figure and are constantly on diets limit themselves in everything, even in healthy and tasty food.
Cheesecakes with boiled condensed milk
Ingredients:Cottage cheese - 700 grams Baking powder - 1/2 tsp. Egg - 1 piece Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. Condensed milk, boiled - 2 tbsp. Oatmeal - 100 grams Sugar - 2 tbsp. Flour - 2 tbsp. Salt - to taste
These rosy cheesecakes are a surprise! From the outside they don't show themselves at all. Perhaps the oatmeal breading will be unusual for some. But inside they have a sweet and viscous ball of boiled condensed milk! With this recipe you will surprise your fidgets and their dads hurrying to work
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Don’t forget to heat the frying pan thoroughly - this way the cheesecakes won’t stick to the surface, but when the curd cakes are already in the frying pan, reduce the heat as indicated in the recipe - to medium or minimum. This way the cheesecakes won’t burn and will cook well.
In general, you can make cheesecakes from any cottage cheese, but in each of our recipes you will find your own recommendations - choose according to your taste. Of course, it’s great to make cheesecakes from fresh cottage cheese (even better - homemade), but if it suddenly happens that a pack of the most ordinary store-bought cottage cheese is boring in your refrigerator, then don’t let it go to waste - please with homemade cheesecakes!
In order to save time in the morning, cheesecakes can be prepared in the evening (“sausage” or “pucks” can be left in the refrigerator on a board) or much in advance and frozen. Moreover, you can freeze both semi-finished products (curd “cutlets” or blanks in silicone molds) and ready-made fried cheesecakes. And you will be armed in case of unexpected guests, late rises, sudden mild morning sickness or pleasant and sometimes permissible laziness. And the ready-made curd mass in a mold is a salvation for a mother with small children: all you have to do is take it out of the refrigerator and cook it in the oven, and you have a healthy afternoon snack or your baby's snack is ready.
Is it possible to eat cheesecakes while losing weight and on weight loss?
In order to accurately answer the question of whether cheesecakes are possible on a diet, let's look at the composition of a regular dish and compare it with special recipes on pp!
The required ingredients for a typical recipe look like this:
- cottage cheese. And definitely fattier and tastier. Many people adhere to the rule that the fattier the product, the tastier the dish will be in the end. Some recommend using a dairy product with a fat content of up to 23%, then the dish will also be very satisfying.
- regular flour. Premium wheat with 364 calories.
- semolina. Very often it is added to the recipe, then the product turns out very fluffy.
- regular sugar. There is no way to do without it. The more sugar, the sweeter and tastier your dish! Meanwhile, 100 grams of sugar accounts for as much as 400 calories!
- vegetable oil. It is needed for frying our cheesecakes, and as you understand, a lot of it is used during the cooking process. This product “loves” oil and we happily absorb it. Our cheesecakes take about 30% of the oil, thereby greatly increasing the calorie content of the finished product!
As a result, when we calculate the calorie content of the finished dish, it can easily reach 300 calories per 100 grams!!! How many grams of this product can you eat at one time? At least 200 grams for sure, so you will eat half or a third of your calories in one meal! Amazing, isn't it?
Now let’s look at the composition of pp cheesecakes, then you can clearly compare the two recipes and understand which pp cheesecakes you can safely include in your diet menu.
- low-fat cottage cheese. Your maximum is a 5% product. Actually, this figure is the golden mean for those who want to get a real dish with reduced calorie content, but at the same time tasty and in no way reminiscent of a strict dietary recipe. Of course, if you scrupulously count calories and every one counts, feel free to go for 0% fat.
- flour for cheesecakes. Take not just regular, but definitely whole grain! And it’s better if it’s oatmeal. Is there no such torment? No problem. Put a handful of oatmeal in a coffee grinder - a couple of seconds and the best flour for pp is ready! Don't be surprised if you come across recipes that don't contain flour at all! Everything is possible.
