Nastya Kamenskikh lost weight in quarantine. The singer's secrets and life hacks for a beautiful figure

Show business stars always attract increased attention - being under the gaze of the public, popular people cannot hide any flaws in their appearance. Therefore, even the slightest change in the image of a star causes a great public outcry. Anastasia Kamenskikh, a beautiful singer from the popular group “Potap and Nastya,” was no exception. Kamensky comes from Ukraine, the birthplace of lard and borscht, and has always been distinguished by its very appetizing shapes.

Nastya never aspired to look like a top model, so in numerous interviews she noted that she was quite happy with her curvaceous figure. However, not so long ago Nastya Kamenskikh amazed fans with serious changes in her figure. The girl literally became thin; not a trace remained of her plump cheeks and slightly protruding tummy. However, the star still excites the minds of fans with her luxurious bust and rounded hips. Serious changes in the star's appearance aroused great interest among the public.

What foods should you avoid?

The diet from Nastya Kamenskikh does not belong to the category of diets that provide for strict food restrictions. However, the TV presenter advises against eating certain foods:

  • Fatty, rich broths;
  • Flour and bakery products;
  • Alcoholic and carbonated drinks;
  • Canned food and smoked meats;
  • Fatty and fried meat;
  • Food from fast food restaurants;
  • Spicy and high-calorie sauces.

When compiling your daily diet, include protein foods, for example: fish, cottage cheese or eggs. The menu should consist of 70% foods rich in plant fiber (vegetables, fruits, grains and legumes, as well as berries).

You are allowed to drink fruit and vegetable juices, herbal infusions and weak tea. In the morning, to normalize metabolic processes, you are allowed to drink a cup of coffee, preferably finely ground.

As for dinner, Nastya refutes the famous rule “DO NOT eat after 6”. Of course, dinner should be light. You can eat some low-fat cottage cheese or any fruit. For breakfast, the singer prefers oatmeal with the addition of fruits and nuts. Thus, you get a balanced and satisfying breakfast.

Authorized Products

To lose weight properly, it is important to eat healthy foods. Having learned this rule, the singer goes around the shelves with unhealthy food in stores and buys only healthy ones. Nastya Kamenskikh’s diet includes the following products that will make your diet varied and balanced:

  • Lean meat, fish. Beef, veal, chicken, pink salmon, cod, and pollock are perfect.
  • Chicken eggs.
  • Vegetables: cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, cabbage, eggplant, radishes, greens, lettuce.
  • Berries, fruits: apples, oranges, grapefruits, kiwis, peaches, watermelon, melon, bananas.
  • Cereals, grains: buckwheat, brown rice, pearl barley, rolled oats, bran.
  • Dairy products: low-fat cottage cheese, cheese, milk, natural yogurt (without additives), yogurt, fermented baked milk.
  • Nuts.
  • Unrefined olive oil.
  • Drinks: coffee, green tea, water, natural juices, fruit juice without sugar.

Features and rules of the diet

“If a person suffers from gluttony and devotes more time to eating than to everyday worries, the problem should be looked for in a psychological state (see psychological dependence on food). We eat to live, not the other way around. Overweight needs to be dealt with gradually. Under no circumstances should you go on a sudden diet; your body will not thank you for it, but will only worsen your health. It took me months of healthy eating and exercise to become slim,” explains Nastya Kamenskikh.

Anastasia discovered individual ways to combat extra pounds:

  1. Set a goal for yourself and show desire. “The first thing I did,” says the artist, “was to stop stepping on the scales and focus only on my clothes, which I wore when I was slim. So my goal was born - I had to fit into these clothes. With the help of proper diet and exercise, I lost 12 centimeters in my hips within 2 months, and my weight remained the same.”
  2. Discipline yourself. Previously, Nastya explained her poor diet and her “curvy” figure by her endless touring schedule. And at this pace it is simply impossible to keep track of proper nutrition. Now Anastasia acts differently. “Early in the morning I prepare meals for myself calculating calories for the whole day, while choosing only healthy foods. Therefore, when going to photo shoots, filming, or touring, I always have the right food at hand.”
  3. Correction of portions. “I used to think that if you eat a lot, you won’t want to eat soon. But it was not so. I constantly had a feeling of hunger, and from the huge portions I felt heaviness and discomfort. I reduced my portions. If before I could eat a whole banana, or even two, now I prefer only half. I drink a lot of fluid, about 4 liters per day. I completely eliminated alcohol, it only provokes my appetite. The main thing is to eat at a clearly established time.”
  4. Psychological adjustment. “I try to tell myself every day that I am beautiful and will become even more beautiful,” Nastya shares. – Every woman should wake up with such words and fall asleep with them. Then everything will be fine for you.”

Pros and cons of the diet

Each diet has its own advantages - harmful toxins are eliminated, excess weight is lost, the body receives vitamins and minerals, the immune system is strengthened, and so on. But where there are advantages, there are always disadvantages:

  • intolerance of the body, which is accompanied by headache, nausea, deterioration of stool, vomiting, allergic reactions and other consequences;
  • development or exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • depression and psychological disorders;
  • dehydration of the body (dehydration);
  • Diet addiction of an emotional nature.


In interviews, Kamenskikh never hid the fact that she suffers from a tendency to be overweight. The singer claims that the path to losing weight was very difficult. These were long fasts and aggressive diets. The result remained unnoticeable and after that the body gained twice as much weight.

It was only when the singer set herself the goal of achieving a slim figure through daily workouts and eating healthy food that the effect exceeded expectations. At the moment, Nastya Kamenskikh demonstrates this by publishing photos in swimsuits and tight dresses. Thanks to her healthy daily routine, she achieved an impeccable figure.