- natural sweetener. Of course, a pp recipe cannot contain regular sugar. Here you have complete carte blanche and you can choose any sugar substitute that you like best. However, you can even do without it! You don't have to put it in the recipe, because at the end you can simply sprinkle the finished dish with powdered sugar and - voila!
- protein. But here's good news for those who seriously monitor their diet and control their protein intake. You can add it to this recipe and thereby increase its amount in the finished dish!
Now let's take a look at our numbers in this version!
If you follow all the recommendations, you can end up with a calorie content of about 100 calories per 100 grams!
That is, we reduced the figure three times! Excellent result.
This dish will be your ideal breakfast, lunch and dinner. And also a unique snack that will help you stay away from junk food with empty calories during a strong feeling of hunger.
Still have doubts about cheesecakes?
PP cottage cheese casseroles: 12 recipes
Classic recipe
Cheese pancakes are prepared from low-fat cottage cheese, wheat flour, eggs, granulated sugar and baking powder.
Preparation next.
Composition of ingredients
To prepare cheesecakes according to a simple recipe, you will need the following ingredients:
- 500 g low-fat cottage cheese;
- 150 g wheat flour;
- 50 g granulated sugar;
- 1 egg;
- 1 tsp. baking powder.
Step-by-step cooking process
The cooking process consists of the following steps:
- First you need to prepare the dough. To do this, you need to break the eggs into a deep plate, add granulated sugar, add low-fat cottage cheese, sift wheat flour along with baking powder through a sieve and knead with your hands.
- Then you need to fill a tablespoon with dough, give the dough a round shape and place it on a baking sheet previously covered with parchment paper. The rest of the cheesecakes should be formed in the same way.
- Next, you need to heat the oven to 170°C, place the pan with cheesecakes in the oven and bake them for 25 minutes.
What can I add?
Milk, sour cream or kefir, cinnamon, apples, bananas and other fruits, prunes, dried apricots, raisins, carrots, semolina or oatmeal, cocoa, salt and spices are added to the cheesecake dough.
How to serve a dish
The cheesecakes are placed on a dish, topped with chocolate or caramel sauce, jam, condensed milk, honey, sprinkled with powdered sugar and served.
Cheesecakes in a slow cooker
Ingredients:Cottage cheese - 250 grams Raisins - 1 tbsp. Sugar - 2 tbsp. Vegetable oil - 1.5 tbsp. Salt - 1 pinch Flour - 50 grams Egg - 1 piece Vanilla sugar - 1 tsp.
Do you like cheesecakes fried in a frying pan, but don’t like cleaning up oil splatters from the stove? Prepare cheesecakes in a slow cooker! This popular gadget today can solve this small problem. It may not be very convenient to turn over our curd “cutlets” due to the height of the multicooker bowl, but we advise you not to place the cheesecakes close together; 4 pieces at a time are enough. By the way, if you temporarily cannot cook on the stove (for example, you live in the country in the summer or you have a long-awaited renovation in the kitchen), then this recipe will also be useful to you.View details
Products for unusual oven-baked cheesecakes made from low-fat cottage cheese
Recipes for cheesecakes made from low-fat cottage cheese have many interpretations, so it’s difficult to decide on just one.
The choice can be simplified if you use seasonal products for cooking. In spring, summer and autumn, berries will be the ideal combination for cottage cheese. To reduce calorie content, we will bake the dessert in the oven rather than fry it in a frying pan. Required set of products:
- 500 grams of cottage cheese (fat content not higher than 8%).
- 2 eggs.
- 60 grams of sugar.
- 50 grams of flour.
- 200 grams of seasonal berries.
- A pinch of salt.
- 5 g baking powder.
- A packet of vanilla sugar.
Berries can be replaced with fruits. It could be cherry, peach, banana, apricot, plum. The main thing is that the texture of the fruit allows it to bake well. The sweetness needs to be cut into small pieces and distributed evenly in the dough. During the baking process, a burnt smell may occur - this is the result of juice leaking from fruits or berries, so you should not be afraid.