In interviews, Anastasia does not give clear figures for her weight, but always talks only about the fact that she can wear tight clothes. Therefore, judging by the photographs, one can only assume that the singer has lost 2-3 sizes.

Useful video

Watch this video about how Nastya Kamenskikh lost weight:

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How did Nastya Kamenskikh lose weight?

First of all, the singer turned to a professional for help. Moreover, he became not a nutritionist, but a psychologist. He established the cause of excess weight. According to him, excess weight accumulates as a result of stress and problems in her personal life, which Nastya tries to eat away. The specialist explained that the body senses that it is not loved, so it requires food to calm down.

After visiting a psychologist, Nastya Kamenskikh realized that there was no need to fanatically lose weight, trying to get rid of extra pounds. If diets do not provide the required effectiveness, it is better to leave everything as it is and not complex it. At the same time, the girl decided to change her lifestyle, which helped her, unexpectedly for herself, achieve her cherished forms. She didn’t even notice how she had lost weight.

The basic principles of Nastya Kamenskikh’s weight loss are as follows:

  • instead of grueling workouts in the gym, you need to exercise regularly with moderate loads;
  • one-time diets give temporary results, so it is better to change your usual diet and maintain proper nutrition constantly;
  • Instead of junk food, preference should be given to natural products;
  • It is important to drink plenty of water throughout the day.

Adhering to these rules, Anastasia quickly achieved weight loss and became slim.

On a note! According to Nastya Kamenskikh herself, the secret to losing weight is 80% in proper nutrition and 20% in physical activity.

Repeated use and exit from the diet

As Nastya Kamenskikh says, she follows repeated diets every week. “I call these days fasting days. Basically, I try not to abuse such diets. My diet includes water days and I have enough of them. The main thing is that you not only need to monitor your diet, but also actively engage in physical exercise,” the singer assures. – I do soup diets every month. During breaks, I can allow myself to eat something harmful, but in moderation.”

After every diet, recovery time is needed. It is not recommended to immediately start eating with “heavy” dishes. In the first days, it is advisable to eat cereals, vegetables and fruits. Afterwards, gradually switch to your usual diet and active lifestyle.

If you are interested in Nastya's diet, be sure to try it. But first make sure that you have no contraindications. And if there are any pathological processes in the body, consult your doctor.

Sample menu

The artist’s secret to losing weight is 20% physical training and 80% proper diet. Of course, every diet is considered an expensive and troublesome pleasure, but effective. “Preparing food for the whole day takes me 1.5 hours every morning,” the star shares. “But food is always at hand and you don’t have to run somewhere to buy groceries and eat on the go.” I eat 4-5 times a day. My menu always includes dietary meat, vegetables and fruits. For drinks, I prefer freshly squeezed juice.”

Additionally, we recommend reading the article about fractional meals.

The main thing, according to Nastya Kamenskikh’s advice, is to limit yourself in consuming fatty, fried, smoked foods, dishes with minimal salt content, flour and confectionery products.

Anastasia shared her approximate diet :

  1. The singer's breakfast begins with oatmeal cooked in water without salt or sugar. Almonds (5-7 pieces) and grated green apple are added to the porridge. The drink is green tea or juice.
  2. After 3 hours, Nastya has a second breakfast, which is more satisfying. It includes 3 hard-boiled chicken eggs and a vegetable salad without oil or salt.
  3. For lunch, Kamenskikh boils himself rice or buckwheat porridge with dietary boiled meat (chicken, rabbit, etc.), and makes a fruit salad. Every 2-3 days Nastya replaces meat with low-calorie fish.
  4. Dinner. On the table there is dietary meat or steamed fish and vegetables.
  5. Sometimes the singer arranges a late dinner for herself at around 10:00 p.m. The menu includes fat-free cottage cheese or kefir.

Anastasia Kamenskikh also arranges 2 types of diets for herself. The first option is strict. Includes drinking only water for 2 days. A week before the diet, you should exclude dairy products, fish and meat. Consume only those vegetables that contain a high percentage of water (cucumber, celery, lettuce). If you feel very hungry while using the diet, you can drink a glass of low-fat kefir.

The second diet option is soup. The duration of the diet is 5 days. Soup recipes should be changed daily. An approximate soup menu for Nastya during the diet:

  1. The first day. Products: beets, cabbage and tomatoes. Everything is boiled in lightly salted water and seasoned with herbs.
  2. On the second day, celery root and broccoli soup is served. Vegetables are chopped on a grater.
  3. For 2 liters of water take 200 grams of tomatoes, celery and beets. Sprinkle with dill or parsley before serving.
  4. Ingredients: 300 grams of white cabbage, potatoes and tomatoes each. Sprinkle the soup with finely chopped bell pepper.
  5. Boil carrots, sweet peppers, tomatoes, potatoes and cabbage. Then puree all the vegetables using a blender. Boil a chicken egg and cut in half. Pour the cream soup into a plate, garnishing with 1/2 an egg.

You should consume at least 4-5 bowls of soup per day. In the first days, the feeling of hunger increases, so it is permissible to prepare a light salad of tomatoes, herbs, cucumbers and cabbage. Season with lemon juice only.

One of Nastya Kamenskikh’s favorite salads is a dish of arugula salad and shrimp, as well as grated carrots:

  1. The first diet salad. Boil 800 grams of shrimp. Pour 10 grams of olive oil into a hot frying pan and fry the shrimp for 3 minutes. Tear the washed arugula salad into a separate bowl with your hands and pour the cooked meat on top. Lightly salt the dish and garnish with cherry tomatoes.
  2. Grate the carrots and apple on a coarse grater. Fry crushed walnuts in a frying pan and mix with the main ingredients. Season the salad with lemon juice and honey (10 grams) and garnish with herbs.
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