Cheesecakes with apples
Ingredients:Cottage cheese - 250 grams Egg - 1 piece Vanilla sugar - to taste Semolina - 3 tbsp. Apples - 2 pieces Oatmeal - 1 glass
Another popular and affordable fruit is the apple. Let's try to make cheesecakes with it. We grate the apples on the coarsest grater - this way they will have time to cook, but will retain their taste, giving the cheesecakes juiciness and a delicate aroma. Let's not do without oatmeal, this time giving it the role of breading. But we won't fry it. Instead, we will place the cheesecakes on a baking sheet and then bake them in the oven. These cheesecakes are best served with maple syrup, honey, chocolate or caramel. However, traditional sour cream or berry sauce will also suit your taste.View details
How to reduce the calorie content of a dish
Dietary nutrition involves constant monitoring of the nutritional value of foods. How many calories are in dietary low-calorie cheesecakes?
- Classic with homemade cottage cheese and flour - 218.1 kcal.
- From semolina and low-fat cottage cheese - 160.4 kcal.
- In the oven - 123.6 kcal.
For dietary cheesecakes, you need to choose low-calorie products. Low-fat cottage cheese is perfect for dietary cheesecakes.
You can reduce the calorie content of the finished product by replacing sugar with fresh berries and fruits. Use curd mass or add low-fat yogurt.
Low-calorie cottage cheese can be made at home.
It is not possible to degrease a homemade product, but you can use homemade milk to prepare a low-calorie product.
The process looks like this step by step:
- separate the cream from homemade milk - this is the top layer of settled milk;
- the milk should sour, for this you can place it in a warm place;
- heat the sour milk over low heat until the whey separates from the rest of the mass;
- remove the whey using a sieve or colander, and the product is ready.
And if you make cheesecakes without flour, this will also reduce the calorie content of the dessert.
You can degrease the product by choosing the most dietary method of preparation, without the use of oil.
With bran instead of flour
- Cooking time: 30 minutes.
- Number of servings: 3 persons.
- Calorie content of the dish: 131 kcal.
- Purpose: for tea / for afternoon tea / for breakfast.
- Cuisine: Russian.
- Difficulty of preparation: medium.
The famous nutritionist Dukan has developed his own nutritional system, thanks to which you can easily lose weight. The first stage of the diet is called attack, when you need to eat a lot of protein foods. Cheesecakes with bran instead of flour are one of the recipes suitable for this phase. The composition of the dish will not cause any difficulties. The flour is simply replaced with oat bran, and the new recipe is ready. For serving, it is better to use creamy cottage cheese, which will be used instead of sauce.
- egg – 1 pc.;
- sweetener - to taste;
- low-fat cottage cheese – 250 g;
- vanillin – 0.5 tsp;
- oat bran – 1 tbsp.
Cooking method:
- Mix all the ingredients on the list together.
- Divide the resulting mixture into small molds.
- Place in the oven, bake at 180 degrees for about 15-20 minutes.
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PP cheesecakes with rice flour and chocolate-banana filling
An unusual recipe for cottage cheese with a very tasty, delicate banana and chocolate filling. A very interesting combination, be sure to try it.
KBJU per 100 g: 221/13/11/18.
You will need:
- Cottage cheese – 500 g.
- Rice flour – 40 g.
- Dark chocolate – 8 pieces.
- Banana – ½ pc.
- Vanilla sugar.
- Place the cottage cheese briquettes into a container and add a little vanilla sugar. Mash everything thoroughly with a fork. Gradually add one or two tablespoons of flour, depending on the moisture content of the cottage cheese. The dough should not be filled with flour, otherwise the cheesecakes will turn out dense.
- Cut half a banana into thin rings.
- Take some dough and flatten it into a flat cake. Place a banana ring and a slice of chocolate on top and pinch the edges. We form the products, bread them in flour.
- Fry the cheesecakes in a non-stick frying pan over low heat, covered on both sides.
Point No. 8: deboning
It is not necessary to roll cheesecakes, especially those made from well-seasoned dough. But if you roll them, they will look much more elegant. The thinnest crust is made from corn starch or rice flour - they instantly form a dense layer on the surface, and the excess is easy to shake off. It is better to roll the cheesecakes immediately before frying. The size of the cheesecakes and their thickness is a matter of your taste. The smaller the cheesecakes, the more “reliable” they are in terms of wheel alignment.
It is not necessary to roll the cheesecakes. But the rolled ones look much more elegant. The thinnest crust is made from cornstarch or rice flour.
How to cook “Cheesecakes from low-fat cottage cheese”
Prepare all the necessary ingredients.
Mash the cottage cheese with sugar with a fork.
Add the egg and a pinch of salt. Stir.
Add the flour last and let the dough rest for 5-7 minutes.
Take the dough with a tablespoon, form a cheesecake and roll in flour.
Fry the cheesecakes in vegetable oil over medium heat on both sides until cooked. Place on a paper towel to remove excess grease.
Bon appetit!
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Cheesecakes with raisins and cream sauce
Ingredients:Cottage cheese - 400 grams Cream - 150 grams Milk - 80 grams Raisins - 3 tbsp. Semolina - 30 grams Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. Egg - 1 pc. Salt - 1 pinch Sugar - 3 tbsp. Flour - 4 tbsp. Vanilla essence - to taste
Do you love cheesecakes with raisins, and the children frown and do “excavations”? We offer a compromise! Don't put the raisins in the dough, but add them... to the creamy sauce! Both ours and yours! Everyone will be happy with juicy cheesecakes with a delicate cream-like sauce. And raisin lovers will get as much of their favorite dried fruit as they want.View details
Secrets of frying cheesecakes from low-fat cottage cheese
The recipe with step-by-step photos of fluffy cheesecakes made from low-fat cottage cheese in a frying pan assumes compliance with the principle of proper frying. If you don’t know a few basic secrets, the following troubles may arise: the cheese curds will burn, will not rise, and the cottage cheese inside will remain uncooked.
Any recipe for cheesecakes made from low-fat cottage cheese at speed requires compliance with the following frying rules:
- Place the pieces in a frying pan, after melting the butter in it.
- Frying takes approximately 3 minutes on each side.
- When the cheesecake is fried on the first side, you need to cover it with a lid so that the workpiece rises.
- Turn the cheesecakes over and cook without a lid.
Due to the fact that the lid is closed, the cottage cheese inside the dessert will be baked and browned on top. The cooled dessert can be sprinkled with powdered sugar on top.
Item No. 6: baking powder
In fact, cheesecakes don’t need baking powder - once they rise in the pan, they will still fall off, and this is always very disappointing. But any dough with the addition of baking powder as a result is less dense and softer than without it. So this ingredient is your choice. By the way, the correctly selected ratio of cottage cheese and starch, as well as the temperature regime in the frying pan, helps cheesecakes and casseroles not to fall. Unfortunately, you need more starch. And the fire should be low so that the cheesecakes bake gradually.
Cheesecakes with cherry jelly
Ingredients:Sauce: Sugar - 2 tbsp. Cherry - 400 grams Starch - 2 tsp.
Cheesecakes: Cottage cheese - 600 grams Vanilla essence - 1-2 drops Flour - 2 tbsp. Sugar - 2 tbsp. Semolina - 2 tbsp. Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. Egg - 1 piece
The role of the sauce in this recipe will be played by thick cherry jelly. These cheesecakes are perfect for a summer breakfast, and in winter the sauce can be prepared using frozen cherries or canned cherry compote, for example. And the cheesecakes are the simplest - with semolina, fried in a frying pan. An excellent vitamin alternative to sandwiches or boring cereals.